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stop telephoning me // open, game - Printable Version

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stop telephoning me // open, game - →AUGUST← - 05-07-2018

August knew he was doing this a bit late; it had taken him a while to properly remember what this 'telephone' game actually was. He had left without asking the child because he'd thought he knew, but upon thinking further he didn't really remember. That all didn't matter, though, the deer remembered now and so it was time he finally asked people to join in and play. He settled down in one of the more well-travelled tunnels and did as planned.

He cleared his throat and raised his voice enough that it seemed to make his chest rumble, "I am going to be starting a game. Please come gather if you would like to play." The deer figured this was enough and shifted a bit on the floor, folding his forelegs underneath him and letting his hazy gaze drift around. His ears swivelled around at any noise; he really hoped enough people joined to make this fun.


Re: stop telephoning me // open, game - jacob w.c. - 05-08-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob was always a big fan of group games and the like. Of course, who he played with made a big difference. He did enjoy playing with Jersey's friends sometimes, for example, but sometimes they were a little too wild for him. He much preferred to play with the younger kids around the neighborhood but soon enough they were all roped into the schemes of Jersey and the older kids. There were lots of... interesting games of truth or dare, spin the bottle, and just about any other game that invited a bunch of boys to be irresponsible together. Jacob wasn't sure what'd drawn him to the feline or the games he played, looking back on it all. He'd been quieter back then and he certainly didn't have the confidence to do any of those things until Jersey asked him to do it. Then again, he'd always been willing to go the extra mile for Jerseyboy for no reason that was apparent to anyone, including himself. It wasn't that he was a bad big brother but Jacob certainly valued his opinion much higher than he probably should've, especially when they were kids.

At the call of a game, Jacob made his way over with a light smile on his maw. He settled down and tilted his head, wondering what game the deer wanted to play. He knew that Harrison had given him a task but he couldn't remember now what his son had requested, exactly. Still, he was up for just about anything so long as it wasn't too crazy. Besides, he didn't think August was the type to play the kinds of games Jersey had preferred when they were younger. While Jacob didn't know the undead creature very well, he didn't seem the sort for those kinds of things. "I'll play, if ya' don' mind," the husky stated as he arrived, settling down with a light smile. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: stop telephoning me // open, game - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-09-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
Ooh, there were all sorts of games back home that Atbash loved to play with her siblings. But of course that fun was short-lived and they had to go into hiding after being exiled. At August's call, Atbash made her way over. "I'll play, too!" She chirped.
bio | female | warrior of snowbound
© madi

Re: stop telephoning me // open, game - guts - 05-09-2018

Of course, as a grumpy grandpa, Aizawa wasn't too interested in games. They were the sort of thing his students would play, and he was always too busy, anyways. It was difficult to handle a room full of hormonal teenagers with superpowers. However, now he was pretty much free from that, for better or for worse. While he still wasn't too into these kind of things, he still pads over and takes a seat, curious as to what kind of game they'd be playing. "I'll watch," he states blankly, content to just sit off to the side.


Re: stop telephoning me // open, game - Ivylee - 05-10-2018

Re: stop telephoning me // open, game - arcy - 05-10-2018

Despite all of the time Izuku had spent in clans such as these, he hadn't actually played a lot of party games? Or social games, but they were kind of the same thing. Granted, he'd played even less before he became a cat -- none of his classmates really had the time, but whenever they did, Izuku was sure to be dragged along. It'd been a little bizarre then, and it was even now, but at least Izuku had been having fun with friends. But still, Izuku made a point of trying to participate in stuff like this these days -- you know, when it's an actual voluntary choice. If he can, at least -- a lot of the common games are mostly verbal or whatever, but Izuku still can't participate in anything that requires him to see or otherwise do something too physical. It kind of hurts to walk, honestly. But Izuku still finds his interest piqued as he hears a call for a game. They don't say anything about what sort of game, but, well, Izuku is still interested.
"What game is it? Can I play?" Like an enthused puppy, Izuku appears somewhere near the accumulating group, ears perked up and tail wagging. It hadn't taken long for him to wander over, and though he's a little unsure, August will probably explain what it is soon. Still, Izuku can't help but fret about whether or not he'll be able to participate -- he wasn't capable of a lot right now, though, so the Maine Coon tries not to get his hopes up too high. So for the time being, the Maine Coon stumbles over to stand near where he things Aizawa is standing. He doesn't really know how well that worked out, but Izuku doesn't think on it long, still waiting for August to elaborate soon enough.


Re: stop telephoning me // open, game - PIERCE - 05-10-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
If Pierce was being perfectly honest, he wasn’t very good at many games. Maybe it was because most of the ones clan-animals liked to play were like truth or dare and spin the bottle, and those games made his stomach feel funny? Games like races and tag and more mentally and physically challenging ones, though, he could play. Some of it, like running, was just in his nature, but he’d grown up reading and being quizzed on all sorts of riddles and trivia- his brain had become rather sharp in that degree, even though his memory of some things was a bit foggy right now. Meandering over after Izuku, Pierce wore a warm smile on his lips as he seated himself near Jacob. "I’ll play," he announced brightly. Besides, this group of Snowbounders seemed calmer and more fun. What could it hurt?
