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I GUESS I'D BE A HERO ☆ makeup - Printable Version

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I GUESS I'D BE A HERO ☆ makeup - – 2D - 04-24-2020

Despite having not been there for long, 2D was rather enjoying his time within Elysium, gradually beginning to settle in to a sort of routine. He tried not to let himself get too comfortable, considering Murdoc could up and decide to move them at any moment, but he did like having an actual home – albeit one he shared with the aforementioned canine. It was a small, buoyant house within the floating sea town, and was brightly colored and welcoming looking. It would take a bit of time for it to truly feel lived in, considering it had been abandoned before they got there, but the serval was sure he and his companion could make it work. That was why he had decided to clean up, beginning to search through the house and figure out what needed to be thrown away or cleaned up. It was a bit of a difficult task, especially when his blurry, red-stained vision occasionally made him miss things, but he thought he was doing a fairly good job of it. A soft smile came to the blue furred male's face as he thought of perhaps entertaining guests in the house, or the little smile that would come to Murdoc's face when he saw it all clean.

When 2D eventually reached the bathroom of the home, however, he was greeted with a sight he wasn't expecting. In one of the drawers was a large makeup kit, with a smooth black outside and an inside that was packed to the brim with various colorful makeup implements. His black eyes lit up upon seeing it, and immediately he snapped the handle up in his jaws, stumbling out of the bathroom and practically falling down the stairs in his excitement. All thoughts of cleaning were immediately wiped from his mind, no doubt to be forgotten until he fell on his head again and knocked something into place. For now, he just wanted to play with the new set of toys he had been given. The brightly colored serval was aware of what makeup was, but he had never exactly had a chance to play with it before – probably for very good reasons, considering his poor vision and coordination.

Nonetheless, soon enough 2D was sitting outside of his and Murdoc's home, the makeup kit shoved to the side as he generously applied various colors to his fur. The feline had already been fairly odd looking, what with his pure black eyes and strange blue fur, but with the added touches of purple eyeshadow and various colorful splotches of glitter, he looked almost clown like. Despite this, he was quite pleased with himself, saying cheerfully when he felt he was done with himself, "Does 'nybody want a free makeov'r? I found fis kit, 'n' I fink it'd be fun t'practice!" Anyone who agreed would probably be in for a very bad face day, considering 2D saw through a swamp of blurry red and had very little actual experience with makeup, but they would make him happy.

Re: I GUESS I'D BE A HERO ☆ makeup - fulzanin - 04-24-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Never in Clony’s life did they have a routine. Unless a routine counted as waking up, having eight or nine hundred near death experiences, and then sleeping. It was almost routine, but Clony never figured a three step process to be all that much of a routine. Debatable, was it, of how much of the term it actually knew of instead of the barest of connotations. A home was equally as lost to the fluffy bat, who found more than enough joy by figuring out how to sleep upside down. Hilarious, Clony assumed those first few awful attempts to have been. It hoped that it had mostly gotten the hang of such down.

Having large ears meant that Clony’s hearing was substantially grand. Bat ears already were normally large, but the fluffy creature had ones that rivaled most others. A call about ‘makeup’ piqued curiosity, and before long they found themselves fluttering over. A soft plop accompanied their rough landing, toddling closer on their grey colored legs. “Makeover? What’s a makeover? Oh! Does it mean we get to make lasers? Does this kit have the secret laser makin’ stuff in it?” Clony babbled in their excited norm, bushy tail waving rapidly behind them. “I want a makeover! An’ to make lasers, yea yea!” Pearly white eyes lifted up from where they previously had been locked on the makeup kit, bushy tail wagging with utmost excitement.


TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: I GUESS I'D BE A HERO ☆ makeup - Warringkingdoms - 04-25-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]"Free makeov'r," Rin overheard 2D advertising. Automatically, her thoughts wandered to the last time she had allowed someone to apply cosmetics to her- Sanzu's attempts at painting nails. The nail polish had lasted all of about a day before chipping off, but Rin suspected the image of everyone's claws painted a garish pink would last much longer.

  She probably ought to check on Sanzu, to see if she was hibernating again. It wasn't the optimal season for hibernation, but then Rin didn't know that much about dragon biology. Most of the creatures she had treated in a medical sense were mammals.

  Walking up to 2D alongside Clony, Rin shrugged. "I volunteer as test subject," she said, twitching her ears. She had to admit to being morbidly curious about how this would go. Maybe he could get some other visitors to agree to face painting at the festival, whenever she got that started... allowing him to practice on her would give her some idea of whether or not to warn partygoers against it.

  Clony's query about making lasers drew her attention, and she glanced over at them. "It's not that kind of 'making,'" she clarified. "He's using makeup- it's basically fancy face paint. Makes your face different colors."

Re: I GUESS I'D BE A HERO ☆ makeup - – 2D - 04-26-2020

The first to rush up at his offer was Clony, the rather confusing creature that 2D had seen a couple of times already. It hadn't done anything to wrong him, but the serval couldn't help but feel confused and curious about the way it acted and spoke. Maybe he was the odd one, and he just didn't realize it because his only companionship for ages had been Murdoc. Even if that was the case, the other's excited talk of lasers caused 2D to blink slowly at it, his head tilting to one side. He wasn't sure what to tell them, honestly. Black eyes looking blankly down at the kit sitting at his feet, the singer mumbled softly, "I... s'not exactly fat kinda kit? M'sorry. I don't fink I c'n 'elp y'with the 'ole laser fing... I could still give you a makeover, though!" He wasn't sure if Clony would still be interested, considering it didn't have anything to do with lasers, but it felt rude not to offer.

After that, Rin came padding up, offering herself as a willing test subject. 2D immediately lit up at her offer, crooked smile spreading across his muzzle as he eagerly snatched things up from the kit. As he moved over to the magna, he chirped cheerfully, "Ah, okay Rin! Please 'old still..." He began to place various implements down, taking a little pad of eyeshadow and dipping his paw into it. It was probably a rather bad idea for Rin to let him experiment on her, considering his horrendous vision and poor coordination, but Rin seemed too patient to truly be upset about the end result. As he carefully began to smear purple eyeshadow on the ridge above the feline's eye, 2D nodded enthusiastically along with Rin's explanation, "Yeah! She's much better at explainin' fan I am... s'basically face paint! C'n make y'look all pretty 'n' fancy." Murdoc had once or twice experimented on putting makeup on 2D before. Usually it ended poorly, since 2D ended up getting a headache and squirming around too much, but the few times where it had worked had been fairly nice, with the end result actually looking decent.

Re: I GUESS I'D BE A HERO ☆ makeup - fulzanin - 04-28-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Clony's large ears had turned when it heard Rin come over, white eyes glistening happily. It liked to think that the other was a friend of sort, the terminology in itself quite strange to Clony's mind. It thought it was quite the form of oddball too. Atleast, in this world. The memories it had assured itself that where it came from its pearly white eyes were normal, something that seemed to be unique to Clony and Clony alone where it lived currently. "Hi!" It giddily chattered, tail wriggling. The comment of test subject had left Clony confused, evident by the awkward positioning of its wings that followed a moment later. An explanation for 'making' was given, causing the bat's pearly white eyes to narrow as the words were turned over. No lasers? Utter bummer! But the idea of face paint was quite enticing. It'd never thought of itself in another hue than black and grey and white.

Large ears preceded Clony's head returning to 2D, the one hosting the session of question. It found itself mimicking the other's head tilt, tail slowing down in its erratic movements. "Oh! I'm still down for the makeover thingy! Even if it don't got lasers. There can be lasers later though, yea yea!" While Clony's mouth was hidden within its insurmountable fluff, nor was it ever truly used spare learning how to munch on food, its eyes and tone clearly conveyed its childish glee. Wide eyes watched 2D apply makeup onto Rin, seeming quite amazed at the change in color. "Wow! She looks entirely different! Super cool! Me next, me next!" Clony chattered, soft beats of its wings causing for its position to shuffle. It wanted to see what it looked like with pretty other colors! "I wanna be pretty 'n fancy, whatever that means! Me next!" The bat's voice squealed happily, kneading at the ground with its tiny feet in anticipation.

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: I GUESS I'D BE A HERO ☆ makeup - Warringkingdoms - 04-29-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Watching him dab his paws into purple eyeshadow, Rin twitched her tail, but maintained her neutral expression. Her history with purple was long and winding, but she had never come to associate it with trauma, at least. Remaining still as 2D applied the eyeshadow to her face, she allowed her thoughts to wander, until they returned to the subject of the Stellar Collision Festival. If they sent out invites this weekend, and started it after everyone had been invited... yes, that would do nicely. The probability of an invasion during the festival, while not zero, was low- no one would be stupid enough to launch an attack with multiple clans present.

  As the other two spoke, her ears swiveled to pick up their conversation. She wasn't entirely sure what Clony's deal was with lasers- sometimes they spoke of lasers as a threat, other times as a source of fun- but she supposed it only mattered if someone got hurt. She resisted a low chortle at Clony's assertion that she looked "entirely different"; she could believe that, at least, even if she didn't know their definition of "super cool."

  "Well, 'pretty' basically means nice to look at, and 'fancy' means decorated," she said after a few moments, not moving her face to allow the makeup to dry. In either case, Clony understood the connotation of those words, even if they didn't understand the dictionary definition. After a moment, she added, "Thank you, 2D." Even if she couldn't see her face right now to evaluate his work, his time and effort ought to be acknowledged.

Re: I GUESS I'D BE A HERO ☆ makeup - – 2D - 05-01-2020

Lasers. 2D didn't know very much about lasers, having only ever heard about them through science fiction media, and even then his experience was very limited. He had a tendency to enjoy apocalypse stories more himself. However, he didn't wish to upset Clony, so he just grinned lopsidedly at the flying fox, nodding his head along with its assertion that there could be lasers later. He was also glad to hear that the other seemed delighted at the idea of having its own face dressed up like Rin's currently was. He hadn't been sure how many would truly be interested in the odd art form that wasn't extraordinarily easy to yet out of fur. He wasn't sure exactly of what was going through Rin's head while he applied the eyeshadow, but he didn't really need to know, either. He just needed her to hold still, and she seemed to be very good at that. When he eventually pulled his paws back, he was glad to hear that Rin wasn't angry at him, or anything. He had at one time tried to give Murdoc a makeover with paints because he thought he'd appreciate it, and the canine very much had not, so he had no positive precedent. Despite this, he said cheerfully, "You're welcome, Rin! M'glad y'like it... don't f'get to wash it outta y'fur later, fough." Perhaps he had gone a little heavy on the eyeshadow, and the color clashed a bit with the scarf around Rin's neck, but all things considered? It could've been much worse.

Turning his attention to Clony next, 2D began to dig through his supplies for it. Soon enough, he pulled out green eyeshadow and a bit of blush, mumbling as he looked the larger than average flying fox over, "M'gonna do green 'n' red on you! So it's kinda like... uh... Christmas colors. Well, not th'black, exactly, but green 'n' red are still Christmas-y." He wasn't sure if Clony even knew what Christmas was, but he still hoped that it would appreciate the color scheme, moving closer to gently pap some blush again its cheeks. He then muttered as he took the eye shadow, having to be very careful while applying it to Clony, "P... Please be sure t'keep still. I d'n wanna accidentally get anyfing in y'r eyes..." Clony might've been bigger than the average flying fox, but its eyes were still smaller than Rin's, which made 2D nervous. Or maybe they weren't – it was honestly a bit hard to tell with his vision.

Re: I GUESS I'D BE A HERO ☆ makeup - fulzanin - 05-05-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Red. It was a color Clony didn't like. The reasons for it were fuzzy in its mind. Something about getting vaporized? It was the color of lasers - but it was the color of dangerous fire. Hand in hand the color went. Comfortable warmth, dangerous evil. Its ears swiveled and lowered, a grumble of distaste brewing in its chest. Suspiciously it eyed the red powder what moved close to its face, tail again sharply swinging behind its fluffy form. It didn't like the color red all that much. It felt like it had pretty good reason despite bits of its memories being lackluster, fuzzy, or gone in its entirety. Stabbed, ripped apart, furiously being ground into tiny bits. Its silvery eyes narrowed, shuffling on its feet. Clony's movements were quite awkward, and such included those that accompanied the ruffling of feathers and a suspicious glint in its gaze. The comment of Christmas piqued its interest from its skeptical look, ears raising back up. "Is Christmas a kind of laser?" Delightfully it questioned, fluffy body wriggling briefly until it remembered that blush was supposed to be being applied and that it, apparently, needed to sit still.

Clony could sit still somewhat well, but its knowledge of how to deal with makeup being applied to its face was... near nonexistent. It was pretty certain one of its other selves had something similar done, but all Clony could bring up was a tea party with lukewarm, sugarless tea. The feeling of something papping against its cheeks was foreign, but the bat did its best in order to stay still. It wasn't certain whether the feeling was nice, or if it needed to continue trying to look at the powder suspiciously due to such being red in color. Clony's face was quite small, despite being a larger species of bat. It closed its eyes as it had seen Rin do, shuffling its feet a little before falling still. "What would it do if it got in my eyes? Would the world always be green then or something?" Clony chattered, before then continuing with, "that'd probably not be super great for trees and stuff, 'cause then they'd be double green." Thankfully it could still speak, due to its method of communication always being through telepathy. It could speak without moving its head, despite Clony not able to keep its ears from slightly wriggling every couple of seconds. Eyes being closed for so long was utterly weird, but the bat was doing its best to follow what it'd been told.

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: I GUESS I'D BE A HERO ☆ makeup - Hope Arcanium - 05-07-2020

Ah, so it looks like this was one of the newer members. It looks like he was settling in well. A smile on her features, the draconic feline god would approach the serval, careful to keep her energy down as to not scare the poor guy again.

Hey, 2D. You can do makeup on me once you’re done with everyone else’s. You’re pretty talented.

Re: I GUESS I'D BE A HERO ☆ makeup - – 2D - 05-07-2020

Is Christmas a kind of laser? The question, like most things Clony did, was unusual. Eventually, the other's strange way of speaking and acting should've just become second nature to 2D, especially since he would be around it for what seemed like a major portion of his life. For now, however, the mannerisms and habits of Clony were still new and refreshing, and 2D found himself laughing, struggling to keep his paws steady as he continued to apply the makeup, "Uh, not exactly. It's a 'oliday! Y'know, a special day where y'celebrate certain fings? Durin' Christmas, y'give each'uver gifts." He knew there was more than just that to Christmas, but the simple answer seemed best when it came to Clony, since it was probably just going to think what you were saying was about lasers anyways. Clony's shifting and near-scowling made it a bit difficult for 2D to get the job done on it, but he eventually did, muttering as he pulled his paws back, "Done! Y'look real nice, Clony... 'n', uh, if it got in y'r eyes, th'world wouldn't always be green. It would probably just 'urt 'n' sting a bunch, since y'don't really want stuff in your eyes." He of all people should've known that, considering his own... rather unusual eye troubles.

After he was done with Clony, 2D was surprised to see another person approaching, ready to take him up on his offer – Playerone. They hadn't interacted much just yet, but that didn't mean he didn't like her. She was a little scary, given the aura she sometimes had around her, but it was honestly difficult for him to notice such a thing. Since his entire world was constantly bathed in tinges of pink and red, the other's aura was sort of just a swirling drop in the bucket, and he couldn't tell what was real and just his eyes playing tricks. Despite this, 2D found himself smiling broadly when Playerone soothed her energy somewhat, looking her over thoughtfully. He wasn't sure what colors to use for her, given her rather unique complexion, so he found himself asking, "I c'n do f'at! Is fere any color in particular y'were lookin' for? Like... a color scheme for the makeup?" He hadn't done much with makeup before this, but he had dabbled in casual painting once or twice, so he knew what colors tended to go nicely together.