Beasts of Beyond
YOU'RE GONNA PAY DADDY ☆ camera - Printable Version

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YOU'RE GONNA PAY DADDY ☆ camera - michael t. - 04-24-2020

Sometimes, Michael had a tendency to get bored. It wasn't exactly surprising, considering that before joining the Typhoon, the bobcat had lived a life of excitement and daring, constantly moving around and stealing whatever he could. That wasn't to say that the Typhoon itself was boring, but sometimes the thief just felt a certain itch get under his skin. A need to do something. After that itch had struck somewhat recently, Michael had decided to go out and find something to do. Something that didn't involve stealing from his clanmates, as tempting as that sounded to the fugitive. Instead of engaging in any less than ideal activities, the feline had just searched around the territory, visiting others and checking in where he could. In these travels, he had come upon... a camera. It wasn't anything terribly advanced, just a little battery powered Polaroid camera that printed pictures on the spot. Michael had never really been into photography before, but the prospect of getting some pictures of his new friends and family was tempting, so he had swiped it, adding the thin cord attached to the camera to the various things jingling around his neck.

When he had returned home, he had immediately begun to make use of the camera, taking pictures of his living setup and jewelry collection – a collection he was especially proud of after fending off Kaito from it. In addition to those, he had snuck up to his and Trevor's bedroom, successfully managing to snap a picture of the other in bed, still in a deep sleep. He immediately hid that photo of the coyote away for himself, aware of just how sappy such a thing was – he had a reputation to keep up, after all. After that, he had returned to the outside world, taking a few pictures of the landscape before he turned more to other people. A quick picture taken of Roan tending to his garden, a snap of Roxie out with Kal and Brunhild, and a rather far away and blurry shot of Ahab, considering he was somewhat terrified of being close to the bear. He wasn't sure how long he had before the batteries in the camera ran out, and he intended to make the most of them, which motivated him to head up to where the tavern was, figuring he could get some fairly good pictures of people coming out of there.

Taking a seat across from the tavern, Michael carefully held the camera between his paws and his teeth, awkwardly managing to press the button to take a shot of the front of the building. He noticed a few people glancing at him, and with a feeling of sheepishness passing over him, he waved a paw at them dismissively, "I'm just trying to take nice pictures! Fuck off!" Okay, maybe that was a little harsher than strictly necessary, but he was on a short fuse when it came to embarrassment.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: YOU'RE GONNA PAY DADDY ☆ camera - trojan g. - 04-25-2020

Living in the water had made it so Lute didn't have very much knowledge on things on the land, so when there was a flashing thing that spat out paper in Micheal's paws and he mentioned a "picture", Lute was interested, and thus the large creature came bounding over.

He'd been living on the land for long enough now that his snail bits were dried and formed a nice crust around the parts of his body that normally produced slime, so, luckily, where there would usually be a soft spray of slime from his bounding over, the camera - and Micheal for that matter - stayed dry for the day. "What is this picture you talk of?" He would speak out, head moving down to look at the camera and the photo before excitedly glancing up at Micheal. "It's you! On the tiny paper! It's you!" He would speak out, smile growing on his face. "How did you get to be on the tiny paper?"

He wasn't really dumb when it came to things of the sea, but, for now, when he was living on the land, he seemed horribly stupid. Though Lutum didn't notice this, he likely wouldn't care about it if told, unless it bothered his family for some reason, but he was ever eager to learn.

[align=center]text | "speech"

Re: YOU'RE GONNA PAY DADDY ☆ camera - Keona. - 04-25-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
The tiny Dealer found herself more frequently around the tavern.  This was primarily due to her new residency within the Sky Parlor.  While it was an adjustment, Keona was adaptable.  Besides, passing through the tavern everyday meant more chances to catch the latest news from her crewmates.

On her way out the door, the petite fae paused at the sound of Michael's sharp tone.  Her pale sea-green hues blinked, perplexed.  With a flick of her ear, she began trotting up to the thief.  Pictures?  Pic- Oh.  Keona knew about cameras, though she never handled one, for obvious reasons.

Her brows creased.  "... I thin'... It's got somethin to do with a chemical reaction.  'an light." Her uncle explained it once, when one of her books mentioned cameras.  The science was interesting at least, though she still didn't entirely get it.  The only concept of 'light' she had was how bright usually meant warm.

The tip of her tail twitched.  "D'ya need any help?" Keona hardly minded offering a paw, though she didn't know what would even constitute as helpful when it came to cameras and pictures.  Well.  She'd put it out there anyway.  Just in case.
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: YOU'RE GONNA PAY DADDY ☆ camera - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-25-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
The fact that Aphra came to the tavern often was no secret. Hell, that's even how she got into The Typhoon in the first place. Sort of, at least; that's how she met Pincher and lo and behold, had his kids about nine months later. And yet Aphra somehow couldn't leave The Typhoon despite everything, so here she was - still visiting the tavern whenever she could.

Hearing something about pictures being taken, Aphra couldn't help herself in shoving her nose into what was going on. She was a bit drunk - but that's okay, but Michael was obviously here to get a picture of her. "Oh, Michael! Ya should've told me you were here, darling!" She blasted out in a loud voice, puffing her fur out in order to try and make herself look more appealing. She hopped in front of the bobcat, trying to swish her long tail under his chin and she laid down. "Your star is here~"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: YOU'RE GONNA PAY DADDY ☆ camera - ROXANNE R. - 04-25-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne avoided the tavern whenever she could though Michael had dragged her there on several occasions for them to drink their sorrows away, it wasn't something that she liked but she knew that her brother had nice intentions even if she wasn't proud of drinking to begin with. She normally lost control and everything was a blur whenever she was drunk, a soft sigh escaping her slightly parted maw hearing the commotion coming from the tavern did she approach rather hesitantly. There was her cousin, brother, Keona and a rather drunk Aphra. She would raise a nonexistent eyebrow at the small group only to snort quietly "Mikey, you're like a lil boy with a new toy. Excitedly snapping pictures," A giggle erupting from her only to lean against Lute before her gaze would briefly lock onto Aphra who was presenting herself as Michael's next model for a picture, a soft snort of amusement escaping her though her gaze would shift once more over to the bobcat. She wondered how many pictures he had taken at this rate.

"I bet you got a cute shot of y'know who too," She would begin to tease with a purr, her tail flicking to the sides before laying neatly upon her paws. Her ears perked forward, she didn't feel as if she needed to say anything else at the moment. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: YOU'RE GONNA PAY DADDY ☆ camera - michael t. - 04-26-2020

The first one to approach him that wasn't a total stumbling drunk was Lutum. Michael didn't know much about Lute yet, only knowing that the strange creature was related to Roxie in some way. Still, that sort of made them family, so the bobcat offered him a slightly awkward smile, amused by how overjoyed the other seemed at a simple picture. He opened his muzzle to reply, but then found himself taken aback. He didn't actually know how the pictures ended up developed, really. He had pretty much just been messing with the camera because it was so simple.

He felt himself beginning to panic a little trying to come up with a decent explanation, but then Keona arrived to save the day... sort of. Her explanation was certainly rough, but the thief found himself nodding his head along anyways, "Yeah, what Keona said. Light and chemicals and stuff... I don't really know the exact of it all. All I know is that this thing takes nice pictures. Pictures are... kinda like memories, only you've got physical proof of them, y'know?" His explanation was lackluster and he knew it, but how were you supposed to explain something like pictures? Glancing towards Keona, he offered the dealer an awkward crooked smile before he continued, "I don't know if there's anything I need help with, but... here." He lifted the camera up, maneuvering it in his paws to snap a picture of Keona with the tavern in the background. Once the picture popped out, he handed it over, mumbling, "For, uh... memories?"

Unfortunately, the somewhat sweet – or as sweet as Michael got, anyways – moment was interrupted by the arrival of Aphra, the pure white feline stumbling over in a drunken state. The bobcat looked down at her and raised a metaphorical eyebrow, wrinkling his nose a bit when he felt her tail beneath his chin. He rolled his mismatched blue eyes before he raised the camera again, snapping a picture of Aphra in her drunken state. When it printed, he grabbed it and dropped it rather gracelessly over her eyes, muttering, "I'm afraid you're not really my kinda model, Aphra." He couldn't tell if she was flirting with him or not, or if it was just drunken stupidity, but hopefully that would ward her off.

After that exchange, the last to arrive was Roxie. The presence of his sister always put the fugitive at ease, and he grinned over at her, snickering at the comparison to a child. He said with a smirk, raising his camera once again to get a picture of her, "Hey, I'm just trying to make sure I'll be able to remember everything when I'm all old and grey and ancient. That way I don't have to ask you people's names every five minutes when I'm senile." He snagged the picture of his sister between his claws, about to give it to her, but then paused when he heard her snarky little comment about a "cute shot of you know who." Immediately his face was flooded with heat, and he was very glad for the fact that his fur was black, and that any blush couldn't actually be seen. He glared at her before speaking, stumbling over his words a little bit, "I don't... I don't even know who you could possibly be talking about. A... A-And even if I did. It's none of your business whether I got any shots of him – or, I mean, you know who." God, his relationship with Trevor certainly wasn't a secret to Roxie, but at this rate it wouldn't be a secret to anyone else either.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]