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I WAS AN ISLAND / proposal - Printable Version

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I WAS AN ISLAND / proposal - bubblegum - 04-28-2020

Re: I WAS AN ISLAND / temp private - deimos - 04-29-2020

Sleep, recently, wasn't an escape anymore. Whether or not that was a good or bad thing, it was a strange concept to try and figure out. Between the drama of children and Marina, and the chasing thoughts of the Grey, sleep felt restless. But, in her waking hours, there was a light. And almost as if on cue, as gentle thoughts brushed her mind, words pierced her outer shell and caused her eyes to squint open. Her head lifted gently, and a soft huff came from her as her nose pressed against Goldie where it could.

Had Sam any idea what was about to happen, she would have reconsidered sitting there for a long moment. It wasn't that she would say no, no, it wasn't that. It was the fear of the unknown, the simple understand she had never been there. She'd been through boyfriends like they were french fries, but marriage was a whole new subject. "Always comfy out here." She replied, her own wing reaching up and tugging Goldie in a bit closer, sitting up herself with a soft huff.

However, her next words made Sam pause and her eyebrows lift, looking towards her. "About what?" She questioned softly, her body shifting a bit. Restless, Sam typically grew, in the face of these kinds of discussions.



Re: I WAS AN ISLAND / temp private - bubblegum - 05-05-2020

Re: I WAS AN ISLAND / temp private - deimos - 05-11-2020

Nervous. Sam blinked a bit, shifting her wings a bit, tilting her head up at the Captain. Was she nervous now, now that Goldie had spoke those words? Of course, probably a lot more then she had been before. Her eyes watched the female's actions, and she blinked hesitantly as she saw what she had made. Sam pushed herself up a bit, her ears perking as she sat in front of Goldie. "They're lovely.. what?" She had reacted to her name, at first, but the world seemed to still around them, her brain rushing to catch up.


Her eyes blinked, and then raw emotion choked her up, and she flattened her ears, raising her paw to her eye and pushing against it, as if that would still the tears coming up and free. It had felt like a nightmare, having waited for that question. Deep down, Sam didn't want to end up losing her like Dean. She didn't want to be like Greed and Roxie. She wanted the security. That deep down wish of keeping their ties together, staying close? It was here. And, slowly, Samantha Brannon lowered her paw and nodded firmly.

"Then marry me."



Re: I WAS AN ISLAND / temp private - bubblegum - 05-12-2020

Re: I WAS AN ISLAND / proposal - roan ; - 05-13-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Marriage was not a subject that Roan had thought much about in his young life. He supposed that was natural, considering he was far from a day when he would have to worry about someone asking him to marry them – or vice versa – but it was also a little odd. The sage knew of plenty of children who went around happily announcing their crushes, gossiping and planning their future hypothetical weddings. He knew it was all just play for them, really, and they would one day know just how important such a step was in one's life, but he still wondered why he had never thought about it before. The simplest answer was usually the correct one, however, and he was fairly sure he could trace back his disinterest in marriage to his mama. He knew that he had been the result of a simple fling between Roxie and Seamus, and that had never really bothered him. They had never treated him any differently because of it, and for that he had been grateful. But it wasn't as if the pair was together, and even when Roan had thought perhaps his mother and Greed would go so far as to tie the knot, Greed had simply dropped off the face of the earth, vanished without a trace. The thought of someone leaving him when they were so close, being abandoned just as his mother had been... what was there to prevent someone from doing that to him, even after muttering magical words of marriage?

Despite his own anxieties over the concept of marriage, Roan was far from the type to ruin this beautiful moment for Sam and Goldie. He had been flying low over their home that day, on his way back from a trip to gather some herbs, when he was caught off guard by the subject of their conversation. The words I wanna marry you drifted upwards to him, and he found himself pausing mid-flight, looking downwards at the two of them. Curious, as well as excited for his cousin, the draconic boy had flown down to the ground, landing carefully nearby and waiting until he heard Sam's answer. When he did, he grinned, moving over to the pair. He stood a little in front of the porch, still providing them with plenty of space as he purred, "Cousin Goldie... I'm so happy for you! And you too of course, Sam. Congratulations." He didn't have much else to say on the matter, considering he wasn't exactly the type to be giving out sagely advice for marriage, despite his job title.
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