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size matters - communication error - fulzanin - 04-18-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

One of Clony's habits was to talk. It talked whenever it pleased, but never with actual vocal chords. It hadn't had them prior to arriving at this new location with this new body. It reminded Clony of how it hadn't been able to effectively roll until it'd been thrown through a special duct that ripped its wings off and replaced them with tiny tufts of fur. Clony had talked to the other clony, through their collective consciousness. Its own consciousness, Clony figured. The actual explanation for it was unknown to the fluffy bat, but it was its most common communication that it was used to. Clones of itself made great conversation partners, and being able to speak across vast lands on a whim was great! It made navigating a mechanized land full of traps and death far more easier. Speaking to another person without having to pause was imperative to their survival. It meant decisions could made in the fraction of the time, and recognizing danger was easily translated and avoided.

Clony hadn't taken the time since its arrival to recognize just how quiet its head now was. It was surveying the sights and the smells - smells that Clony had never smelled nor been able to smell before - and the wonders of a land untouched by machinery. Wonderful sights that had left Clony fluttering about for days on end to scour for every single odd and unique detail. An ocean, there was an ocean! It had never seen an ocean before and it knew that later it was going to stare for hours on end closer to the banks. "Have you ever even seen that much water before?" It question internally. It waited for a few moments, finally expecting a reply. It did not expect silence. "Hello?" Ears twitched, the bat's wings slowly folding closer.

The silence in its head felt absolutely devastating. It was used to constant chattering and speech, and now that Clony was not distracted it left the bat disoriented. Awkwardly Clony plopped down, slightly trembling. "I - I can't hear any of them," it weakly commented. Pearly white eyes were wide, wings tensing and pulled closer to its sides. "I can't hear them, why can't, why can't I hear them?" Were they all dead? Had they all died? Why couldn't it connect to all the other members of its kind. It felt alone, alienated, kneading at the ground with its small talons. It didn't like the quiet. It shook its head rapidly. "Come on. This isn't, this isn't funny," It continued its rapid attempts to speak in the method that it had been used to. "Why aren't th - why aren't they answering?" Jagged flicks of its tail accompanied its equally as distorted words, a far cry from the clear cut voice that it often used when speaking. Fluffy ears lowered, Clony's small body trembling as it steadily grew more and more aware that no answer was coming.

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: size matters - communication error - Warringkingdoms - 04-18-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]To think, that a normal morning could be turned on its head in a single sentence.

  "I can't hear them."

  It was just four words, and yet the vocalization yanked Rin out of her thoughts, her eyes going wide. Clony's voice, she recognized, vibrating in her head in its usual way. What wasn't usual was the distortion in their voice, the words themselves contorting in pain. She would know that profound sense of despair anywhere.

  "Why aren't they answering?"

  Her eyes stung, but she blinked back any semblance of tears as she approached Clony, watching them tremble uncontrollably in what she knew to be grief. If "they" were anything like those she had known, they were lost, likely never to be found. They were never coming back. They-

  -stared back at her, the rain dripping from their eyes, their frames, their shadows. The scent of ash clung to the metal scraps where there had once been the smell of family, where there had once been home.

  "...Who are they?" Rin asked quietly, standing beside Clony, her eyes cast downwards. It was going to hurt, she knew. Thinking of the long-gone, the out-of-reach, the bitter end they faced... she was asking them to contemplate a hole where someone should have been. There had been someone, and now there was no one. She wouldn't have been surprised if they declined to answer, or even lashed out in rage.

  But... maybe they would find some peace in sharing their story.


Re: size matters - communication error - – 2D - 04-19-2020

Truthfully, when Clony had first greeted he and Murdoc at their joining, 2D had been startled by its appearance. That was probably a bit hypocritical of the serval to think, considering his glazed over eyes that were like an ocean of pure black, and his strange shock of blue fur, but he couldn't help it. He had never seen such an odd little bat creature before, and although he and Murdoc were odd in and of themselves, they were odd in a way that 2D was used to. In a way that the singer had become accustomed to, in fact. In the rush of emotions and new people and sensations that had come with their entering into the group, 2D had even considered asking about the other, like where it had come from or what it truly was. The questions in his head were perhaps a bit rude or blunt, but he had always had a sort of blunt and slightly dull edge to him, even before he had suffered brain damage. Despite the questions teeming in his mind, threatening to spill over, 2D had been easily distracted by the presence of Murdoc's tail against his spine, easily guiding him towards their tour of Elysium's territory. And truthfully, 2D had thought that was it, and he would never have a chance to ask Clony questions again.

This was, of course, fundamentally not true. The serval was still unused to living in a group with others, where you would see and interact with them on a daily basis. He was still very used to the life of a loner with Murdoc, meeting people only to forget about them the very next day. Despite being used to that life, 2D didn't feel any disappointment when he headed towards the shore that day and saw Clony. In fact, he felt a rush of excitement, a rush that was so powerful it nearly threatened to knock the lanky serval over – or perhaps that was just another one of his migraines coming on, it honestly could've been either, or both.

However, when the azure furred serval quickly moved after Rin in Clony's direction, he found that it probably wasn't in the mood for questioning today. He could immediately tell that something was wrong, from the way that it trembled and the way its voice shook with every word. 2D's ears pinned back with anxiety, not really sure if he wanted to engage with the situation. However, Rin made the first move, and that little message of reaching out was enough to spur the singer on, clearing his throat before his awkward chatter broke the air, "Er, uh... 're you okay, mate? Y'don't... ya kinda look like y've seen a ghost, or somefin'..." The male pawed at the ground, searching his mind for words that eluded him before he continued, "Are... are y'missin' somebody?"

Re: size matters - communication error - fulzanin - 04-20-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Clony forgot, ever so briefly, that it actually needed to get a grip on its mental speaking powers. That its thoughts easily worked their way out of its head and came across as unfiltered speech for those around it. Never had Clony had to perform such a restriction before. Those that it lived with were either identical to itself, or just didn't want anything to do with it. Despite the fact that Clony was trying to save them from all the danger of mechanized machines - ungrateful, it once had heard another one claim. Clony didn't think it shared the same thoughts, but for all it knew it had been the one to say such a thing. Everyone having an identical voice was quite difficult to sift through sometimes. The same high pitched voice filled with either determination, curiosity - or more commonly pain. That was the worst drawback to every one of them having the same headspace. Always noisy, always something to chat about. Always something dangerous to avoid, always something neat to look at, like wanting to share the discovery of the ocean.

Fluffy ears perked, Clony having been too absorbed in reaching out as far as it could with its communication powers to reach the others to have even noticed Rin's approach. Their body stiffened briefly, pearly eyes widening before returning to their normal size. "Oh. Uh," The fluffy bat stammered, pearly gaze flickering to the side. Explaining the utter nonsense of what Clony was trying to do, of who it was trying to talk to? It was complicated in its own unique way, as most things revolving around itself were. Difficult, seeing as not even Clony fully understand all the awkward standards of where it came from. In comparison, this place was absolutely peaceful  - something certainly to change the next time some god came barreling in. Not that Clony had ever dealt with any gods before. In a mechanized world filled with traps and death, there probably was no god that would want to touch such a wasteland with the universe's longest pole.

Clony's head swiveled, brought out of their pondering by another person's approach. Their eyes blinked a few times, still briefly disoriented by not having silver eyes from every single other creature absolutely being disorienting. Clony's feathered wings twitched, returning to quickly piece together their words. "It's uh, its weird. There's a lot of.. 'me's', I guess that's the best way to word it. Back where I come from I could just talk to everybody without problem. Which is good when there's lasers. 'Cause they were all me, y'know? Or were me, at one point. It's like - well I'm pretty sure I'm not part plant," They chattered, ears flicking a little. "But I can't talk to any of them anymore. I'm not used to it being so quiet. Its just me now and I'm not used to - it shouldn't just be me. 'Cause before it didn't matter how far it was 'cause I could still talk to everyone and hear everything. I don't like it at all," Clony continued, a sharp shudder wracking through them. "It's way too quiet and I hate it."

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: size matters - communication error - Warringkingdoms - 04-24-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]At 2D's approach, she offered a small nod to him, then turned back to Clony. Watching Clony twitch as if snapped out of a trance, Rin stepped back slightly to allow them more space, and listened carefully to the words that buzzed in her head. There had been multiple of Clony, all able to communicate with each other... and now this one was the only one. It was just them, and it shouldn't have been just them.

  It shouldn't just be me.

  Oh, how often that thought stuck in her head, the context only different in an academic sense. The silence of being alone could drive the strongest minds to despair; Rin had observed as much far too many times. As iron eroded under rust's consumption, a will would fade over time. No one was truly indomitable... least of all her.

  Universal constant, guiding star.

  Even stars burnt out eventually.

  "...I understand," Rin said finally, sitting down and curling her tail around her paws. After a moment, though, she corrected herself, "Or, well- I wouldn't necessarily understand the mental connection bit. But I understand... I understand losing people. Missing them." Feeling her ears swivel back, she shook her head. She wasn't going to lose her composure now, not when they needed her to stay calm. "I understand... feeling alone," she said, her voice quieter than it had been before.

  You think that's comforting? That that's enough to make their pain go away? ...Useless.

  Swallowing, she raised a paw to her scarf and tugged at the fabric, as if to loosen the grip of a hungry beast on her throat. The voice, ever-present in her head, was right. Nothing she said could ease the gravity of what they had lost. Nothing she said would help. It will never be enough.

  "...I'm sorry," she murmured finally. Clony could decide whether to interpret that as an expression of sympathy, an apology for her inability to comfort them, or something else entirely.

Re: size matters - communication error - – 2D - 04-26-2020

There were a great many things in the world that confused 2D. It wasn't exactly hard to confuse the serval without really trying, since his frequent headaches and low base intelligence made it so certain things just flew over his head. However, the singer also liked to think that he had some element of common sense. He wasn't stupid, and if he was given just a bit of time, he could wrap his mind around most things. Clony's explanation of what was going on in its mind, however, was something 2D was fairly sure he'd never be able to understand. There were several of it? Did it mean that it was a twin or a triplet or something? Was there just something that his mind wasn't putting together about its words? The serval felt a frustrated look come to his face, his pure black eyes narrowing in concentration as he tried to figure out what had just been said. The frustrated feeling made his eyes sting slightly, a sure sign of tears – whether from his own confusion or a forming migraine, he wasn't sure – but he shoved it down, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. He wished that Murdoc was around right now. Maybe the canine would see whatever he was missing.

Even if 2D couldn't understand the exact details of what was going on, that didn't mean he couldn't understand the emotions that hung heavy in the air. The serval had always been pretty emotional, and far better at empathizing with others than his traveling companion, so even if he couldn't understand the whole of it, he thought he got the important information from Clony's statement. Glancing in the direction of Rin for a moment, 2D hesitated before offering the both of them a little smile, showing off pearly canines and missing front teeth. It was meant to be a comfort, although he wouldn't be surprised if he just ended up making things worse, "Well... I'm not sure I really underst'nd everyfink y'just said, but... s'not really just you, izzit?" He pawed at the ground once again, claws gently digging at the dirt before he continued, "I mean... y'may not 'ave all th'voices in your 'ead y'did before, but you're not alone. None of us're alone. We've all got each other." He glanced down for a moment, pink spots dancing in his vision as he felt a migraine coming on. All this focusing was really hurting, "I don't... I don't know 'ow long y'plan on stayin' 'ere in Elysium – really I don't know 'ow long Muds 'n' I are stayin' either. But... f'as long as we're 'ere, we're all together. Right?" He had little to no idea if any of his statement would provide comfort to either Clony or Rin, but it felt wrong for him to just remain silent while they were clearly hurting.