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sweet eyes - joining - Printable Version

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sweet eyes - joining - fulzanin - 05-01-2020

Spring was a nice season. The cold depths of winter passed away and gave way to the rebirth of many plants. The insects returned from, seemingly, nowhere. Birdsong was common and flowers began to bloom in their vibrant and spectacular ways. Some of these insects were pollinators, those that carried the pollen from those blooming flowers for their own needs and wound up helping the plants as well. One such a creature was the bumblebee. They were one of the more common species of bees that fluttered around in the springtime to search for sustenance and, inadvertently, pollinate the plants that they visited. They did tend to bumble about, fluttering from plant to plant in search of food. Harmless, with no stinger on their body like most bees tended to be associated with. Fuzzy as well - or perhaps hairy was just as equal a term to use in such an instance.

By no means was Nuzapa a bee. She looked like one for certain with her segmented body, colorations, and extreme amounts of fluff. But she knew she was a dragon, but she also liked the lifestyle that her bee like appearance gave her. She was way bigger than any bee could hope to be. Bee was also a shorter term than 'dragon', wasn't it? Less syllables, far easier for her to say. Nuzapa had problems with pronunciation, but that was where her one power came in. She could simply mold what she said after she'd said it so that it sounded correct. Lots of time had been spent achieving such a feat when bees didn't even communicate in such a way, and the dragons and other creatures she came across tended to not give her exact feedback when she practiced. The dragon found herself venturing a bit further than normal. It wasn't hard to do such a thing, her void eyes only able to see things that moved. A constant ushering of a breeze helped, but Nuzapa really wanted to see if finally, finally venturing far enough from the flower fields that she'd lived in for ages would grant her what she sought for most.

Bumbling into a tree halted the dragon's process. Her eyes lifted up, noting the branches swaying with the faintest of breezes. Where, exactly, she was happened to be uncertain to her. Nuzapa's wings buzzed slightly, moving from their position resting near her back. Lost she was, head tipping a little. "Oh, dear," she chattered, feeling strange using her voice as it wasn't quite common for her. That was were the slightest of manipulation of the air came in, allowing her to form her words better and make up for the lack of moving mouth parts. "Tha's probably a lotta trees." She moved closer to one, nudging it with a leg. Quite sturdy, not that she could quite tell what kind of tree it was - or the kinds of trees point blank. Her antennae stretched forward, tapping against the bark gently. Lost was the dragon, but she didn't have anywhere else to be at the time. Sheer luck allowed for the dragon to not get caught or trapped due to her movement based sight, or perhaps the fact that she'd been buzzing along through the air until bumping into something halted her after she'd started moving along again.

TAGS 5/1/20:

Re: sweet eyes - joining - alaric g. - 05-01-2020

    Alaric could not say that he had been expecting to be quite so large of an enigma on his foray into the forest today, but here, he was, staring at a massive bee as it buzzed pleasantly through the woods, bumbling into a tree every now and then. It was a sight truly unlike any other. Furrowed brows stared upon the thing with a mix of intrigue and distaste, the latter feeling owing to the tabby's distaste for bugs of any sort.

    After a while, he decided to call out to the bee. "Erm, excuse me," he would shout upwards, hoping that the bee was actually sentient and not an actual giant bee. He waited until he got a reaction before speaking again. "What's your name and business here? You're in Tanglewood."
don't do love, don't do friends

Re: sweet eyes - joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-02-2020

Re: sweet eyes - joining - Ivan - 05-02-2020

[Image: b94dbd8a-65a5-11ea-af51-45358cb49cc4.gif]
pixel by tricky

[div style="width: 300px; max-height: 100px; height: overflow; overflow: scroll; padding-bottom: 5px; margin-top: -5px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; color: #152232; letter-spacing: 0px; text-align: justify;"]He kept fancying that Ivan was absorbed in something — something inward and important — that he was striving toward some goal, perhaps very hard to attain.
— Бра́тья Карама́зовы

He was born in the winter, but the changing of the seasons would do little to change his mood. He had  noticed a rapid occurrence of insects, but he hardly paid them any attention. He didn't like bugs, but he was aware that some of his brothers did. Bugs just symbolized a lower form of life, one step away from plants. It was no noble thing, to be a bug. He might think differently now.

This was this rare occurrence in which Ivan ventured further than the town. After his mother's traumatic injury and the appearance of the spiked serpent, Ivan found no joy in pushing farther. However, some disappearances led him to attempt to strike out on his own, if only he could find a whiff of Winston. He wasn't counting on seeing a gigantic bee-looking dragon. He skipped behind Alaric, his ebony fur fluffing up in defense. He felt a bit lightheaded, but he didn't want to faint again so he relaxed his joints and lay down on the ground, his flanks heaving.

"Hhh, hh, Where, hm, whe-where did you come, come from?" It didn't even feel like he was actually speaking.

Re: sweet eyes - joining - wormwood. - 05-02-2020

It was not unusual for there to be unusual creatures within Tanglewood. In fact, Aurum himself was a rather unusual creature, with his gold and sunset red pelt, massive wings, and one missing eye. He was hardly the first, and he had strong doubts that he would ever be the last. However, giant bugs were not something that he had the pleasure – or rather displeasure, really – of seeing all that often. The last time he had seen a creature such as Nuzapa, it had been a giant Pittian bug, which had snatched up his son and carried him away in the past. As a result of this, the proxy didn't exactly have the best running track record with giant bugs. Despite this, he tried not to let that past incident affect him too much, or color his judgement. It wouldn't be fair, especially since Nuzapa didn't seem to be providing too much of a threat for now. Overall, the massive best-looking dragon really just seemed confused, if he were to honestly look at her. Perhaps she hadn't meant to end up here, and they could direct her to where she had actually intended to go.

Coming up beside Ivan, Aurum felt a surge of anxious protectiveness come over him as he grew close to the other, paranoid to simply be in the presence of another insectoid. His tail flicked and curled behind him, eventually curling up to rest lightly against Ivan's spine in a protective touch, his claws digging into the earth beneath him. The important questions had already answered, so the lion felt little need to speak, but he was fairly sure that his point had been made. Even with the size difference between he and Nuzapa, the bee dragon would end up suffering severely if she chose to snatch anyone from the current group, even if she didn't seem the type. For all he knew, she could only know how to speak as much as the two phrases that she had already said, and she was just as braindead as the Pittian had been. Astiar had always looked harmless, and some among them had even insisted that he not be harmed, but that had never really worked out for them. This creature could even be some kind of associate of the big brute, even if that didn't seem entirely likely. Bugs had never really been the angels thing, but he knew enough to know that bees and whatever Astiar had been didn't have very much in common.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM

Re: sweet eyes - joining - fulzanin - 05-03-2020

There was a lot of moving parts, Nuzapa noticed after a couple seconds. Lots that hadn't been there a few moments ago. No breeze was really required when they all showed up together, making it sort of hard for the dragon to tell where one creature ended and the other began. Not that such a thing was really all that important. The bee dropped herself down from where she'd been fluttering along, landing a little rough but nothing absurd. The ground was hard to see most of the time to the dragon that could only see with movement. Antennae stretched forward, wriggling, and jagged feet moved her a little bit closer. "Name Nuzapa," she cheerily said, raising up her head. One voice, was all of those moving bits just one creature? She wriggles in an absent manner, not finding it suitable to be still. She figured everyone saw like her, the shining outlines that came from movement. "Was lookin' round mostly," she then adds on. Tanglewood? What a funny and unique word.

Her antennae curled back towards herself from where they had begun stretching forward, as if trying to feel for something. "Lotta trees," she then re-confirms, swinging her fluffy head to one of the trees that she had just had the luxury of bumping into. Such a feat hadn't been hard. Getting trees to move so she could see them, even with the ability to create a breeze, was quite the hard task. Not that Nuzapa was skilled with her sole power due to the lack of practice and practicality, but the bee did her best to not bumble into things. Some weren't all that forgiving when she happened to buzz right into them. When the question of where she came from was asked, the bee continued wriggling, antennae then twitching. "From there. Kinda far," she answers. Shuffling on her feet allows her to flick her antennae in the way that she came. She figured such was a good answer.

Nuzapa's void like eyes moved due to her head pivoting. "Is hatchling? Sound hatchling." She briefly inquires, wings briefly buzzing as she pivoted back to face the.. one? Two? Two voices, so there had to just be two people present. A hatchling, and maybe the parent? Parents didn't really matter in the motherly bee's eyes, just the well being of the youth. Not that she'd had any of her own - not in a long time, at least. Such equally didn't matter to Nuzapa. She wriggles again, antennae again stretching forward before relaxing once again. "Very far. Looking new places. To stay." She then elaborates, her pronunciation faltering somewhat. 'Looking', such a long word to the bee, one that warranted the ever slightest of awkwardness from her equally as awkward method of helping her speech be heard.

TAGS 5/1/20:

Re: sweet eyes - joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-04-2020

Re: sweet eyes - joining - CAUSTIC. - 05-06-2020



"Humanity. It's just a word."

He is, ever so vaguely, reminded of Astair. The dragon was an odd creature, and this one seemed to be bug like in the same manner. It was also, capable of speaking more than the cicada dragon was.
He approaches, stopping behind Ivan and locking onto the stranger. He wonders if it molts, or if it had any other interesting data to share.
"Yes," he adds, flicking his tail, "you're welcome to stay. I am Dr. Caustic, myself."

Original code by lexasperated / artwork by @R_HillPrime

Re: sweet eyes - joining - wormwood. - 05-07-2020

Nuzapa. It was an unusual name, for an unusual creature. However, Aurum didn't exactly have much room to speak, with his own name seemingly bearing no meaning at first glance. Perhaps Nuzapa's name held some deeper meaning in another language or in her own mind, just as his did. Either way, her odd way of speaking and moving somewhat put the angel at ease, not feeling like as much of a threat to him anymore. She was far from normal, that was for sure, but she hadn't exactly snatched anyone up either, which was definitely a plus. Her way of speaking was very basic, and Aurum had his doubts about how intelligent she really was, but that didn't mean much when it came to welcoming people in. After all, the lion had gotten his name from Ament, someone who couldn't even speaking in their usual civilized language. He had made close friends with those less intelligent, or intelligent in very different ways. It was simply the way of Tanglewood, which was slowly becoming more and more of a massive melting pot over time. They had people of all sorts of different creeds and backgrounds here, a fact that was only further emphasized by the arrival of Caustic on the scene.

Shifting a wing to Caustic in greeting, Aurum didn't take his eyes off of Nuzapa before speaking, a small smile curling on his muzzle, "Ah, well... hello there, Nuzapa. As everyone else said, you're entirely welcome to stay here in Tanglewood for as long as you like. We have a town for everyone to stay at, and plenty of people to interact with..." Things had grown a little slow as of late, but the proxy didn't entirely mind that. It was kind of a relief, honestly, not having to worry about as many things while he was still in a state of grief. He quickly ridded his mind of those thoughts for now, shoving them down deep beneath his ribs. He would have time for his worries and mourning later. For now, he just needed to focus on welcoming someone in. It was a task he had done so many times before, so he wasn't sure why it felt so hard now. Despite this, he managed to push through, mumbling as he shifted on his sturdy paws, "My name is Aurum. I'm the second in command around here, so if you have any issues, you can feel free to come talk to me. Hopefully you won't have any problems, though. We're all pretty friendly around here." Conflict was far from nonexistent within the group, but at least they weren't constantly at each other's throats, and it wasn't as if he had people banging on his door with their issues all too often.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM