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WALK AWAY AS THE DOOR SLAMS | joining - Printable Version

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WALK AWAY AS THE DOOR SLAMS | joining - VALERY - 04-22-2020

He had never seen any appeal in living in a group before now.

He had been born a loner, and he always assumed he would also die a loner - maybe with a bit of family hanging around, if he ever managed to build a functional relationship with any of them. He couldn't deny the benefits of a group, though, especially after years on his own. After all, they protected each other, and while he wasn't about to trust that someone still wouldn't eat his head in the middle of the night, perhaps the chance would be at least slightly lessened. Safety in numbers, and all that.

Still, Valery was doubtful. He really didn't think he would like anyone, let alone have anyone like him. He knew that membership wasn't forever, at least - he could leave, if he really wanted. That, in the end, was the only reason he was willing to even consider this. He wasn't exactly sure why he ended up deciding to try and join a group of pirates - water wasn't exactly his thing - but he had made the journey anyways, completing much of the trek to the island in his avian form out of laziness. It was, after all, faster to let the ocean air carry his large form than walk along the railway. Only when he caught the strong scent of other animals, a clear border, did he drop in altitude, landing a few metres from where the tracks finally met the island. He winced as his form shifted into a more common one for him - a small sunglow fox, bushy tail flicking back and forth as he took a seat and tucked his paws in.

He wasn't normally one for niceties like following border rules; he usually had no trouble wandering into territories to find food, only to be chased out by a patrol. What little common sense he had, however, had decided that if he wanted to actually be accepted to the group, he better wait instead of charging right into their camp. He definitely wasn't going to be patient about it though, that was for sure - his ears flicked in annoyance as he waited, green eyes narrowed as he peered into the jungle trying to pick out any signs of life.


Re: WALK AWAY AS THE DOOR SLAMS | joining - michael t. - 04-22-2020

Before he had been captured and tortured, Michael had never thought he would join a group either. As far as he was concerned, he and Trevor were enough of a hassle to keep track of and alive, and that was only the pair of them. The thought of possibly getting attached to a whole group? It had been petrifying to the bobcat, who had tried so hard since his childhood to not care for anyone but himself. But then his damn emotions had gotten in the way, of course. He had gotten too attached to his traveling companion, sacrificed himself for the idiot, and then ended up in the Pitt. Even then, the fugitive had considered his stint in the desert dwelling group just a temporary gig. Just long enough to get himself back on his feet, so he could go back to his old life. However, then he had met Roxie, and she had brought him here, and he had gotten attached once again, only this time to a sister... needless to say, Michael was a very poor example of listening to your own advice. He even knew full well that this would probably all blow up in his face one day, when he lost everybody around him he had come to consider friends. Yet still, it didn't stop him. He really must've been losing his mind.

The thief had come to make visiting the border at least once a day a bit of a habit, at least ever since the Kaito incident. He didn't want anymore assholes thinking they could steal from him coming in, and it seemed only natural that they would sneak over the border – even though he had seen a fair few creatures now emerge from the sea. Regardless, Michael felt a bit more safe knowing what could possibly be out there, so after he had pulled on his jewelry and bid goodbye to Trevor, the dark furred bobcat made his way out and towards the very clear line in the sand that separated Typhoon from loner territory. Upon seeing a fox at the border, the fugitive felt a bit hesitant, fully aware of just how many within the Pitt were foxes. He shook it off quickly, however, not wishing to stereotype based on species. Just because a great deal of Pittians were foxes didn't mean every fox was a Pittian, right? With this in mind, Michael padded up in front of Valery, sitting down and glancing at the other over his aviators, mismatched blue eyes gleaming with curiosity, "Hey there, you're new... can you tell me your name, and why you're here?" He didn't smell of any of the other groups, yet he had actually stopped at the border... he had to be interested in joining, at least in Michael's mind.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: WALK AWAY AS THE DOOR SLAMS | joining - MYERS - 04-23-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]This was not a group, not a nation - it was a home. Ahab was quick to discover this when he’d first decided that the furthest location from the mainland was likely the safest. He woke up in an unfamiliar place with a tranquilizer dart still dangling from the node in his throat, and upon some regaining of his senses, he’d moved to the closest body of water and followed it to the sand bars, the train tracks, and finally the island. When he’d first joined he expected suspicion, hostility, yet his guard was tested by the soft and smiling faces that welcomed him to the new and deeply unfamiliar land. He let them be kind. It would have been easy to shunt off any goodwill on their part and keep his hackles raised. But they were polite just as much as they were cautious of him, as they had every right to be, and he let them stare, let the newborn cubs climb over his paws, let new mothers speak to him fondly and, on the rare occasion, he allowed himself to speak in return.

While they had welcomed him with open arms, old habits had a tendency to die hard. Ahab could not help the tension that fell over him like a leaden blanket when he sensed something - someone - unfamiliar at the bellpost. Perhaps his caution was only strengthened by the knowledge that he had a place to protect, now, or maybe it was just the constant presence of the unknown in his life that kept him wary of strangers.

He'd been warned, before, to "lay off" the joiners that appeared at their border. For that reason the bear says nothing, offers no greeting. Michael appeared to have it covered, chatterbox that he was. Ahab only offers a stare that could, if one was not certain, be perceived as a glare equal to the impatience that reigned over the fox. He'd only reason that it took one to know one, didn't it?

Re: WALK AWAY AS THE DOOR SLAMS | joining - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-23-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
Home was a place where the heart was, as cheesy as that sounded, to Aphra. She felt more at home here than she did by herself, though perhaps that was because she rather thrived off the attention of others (whether it be good or bad attention). The Typhoon gave her a chance to learn and grow, something that Aphra believed wouldn't have happened if she had stayed by herself. Funny how a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pops up and then suddenly you're dragged into a whole new world, huh? At least, that's what it seemed like to Aphra; she met a former leader of this group of pirates, got pregnant with his kids, and now she couldn't stay away.

"My, you're lookin' quite irritated, hon." Aphra mused as she came to stand next to Michael, casting Ahab a little nod to show that she acknowledged he was here. She was clearly amused by how impatient he looked and a little grin formed on her face. "If you're interested, I can take you to the tavern to get some drinks and unwind. My treat." Not that she was a high-position here or anything, because she certainly wasn't, but they definitely knew her face there. She could just have them put it on her tab, if anything.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WALK AWAY AS THE DOOR SLAMS | joining - ROXANNE R. - 04-24-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Swaying along with a hum resonating from her throat, the draconic feline found a smile on her maw. She was trying to distract herself from her current problems and the crisis that was unfolding within her mind, she couldn't let anyone see her down even if her eyes betrayed the sadness that shone just as bright as the sun. Her son was still missing to her dismay and she didn't have much of a clue where he had gone or if he was even alive. Don't think that way, She thought with a shake of her head. Trygve was a strong boy and awfully hardheaded, she doubted that her own blood would let death envelope him so easily. Her sorrow surfaced easily nowadays but it wasn't enough for her to sob out in public, she stayed within the safety of her home for the most part and spent her time with Roan and the rest of her children. There was rare moments where she'd leave them alone and spend time with her brother, Michael, who usually dragged her ass to the tavern for drinks. She felt guilty for even drinking alcohol once more but it was an outlet for negative emotions even if it was bad in general. Sometimes, Michael having to drag her away because of her nearly sleeping with a few of those there that lingered within the tavern.

She was grateful for Michael and the rest of her family that were sticking close to her side during these tough moments of her life. Her ears twitched at the sound of voices breaking her brief daze, her body slowly shifting in the direction of all the noise and walked over with a lash of her fluffy tail. She spotted Michael picking up the pace a bit and would brush up against the taller male only for her gaze to lock onto the joiner, her gaze shifting towards Ahab and offering him a dip of her head as well as a sweet smile. She loved seeing him out and about. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]