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BIG BRIGHT BEAUTIFUL WORLD;; open - joining - Printable Version

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BIG BRIGHT BEAUTIFUL WORLD;; open - joining - trojan g. - 05-01-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; max-width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:11pt;text-align:justify;"]If she was to say that she had control over the flying, Tasia would be lying. There were times, yes, where she wanted to say she had it, she understood, but then a strong wind would come over and she'd be knocked back and almost out of the sky, but she'd always find her way once more and be able to straighten herself out. Whether it be her own strong will or her father or uncle helping her out from above while he watched over her, she didn't know, but either way she was grateful.

Paws up in the air, she held herself up as she flew, the wings along her front ankles pulling her forward and down upon the beach shore, and her ears would prick as feet met sand, the soft squish between her toes igniting glee within her. She'd never felt wet sand before, and although the squish between the toes wasn't something she knew she wanted when it had dried, it felt good, so she'd stand there, looking down, squishing the sand.

Re: BIG BRIGHT BEAUTIFUL WORLD;; open - joining - natyli r. - 05-02-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]COME AND FLY AW[color=#6897be]AY WI[color=#628ab9]TH ME
Natyli knew a day would come, when she could fly.  Those rosy wings on her back would finally be big and strong enough.  Would she be good at it?  Would she like it?  Truth be told, the young jaguar struggled with heights sometimes and flying... Meant dealing with great heights.  Well.  Not if I start only a lil bit off the ground...

The chimera, prone to wandering off due to an easily distracted mind, was more than startled and curious when an unfamiliar girl landed on the sand ahead of her.

She was pretty and woah, her wings are on her paws!  Self-consciously, her mitchmatched hues flashed backwards, towards her own wings.  Winged paws were so cool...

Quickly, Natyli shook her head, a friendly grin flashing across her maw.  "Hey!" Happily, her paws bounded one over the other until she reached the strange girl, eyes bright.  "I like your wings. I'm Natyli, what's your name?"

Re: BIG BRIGHT BEAUTIFUL WORLD;; open - joining - michael t. - 05-02-2020

Michael was not unused to animals with wings that really shouldn't have had wings. After all, Roxie was his sister, and she, along with pretty much all of her children, had wings. At first it had startled him, but over time the extraordinary had become ordinary, and the bobcat became used to the feeling of a wing brushing against his side whenever he pressed up to his sibling's side. However, Roxie and her children all had wings on their backs, where Michael could pretty much expect them to be. This newcomer – who had happened to startle the thief quite a bit by landing in the sand quite near his little home – instead had her wings in a rather unusual place: on her paws. Interest quite thoroughly piqued, the privateer got up to his paws before long, moving away from his house to pad up beside Natyli. His head cocked to one side as he looked Tasia over, somewhat disappointed to see that she didn't seem to have anything valuable on her. He let Natyli speak first, watching his niece for a moment before he added on, curiously, "Those wings are pretty... interesting. Where are you from, anyways?" It was sort of his job now to welcome people in and figure out why they were here, but that didn't mean he had to be a dick about it.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: BIG BRIGHT BEAUTIFUL WORLD;; open - joining - OCTANE. - 05-02-2020


High-Speed Daredevil
"Ooh, sick death, dude!"


Octane hated flyers. Or, things that could fly for that matter. It was like they were taunting him, pointing and laughing at his metal legs and covering more ground then he could hope to. That stupid robot pathfinder was able to keep up with him sometimes, and that always meant Octane had to be better, faster, faster, faster.

He hated that species of flyers, too. They picked him up and carried him away one time- not fun! There was even further issue, how Octane envied them. The world was on a whole different plane of reality in the air. Wingsuits were the closest he ever got- he couldn't pass the test or a medical for a pilot license. Too fucking boring anyways.

Maybe he should move his hut somewhere else- the sand was so stupid. It got in his legs and just... didn't vibe with his legs. Was sand capable of committing a hate crime? He chuckles at the thought.
All these thoughts come to some fruition as he sees the (objectively normal) stranger kitty-kat and then some other familiar faces. Okay? He was out on a run. Not be weird. Say hi- "Hey Amigo, you got some weird wings! Are they yours? Why are they so tiny?" Fuck.

Original code by lexasperated / artwork by @R_HillPrime

Re: BIG BRIGHT BEAUTIFUL WORLD;; open - joining - trojan g. - 05-02-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; max-width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:11pt;text-align:justify;"]When Tasia had landed her, she hadn't expected there to be others around. She'd thought that this had been a place that had been deserted long ago, though it seemed as though animals still resided where humans could not - unless humans were somehow here too and she just hadn't seen them.

When Natyli came towards her, Tasia's head snapped up and then suddenly down again, looking towards the cub that confronted her, and a smile came to her face once more - she was adorable. She looked her quickly over as she spoke, and Tasia would take in the kid's name, opening her maw to speak in response. "My name's Tasia," She would offer, squatting down for a moment to speak once more, "I love your wings too!" She hadn't seen leather-like wings before, usually feathered, and the colors were pretty.

Michael was next to approach, and Tasia would straighten up as he did, watching in slight confusion at all of the jewelry he wore, though shook it from her fact as quickly as she could. He was taller than her, and although she knew she'd find others like that eventually she hadn't expected it to be so soon, though his words made her lose those thoughts, and she'd listen, ears flicking back at the slight pause about her wings, before coming forth once more. "I like to think so too," She'd offer, leaving a slight pause before speaking once more, "And I'm from Olympus." She'd been sent out recently due to her uncle coming back in more and more sour moods.

Eyes flicked up once more as a tall cheetah came to her once again, and ears pinned for a moment as she noticed the metal on his legs. What had happened? Was he ok? Questions were answered once he began speaking ears fixed themselves almost immediately, seemingly from shock for a moment. He didn't talk like how she'd expected him to to be frank. "How're they weird..." She'd drift off, confused, for only a moment, "And they're mine and small because I'm small I guess? My dad's were the same size..."

Re: BIG BRIGHT BEAUTIFUL WORLD;; open - joining - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-02-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
Wings on creatures that wouldn't normally have them was something normal; at least, in Aphra's eyes. it was just something normal around here, she didn't really question it. What was weird, however, was the wings on this stranger's paws. And the size of them. At least from what Aphra noticed, most wings were bat-like or bird-like, but she did like how dainty this stranger looked with the small wings on her paws. Aphra came to stand beside Michael, tilting her head at the black-striped she-cat.

Octane's questions were always a bit invasive and annoying, but Aphra found them a tad amusing. The dude was weird, but he had an odd charm to him. "Not very many people have wings like yours, hon." Aphra tried to explain with a soft smile. "Most are leather or feathered, but that doesn't mean yours aren't pretty. It's nice to see something new, honestly." Just like Tasia herself. Tasia was a new face, one Aphra never saw before anywhere. The other feline mentioned being from Olympus and Aphra's mind went to the place in Greek lore. The succubus let out a snort, not believing that Tasia was truly from there. It wasn't a real place, was it? Regardless, Tasia wasn't at Olympus anymore and she was in The Typhoon's territory, and that's what mattered.

"My name is Aphra by the way." It pained Aphra not to speak her last name, and maybe she still could; she didn't know. But for right now, she wanted to get used to not introducing herself with her father's surname. "You're in The Typhoon's territory. What brings you here?" Did this she-cat even know she was in their territory? She seemed rather surprised that there were people here.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BIG BRIGHT BEAUTIFUL WORLD;; open - joining - michael t. - 05-04-2020

Man, they really needed to work on Octane's people skills. The last time he had spoken with the cheetah, the other had expressed a sense of frustration over feeling alienated from others, but then he went and did stuff like this. Didn't he know that it was rude to just ask people about their body parts? Gently pushing against Octane's shoulder as a warning, Michael muttered quickly, "Jesus Octane, you don't just ask somebody something like that. Not like she can control it." Not anymore than he could control the color of his eyes or Octane could control the pattern of his spots, anyways. Her wings being on her paws was definitely an odd site to be sure, but the thief doubted that Tasia had intentionally chosen to have them be there. Her saying that she was Olympus was also pretty damn weird, but it was hardly the first time anything weird had popped up in the Typhoon. After all, just look at their leader. Goldie, although definitely badass, was infinitely weird with all the god stuff and her terrifying powers.

Turning his attention away from Octane and Goldie, Michael processed both what Aphra and Tasia had said, tilting his head thoughtfully. So she was supposedly here from Olympus... how had she ended up in the Typhoon? Curious and more than a little amused, the fugitive added onto Aphra's statement with a grin, "Are you maybe here on some kind of assignment from Olympus? They're all about messages and hanging out with mortals up there, aren't they?" Michael knew very little about actual mythology beyond what he had read once or twice on the road, but he did know one thing. Those gods from Olympus really did have a thing for interacting with – or having kids with – mortals, and he could only imagine that perhaps Tasia was one of those kids. It would be kind of neat, if the Typhoon had been chosen by the gods for something. Although it also could've been disastrous, considering their prophecies were far from always having happy endings.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: BIG BRIGHT BEAUTIFUL WORLD;; open - joining - OCTANE. - 05-06-2020


High-Speed Daredevil
"Ooh, sick death, dude!"


Octane's head tilts to the side, trying to pull up a paw to his chin, expressing he's thinking. "Most people's wings are on their back, I think." The notion of wings on strnage animals in the first place was werid- are these guys aliens? "What's Olympus?" A follow up question- because he doesn't know and weighs out in his head if he cares for the answer.

He jumps a little as Michael speaks, rolling his shoulders and putting his paw back down. "Don't people have like... powers around here though? I thought I heard shape-shifting was a thing- is that true? Cause then like, you could control what you look like, right?"


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by @R_HillPrime