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exclusively in that order -- assembly 4/17 - Printable Version

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exclusively in that order -- assembly 4/17 - Warringkingdoms - 04-17-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Over a month and a half had gone by- not exactly wasted, but not fully realized either. Still, late or not, an assembly had to be held. There were newcomers to welcome, a festival to throw, and potentially official members to swear in.

  Walking into the center of town, Rin glanced briefly down at the piece of paper she held in her telekinetic grasp. There wasn't that much to talk about, but at least she had the general order straight. "Assembly time," she called, setting down the piece of paper. Glancing around the town, she waited for the crowd to gather.

  Straightening up, she spoke, "I'd like to welcome Konrad, Katyusha, Writtenwish, Adeline, Felicity, Clony, Aleifr, 2D, and Murdoc. And welcome back to Diya and Cooper." Furrowing her brows, she went on, "Romanempire is being allowed to stay here as well, but he is on probation due to having past ties with the Pitt prior to Jervis' execution. He hasn't committed any crimes against us, and the Halls of Hiraeth were willing to take him in before this- and to my knowledge, he hasn't caused any incidents since- but I will be keeping my eye on him. If I determine that he poses a threat to Elysium or any of its members, I will deal with him." Rin still wasn't sure what Tanglewood's state of affairs was, but she made a mental note to conduct all future visits herself. They wouldn't be happy with her, but at least she'd be taking responsibility for her own decisions.

  She shook her head. "Lemy has stepped down from Legate, and Valerian has stepped down from Decurion." "Stepped down" was perhaps an understatement in Lemy's case, but that was all she would say about that. Regardless, she had given them the freedom to resign at any time, so she had to accept their decisions. Sweeping her gaze over the crowd, she said, "Mistrim, I need to see more activity from you." It had been some time since she last saw the vixen- it was entirely possible she'd vanished by now. Still, Rin wouldn't express such a prediction in public.

  Luckily, the next announcement was more positive in nature. "We're doing the Stellar Collision Festival, starting sometime this week." Rin glanced down at the piece of paper briefly, then back up at the crowd. "Right now there's plans for a constellation search, a bonfire, and a storytelling event. If anyone else has events they'd like to throw, go ahead. We'll invite the Typhoon, Tanglewood, and the Halls- if you're going to deliver an invitation, travel in pairs. I'll take Tanglewood, if one other person wants to come with me."

  Was there anything else... oh, right. "Shout out to Videogames," she added, twitching her ears. "Keep it up." Looking around, she nodded. "That's all I have. Anyone who wants to be sworn in, step forward."

  /tl;dr + OOC notes:
  -welcome to [member=13184]Konrad[/member] [member=13183]katyusha.[/member] [member=12062]ALEIFR[/member] [member=12757]FELICITY[/member] [member=13150]writtenwish.[/member] [member=13196]adeline[/member] [member=12578]﹝ CLONY ﹞[/member] [member=13606]– 2D[/member] [member=13619]MELANCHOLYHILL[/member] @Diya F.M. [member=911]Dale Cooper.[/member] @romanempire
  -Rin is allowing Romanempire to stay, but is warning both him and the rest of Elysium that he's there on probation because he did some sketchy stuff with the Pitt around six months ago- and she'll be watching him
  -Lemy and Halo have stepped down from Legate and Decurion respectively, and Mistrim gets a minor warning for activity
  -Stellar Collision Festival happening this week, events will be linked in the meeting thread as they're posted
  -Tanglewood, Typhoon, and Halls need to be invited- travel in pairs to deliver invitation (Rin is one of the two going to Tanglewood)
  -shout out to [member=9345]VIDEOGAMES[/member] - keep up the good work ^^
  -oath swearing starts next reply, have your character step forward in their post if they want to be sworn in
  -OOC note: the COVID-19 situation is crazy right now, so I hope y'all are staying safe- don't feel pressured to post, IRL comes first

Re: exclusively in that order -- assembly 4/17 - Hope Arcanium - 04-18-2020

Play of course brings her injured ass out into the open, knowing full well that it would likely cause her to be reprimanded by Rin since she was still healing. Regardless, her stubbornness spurred her forward to listen to what was being said.

New members, people stepping down, Romanempire on probation, and a warning; nothing that the white furred god was surprised about. But the mention of the Stellar Collision Festival got her attention. It almost seemed like the perfect time for a god to strike them, and she had just begun to get to the point she could be mobile again. It would be a crappy thing for them to swoop in, but an opportunity nonetheless. And she wanted to bring this up with Rin.

But first, Rin needed a bodyguard to come with her to Tanglewood. Playerone was swift to raise a paw, wincing a little at the sudden movement. “I’ll go with you, Rin.” The hybrid volunteered, determination and protectiveness showing in her light green eyes. There was no way that she would let her friend leave unsupervised with another member. Call it pride or selfishness, but she wanted to be the one to stand by her side and support her. Maybe see what these godly powers could do for them all, but more importantly, how well they would work as a tool of protection.

And Rin, may I speak with you in private about something? I have a few concerns.

Re: exclusively in that order -- assembly 4/17 - fulzanin - 04-18-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Meeting. Assembly. Foreign terms to the bat's mind, ones that didn't quite click in their place. Clony found itself fluttering over anyways, brought in by the crowd and its own curiosity. When its own name was mentioned it only furthered Clony's attention to what was being said, and excitedly its tail wriggled. Execution, other groups, probation? More odd words, and Clony decided that it would figure them out later. A festival sounded cool, the little knowledge of such an event that the bat knew of. Excitement for getting to participate in such an event coursed through them. Fluffy ears perked at the comment of getting 'sworn in'. Swore? Swears? Clony's wings stretched as it forward a few paces. "Sworn in? You mean we get to sing the swear song?!" They chattered, pearly eyes white with sheer delight. It had been ages since it'd even tried to sing such a song. Not that it had come up with the song. Bouncing on its small feet, they eagerly awaited to be given the okay to launch into song due to its misunderstanding.

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: exclusively in that order -- assembly 4/17 - – 2D - 04-18-2020

Meetings were a very new concept to 2D. While he knew what meetings were, he had never had any to attend to back when he had been a loner on his own. It had just been him and the land around him, and it wasn't as if anybody else was calling him over to discuss what had happened for the past month. Even when he had been traveling with Murdoc, they were almost constantly together, so there wasn't anything they needed to keep the other updated about. Despite this, when he heard Rin calling out about an assembly, he found himself curious, getting up from his laying position and swaying a little on his paws. He blinked a couple of times in an – ultimately fruitless – attempt to clear the blurriness in his vision, moving over to where Murdoc was and gently butting his forehead against the cabinet's shoulder, "Meetin' time Muds, c'mon." Without waiting to see what his companion's response would be, the serval headed outside, moving over to the group in front of Rin.

The feline felt a crooked grin come over his muzzle when he and Murdoc were welcomed in, an uncommon sense of warmth and happiness flooding him. The way that Rin said it... it almost seemed as if Elysium was legitimately happy to have them. He pressed his tongue through the hole where his front teeth should've been for a moment in thought, eventually choosing to call out a simple, "Fank you, Rin! That's really sweet." Listening to the rest of the announcements, most of them just went over 2D's head, the serval still too new to know much about Roman, the gods, or the festival. However, when Rin got to the last part about stepping forward, 2D perked up once again. Sworn in? He didn't really know what being sworn in entailed, and he also wasn't sure how long Murdoc intended for them to stay for, but... it didn't seem fair to just stay in Elysium without dedicating himself properly. Glancing around for a moment to see if his canine companion would be joining him, 2D quickly stepped forward out of the crowd to be sworn in.

Re: exclusively in that order -- assembly 4/17 - arcy - 04-19-2020

[Image: ddgetj1-c6f37b5c-d839-4744-b520-59fdbfef...19vSR2xhdk]

[div style="float: right;"][Image: unknown.png]
[div style="opacity: 70%;"]6 subscribers

Not a lot had happened since Videogames had returned from .... wherever it was he'd been. Besides ... Felicity's return, which was more of a personal thing than anything else. New members, including one Rin seemed to be worried about, an event, and .. Lemy seems to have mysteriously vanished. That was. Fine.
"Thanks, Rin," He chirrups, beaming. It was nice to be acknowledged. Even if he hasn't ... done much. "I can take an invite out wherever," Videogames .. didn't know enough about the groups to really know what the best option was.



Re: exclusively in that order -- assembly 4/17 - trojan g. - 04-19-2020

"I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls"
Though he'd known when he had joined on the border a few days prior that he was deemed on probation by Rin, he hadn't though that she would speak about it to the rest of the group like this, singling him out in front of all of them, but, at least he could stay, and she hadn't spoken about Trojan. That was a plus.

Ears pricked and the mutated leopard would look towards those around him before standing and taking a small step forward, stopping. "Can I be sworn in, or should I wait Rin? Or would I need to be since I was a member when Ascendants merged with Snowbound to become this group?" He honestly didn't care either way, but it was best to get the formalities out of the way as soon as possible he supposed.

As far as the amusement went however, Roman wasn't sure if he'd even show up for those.

tags - penned by @ tikki
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: exclusively in that order -- assembly 4/17 - arcy - 04-22-2020

[div style="float: right;"]
felicity!![div style="opacity: 70%;"]@felicifire

An assembly, huh? Fe had mentioned something about that. Meetings, or whatever, explaining the current state of events and .. plans, or whatever.
Felicity didn't really see the point. Or ... she did, but only a little. She was just being purposefully contradictory, that was all. And ... needless to say, she didn't really care. A welcome to people, one person who Felicity was absolutely going to keep an eye on, and .. some other things that didn't really matter.
"I think I'll pass, thanks," Felicity yawns, seated next to Videogames. She lived here, but it was ... it was temporary. Or maybe it wasn't, but either way Felicity didn't particularly care to possibly swear her life to a group she'd just joined. "I'll go with Felix to take the invite, though," Predictable as ever. Her brother's ear twitches as he glances back at her. He hadn't even chosen a place to take it to.
"Hey Fe, hey Fe, hey Fe, let's take it to the Typhoon, that name sounds cool as shit," Emboldened by his mere acknowledgement of her existence, she begins prodding him in the side, persistent.

[Image: 158637119822677390.png]

Re: exclusively in that order -- assembly 4/17 - Warringkingdoms - 05-02-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Watching Play approach, Rin furrowed her brows. The information shared at the meeting could easily have been communicated to Play without her dragging herself all the way out here, even if Rin knew full well she would've done the same thing in her situation (ignoring that of course she, as the Magna, couldn't not show up to a meeting). She'd worry about lecturing Play later, though.

  ...or, since Play had mentioned going to Tanglewood, she'd just do it now. "Not unless you've recovered by the time we send out the invitations," Rin answered, twitching her ears. "I appreciate the offer, but I don't want you aggravating your injuries." Maybe if her schedule slipped, and she wasn't able to send out the invitations right away, by the time they got around to it Play would be doing well enough to assist. Rin wasn't betting on it, though. Regarding Play's suggestion of a private discussion, Rin sighed and said, "I'll talk to you later, yes." Whatever it was was probably important, but she'd have to figure out how to keep Play from wandering around in her injured state.

  Turning over to Clony and 2D as they approached, Rin tugged at her scarf. "Swear song," Clony had said- Rin suspected the "swear" they referred to was not the same kind of swear she was talking about. "It's... not that," she answered. "It's an oath, not a song. And I'll tell you about it at the end of the meeting- all you have to say is yes or no."

  As Roman approached, asking if he needed to swear in, Rin set her jaw and glanced down at the floor. Would it be a good idea to let him take the oath, when she was so uncertain of whether or not he could be trusted? On one hand, if he swore the oath, she could hold him to it- and refusing to let him might inspire resentment, which could lead him to betray them. On the other hand, she'd just declared him on probation, and it'd set a precedent if she then turned around and let him swear in as a full member. "...Wait until next meeting, at least," she said finally, lifting her head to meet his eyes. "I'll think about it."

  Felicity was the next to come over, offering Videogames and herself to take the invitation to the Typhoon. "Yes, that would be great," Rin said, turning to look at them. The two of them wouldn't get into any trouble, she was reasonably sure.

  Looking over at 2D and Clony once more, she cleared her throat. "2D, Clony- the oath is as follows," she began. "Do you promise to protect this community with all of your strength; to trust your fellow members enough to ask for help when necessary; and most importantly, to uphold the values of community and justice, and always serve the greater good without giving too much of yourself?"

Re: exclusively in that order -- assembly 4/17 - – 2D - 05-02-2020

Wow, that was one hell of an oath. Truthfully, 2D wasn't sure how good he would be at everything mentioned in it. Protect the community with all of his strength? He hardly had that much strength in his lanky form, constantly struggling just to get from day to day. Despite this, the way that Rin said it so firmly and with such conviction made him feel at ease. Maybe this place would be good for him, and for Murdoc, wherever he was. Realizing he had been hesitating for quite a long while, 2D hastily nodded his head, making himself the faintest bit nauseous in the process as he mumbled, "Yeah... yes! Yes, I promise t'do... all of fat." He winced a little bit at his own mispronunciation of the word "that." He knew that it undercut the impact of his oath somewhat, but hopefully Rin would understand.

Re: exclusively in that order -- assembly 4/17 - Hope Arcanium - 05-05-2020

The hybrid god just gave a small nod, understanding Rin’s standpoint on the nature of her injuries and the potential for them to worsen due to travel. But Player was quick to heal, and she was certain that she would be up to the task of accompanying her friend very soon.

And thankfully, Rin agreed to talk with her in private. They needed a good talk with all that was going on, and so she sat back to watch those being sworn-in. It was nice to see Elysium slowly growing again.