Beasts of Beyond
HELP ME FIND THE RIGHT WAY OUT // open, entrance ritual - Printable Version

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HELP ME FIND THE RIGHT WAY OUT // open, entrance ritual - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-01-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
The entrance ritual was something Aphra had done before, over two years ago when she had first joined The Typhoon. And although she remembered the feeling of dread that the drink had given her, Aphra knew that technically speaking, the concoction had a 50/50 chance of causing either bad or good things to happen. It only made sense that she would try again after returning, especially since she wanted to try and renew the wrongs she had done recently. After she had asked the bartender at the tavern to make her the jungle juice, Aphra was taken to a boat which sailed her off to Haven Island. Once at the island, Aphra was quickly ushered off of the boat. Her mind was already groggy from the drink, unable to focus on anything in front of her. She stared blankly at the ocean as the NPC sailed off, leaving her alone. Aphra found herself drifting to sleep, unable to fight the drowsiness...

.... How long had she been knocked out for? Aphra jolted awake, her heart pounding for seemingly no reason. She glanced around at where she was, realizing that she wasn't home in her bed like she believed she was. No, she was alone on an island she vaguely recognized. All the islands were practically the same, anyway, and it didn't help that this one had a bunch of fog that hovered around her. It was thick, making it hard to even see her own paws.
"Hello?" The she-cat called out pitifully, a strange feeling forming in her chest as no one answered. Her chest seemed to tighten. Had her crewmates finally gotten enough of her? Were they leaving her to die? After everything she had done, Aphra almost understood why they would. After all, why would she threaten a child, who was already beating himself up over something he had done? Why would she offer to bury the child of a mourning mother? These things were horrible and Aphra had a bad tendency to say things without thinking, something she seemed to inherit from her father. It would make sense why her crewmates wanted her dead, but at the same time... Would they really murder one of their own?

Aphra shakily rose to her paws, deciding to seek out help. Surely there was someone here. Maybe she was just being paranoid; she did go to the tavern before waking up here, after all. It would make sense that she probably just passed out on the beach and woke up early in the morning, hence the fog. "Roxie?" The urge to see her friend was overbearing, honestly. When the Reaver didn't answer her, Aphra bit her lip. Was Roxie mad at her too?
She has every right to be. Aphra thought. After all, she was the one to suggest that Brandykit had killed Trygve in the heat of the moment, and Roxanne had clearly been affected by her words. It only made sense; a mother couldn't bear the mere idea of her child being dead. I was only saying that to protect her... It was true. Aphra hadn't meant her words in such a way; she didn't believe that Ry was dead, but if he was, Aphra was only trying to save her friend from grief. Roxanne had already been through so much, losing her lover, never meeting great-niece, and probably a lot more things that Aphra wasn't even aware of. She didn't deserve to go through the grief of losing a son.

But what if it was true? What if Brandykit had killed Trygve? Aphra threatened to murder Brandykit herself, but she knew that her words weren't true. Goldenluxury, understandably so, snarled at her and promised that if Aphra ever harmed her son, it would be the last thing she ever did.
I wouldn't ever harm a child. That much was true. Aphra couldn't see herself ever harming a child, even if they were one of her own. Not physically, at least. All the same, Aphra wasn't entirely sure what she would have done if Brandykit really did kill Ry. Would she have actually lashed out at him if he had? Would she berate the kid? Right now, Aphra couldn't answer that question.

By now, the oriental longhair had stumbled deeper into the forest that grew on Haven Island and there was still no sign of any sort of life here other than herself. The feeling in her chest grew worse and Aphra felt like she was heaving in an attempt to get air into her lungs. "Golden?" At this point, she didn't care who answered her now. Goldenluxury, even if Aphra didn't particularly like her, was at least somebody. "Brandy? Seakit?" Still no response from either of the Captain's kids. Aphra was truly alone here and it bothered her. It made her paranoid; the she-cat didn't like the feeling of dread that was hanging over her head, causing her heart to pound and her chest to continue to tighten.

A flicker of bright yellow in the corner of her eye made hope flare in her chest. "Caesar!" Aphra called out to her father, knowing that only one feline on this entire planet had that brightly colored fur. Ears pricked, the she-cat ran after where she thought her father was, only for the much larger feline to pounce on her. Aphra blinked up at him in surprise, wincing at the icy glare that he gave her. He bared his teeth at her but said nothing. Instead, the savannah raised a paw and raked his claws across her face. Aphra let out a screech of pain, instinctively pushing Caesar off of her. She took off in a random direction, pain searing through her face. Caesar chased after her, leaping at her as he got close, to which Aphra ducked. She felt his claws rip open her ear, blood slowly trickling from the wound. Her vision was already blurred from the blood on her face and she found herself unable to open one of her eyes. Aphra whipped around and took off once more, fear powering her as she ran off.

Aphra came to a halt as she tripped over a stone, and tumbled into the sand. Blood went on the ground from her wounds and the wounds themselves felt like they were on fire. The she-cat laid on the ground where she fell, however, and simply tried to catch her breath. Her non-injured eye glanced around as much as it could, trying to find a trace of Caesar. Fortunately for her, the dream demon didn't seem to be around. After reassuring herself that her father wasn't near, Aphra once again got to her paws. She hissed as one of her forelegs crumpled under her weight, realizing that she had twisted it when she fell. Carefully and shakily, the she-cat limped towards the ocean, trying to catch a glimpse of her reflection.

Before her was an absolute disgrace of a feline. The reflection looking back at her had one ear almost completely torn to shreads and her eye scratched. Although Aphra couldn't open it right now, she was sure that if she would, she wouldn't be able to see out of it anyway.
He blinded me... And made her partially deaf, but most of all, her own father tried to disfigure her. Aphra let out a wail of pain and grief - grief for her beauty. At one point, she was a stunning she-cat; white with no impurities. But now... She was horrible. She was disgusting. Her left ear was tattered, her face scarred from the fight with Marina, and now her eye was going to be sightless. What was her mother going to think of her now? What about Roxanne, or anyone, for that matter? Aphra collapsed where she stood, tears streaking down her face.

How was she going to be loved by everyone if she was this horribly disfigured? How was she going to be adored if she couldn't hear or see properly? This was all she wanted right now; she just wanted to be loved and adored by everyone. What about Roxanne? Would Roxanne still like her after seeing her in such a state? Aphra couldn't bear the thought. Maybe it was better off if she stayed here by herself... But no, that would drive her mad. She would have to go back, pack her shit, and leave The Typhoon. Yes, that's what she would do. She would pack her shit and leave The Typhoon, never to return. She couldn't bear anyone seeing her like this.

A paw poked Aphra's side, snapping her awake. The she-cat scrambled to her paws in shock, blinking at the amused NPC before her. She realized that she could see out of both of her eyes and she warily walked over to the ocean and stared down. The reflection that met her this time was her normal reflection - though not perfect, it was just as scarred as before. Nothing more, nothing less. Her ear was normal and her eye was normal, and there wasn't a fresh wound on her. The NPC snickered at her and gently nudged her towards the boat they had brought. Aphra allowed herself to be ushered back onto the boat and brought back to the main camp.

The main camp was bustling with life, as always. Although Aphra didn't particularly recognize anyone, it was refreshing to know she was no longer alone. Even so, the succubus couldn't help but still feel anxiety in her chest as she mulled over what had happened. She was tense, staring blankly at her crewmates before her, watching them go about their day in shock. She was home, she was safe, and yet... Everything felt so different.

//TL;DR - Aphra decided to take another entrance ritual!! She did one back when she first joined but after everything had happened, she figured it would be better to start anew and try again. In her daze, she dreamed about everyone abandoning her and being alone, and Caesar attacking her. She was left with her ear torn and eye blinded, but this was in the dream and she is NOT injured.
Word Count: 1,640[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]