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rainbow stickers | injury - Printable Version

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rainbow stickers | injury - Grimm - 04-29-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Among the bundled mess of mussed sheets a pale point was the child, long since laid to tentative rest the once believed ceaseless tide of their tears. Damp had grown the pillow tucked beneath chin, nestled against their chest, within the pristine surface small tears made beneath curved points. Everything ached, dying flames licking along the closed expanse of their throat, a rasping cough breaking the unsteady rhythm.

Within the grand scheme of all that had transpired upon shires dusted with soft golden illumination of a minor note that which broke once pristine ivory. Or at least, such had been the case in prior days. Time had seen fit to ravage as teeth and flame once had, wayward the sparks that decorated in varying small burns, ringed the swollen and weeping divets of flame laced teeth. A reminder, always burning with a heat that could not be quelled no matter their efforts.

The prior days had passed in fitful bursts of restless slumber, the monotony broken beneath minimal periods of supervised activity. This time there was none to fill such role, the creaking groan of settling wood enough to speak of such, though hushed at least audible the conversations staged in whispers, the movement of others marked by clear footfalls. The mere resting of an old house, sole occupant the cub that rubbed at their eyes with quick, harsh swipes.

Difficult to speak of what drew forth the child upon legs that seemed to lack all stability, looming above their head the threat of a fall. Squinted the lilac depths settled where their paws were placed with growing confidence, the empty silence of home drowned out in favour of the hushed lull of beckoning breeze. Almost too loud the creaking groan of hinges when their progress was impeded, nose scraping against door they opened with some ease, practiced until the handle turned smoothly beneath their touch.

Almost had they forgotten what it felt like, the warmth suffusing the salt laced air drawing a quiet sigh from upturned lips.

Slowly did Eulia move forth, abandoned the small extension ringing the front of home, though it was only a few steps they were able to take before the sudden closure of the door behind them loosened a cry as they fell. Trembling each breath that escaped the wide jap of their jaws, sickening the putrid stink arising from shoulder put forth in their haste to stop their momentum, thin the trickle of blood seeping from beneath amassed stickers. A poor sight would they make, shaking paw reaching up and tentative in how it pressed to burnt shoulder, stifled behind clenched teeth each sob that wracked their body.

Re: rainbow stickers | injury - Simon F.M. - 04-30-2020

To give me some diagnosis of why I'm so hollow
Please give me instructions, I promise I'll follow

Diya scooped at sand with her paws, digging a long hole the length of her body. It would take several minutes as she dashed between the hole and the shore line where she would scoop up damp sand, using it to strengthen the side of the hole. Satisfied with her project, she would plop backwards into the hole, paws loosely in the air as she was propped up by all sides.

Hm. Not as comfortable as she expected.

As she stood, shaking sand out of her fur, a cry caught the vampire's attention, body twisting towards the sound. It would take a moment, eyes scanning the beach, for her to notice the white bundle of fur in a pile further down. On one hand, it may be Aphra, on the other it may be Eulia. While she may not be the fondest of Aphra, she wouldn't be willing to leave someone harmed uncared for; Eulia she would move mountains for if needed.

White paws pounded against the beach, kicking up the and she ran. She slid to a stop next to Lu, sliding a bit more before she could gain traction. Fixing herself, she approached the cub, careful not to startle her. "Lu, what happened?" she would ask softly, pressing her muzzle against the cub.

Her tail lashed as she looked at the childs sickly state, unsure of what to do to assist. Who were the members of the Typhoon in charge of medicine? Roan and... Ahab. Looking at the burns on the childs shoulder, even she could see the infection building. "We need to get you to Roan, petite chérie, or him to you." It wouldn't be a good idea to carry the cub, not with the sore on her shoulder. Blue eyes take the beach, searching for someone she could send for a healing member of the Typhoon, preferably Lu's brother for the little ones comfort.
template by orion

Re: rainbow stickers | injury - roan ; - 04-30-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Hurt. Pain. A wail. That was all it took for Roan to come running, the boy having previously been on the beach, hunting for seashells to give to his mother. He had already done his herb hunting for the day, and with his medical bag slung loosely around his rapidly growing body, the apprentice had figured it would be a rather uneventful day. Unfortunately, this did not seem to be the case. He wasn't sure what alerted him to Lu's pain first, whether it be the startled and pained cry that had sprung forth from her, or the scent of blood and burned flesh that reached his nose. Either way, his small and growing pile of seashells was abandoned immediately after he took notice, dark paws pushing off of the golden sand until he eventually reached where both Eulia and Diya were. Already he was being spoken about, and he silently thanked his lucky stars that he had arrived before long. He wasn't sure how long Lu had been dealing with these injuries, but if the messy patching up was anything to go by, she hadn't exactly seen anybody yet. Gently brushing a wing against Diya's side, the boy mumbled softly, "I'm here, I'm here, don't worry..."

Moving over to Eulia, the boy gently leaned down to touch his nose to Eulia's head, mumbling softly, "Oh, Lu... what happened...?" He didn't wait for a response before he began sifting through his bag, paws groping out to grab at what he would need. Comfrey, aloe vera, bandages... pulling it all free from his stockpile, the draconic kit put it aside for now, not wanting to go straight into treating Lu without her permission. He knew her to be very sensitive, and he didn't want to go poking and prodding at her injuries without some kind of consent from her. Holding his paws out, pads up, to his younger sibling, the boy mumbled questioningly and carefully above the sound of her cries, "Lu... will you let me treat your injuries? I don't know how long you've had this, and if your shoulder gets infected, that could be really bad. I don't wanna start until you tell me to, though." If there was one part of medicine that Roan was particularly good at, it was the bedside manner. The thought of shoving his way into someone's space and treating their injuries without asking – unless in a scenario where they were unconscious – just seemed heinous to him, and invasive.

( could I have her full injuries? Is it just the burn on her shoulder? )
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: rainbow stickers | injury - MYERS - 05-01-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Does it hurt?

It does, in another form, another place, somewhere he cannot reach. He would take the pain from her if he only could.

Both sage and unholy martyr look down on the kitten with a softness that breaks the hard lines of his features, sets the deep brown of his eyes ablaze with a need to gather her up and take her away from all the things that hurt her. If only he knew that this was Trygve's doing, that Brandykit was not the only one torn by his claws and his anger - then perhaps the child would be home already, if only to face his mother's dismay and grandfather's stern correction. He wouldn't be capable of anger, he knows, but perhaps the single eye bearing down on the child with solemn disappointment would be enough to seal away the child's wild nature for a few months more.

"Don't cry," his low rumble of a voice rolls in the back of his throat, a paw extending to take hold of the injured limb that Eulia held close. "...Don't cry." It is Roan's turn to treat a wound, only because Ahab wished to tend Brandykit - but the infection on the bun wound weeps in a way that concerns him, and it reeks in a way that leads him to believe the young Sage should not work on it alone.

In another time, another place - you lost your leg, for this sort of thing.

"Roan, we need to remove the adhesive and disinfect. Get her to calm down." It's a humble attempt at treating the child with an amount of warmth and empathy - never once had he been treated with this much care, and embodying the image of a calming figure is difficult when performed for the first time. He sits, holds out a paw and gestures for the apprentices' pouch. He ought to start carrying one himself, when injuries seemed so common; but the thought does not occur to him as he contemplates what they'd need to tend the wound.

It hurts. He feels the ache in his arm, his punctured nerves. Never would he let her endure the same pain. "Child," Ahab offers a low hum, lowering his head closer to Eulia's height, "I need you to be brave for me. Can you do that?"

Re: rainbow stickers | injury - ROXANNE R. - 05-01-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
It seems that Trygve's destructive behavior hadn't stopped on just Brandykit, he had hurt two individuals that had been close to him. Roxanne could smell the blood and the cries  were enough to bring her forward to the scene, the recently promoted Reaver having worry on her face. She swallowed slowly with both of her ears pressed down onto her cranium, she wished for Trygve to come home yet here was her baby, Eulia, hurt because of her brother. Where had his anger stemmed from, where had it grown? Was it her fault? Had she done something to make so much rage bubble within her child, her gaze shifted a bit though her paws had already carried her to the scene where Ahab, Roan, and Diya were though her softened gaze fixated onto Eulia. She held in her breath for a moment only to nuzzle Eulia gently and press a kiss to her forehead, Roxanne would mew with a soft hum "Hola, mi bebé." Roxie would start slowly to comfort and calm Eulia enough so Ahab and Roan could make sure her injury didn't get infected.

"I'm here, bebé. I'm here." A soft smile would appear on her maw both ears swiveled forward, Ahab had become a type of father to her around the times they had spent together and she was sure that Roan probably saw the big ursine as a grandfather though she wasn't certain. Roxanne pressed herself against Eulia with nose touching Lu's head speaking once more "You'll be alright. Tu hermano y abuelo te van ayudar..." Her tail would wrap around her child in a protective manner but she didn't press too close so Ahab and Roan could work without possible interruptions. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]