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my name is adrenaline // open, awakening q&a - Printable Version

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my name is adrenaline // open, awakening q&a - Hope Arcanium - 04-16-2020

Covered in bandages, the hybrid stood up extremely carefully, taking caution to avoid reopening her wounds she had acquired days before in the attack. She needed to get some form of exercise, and so she figured a walk was in order. Or at least, getting out of the house a bit.

A heavy sigh passed through her jaws, remembering what she had promised to do for Elysium- a promise she had made to herself as well; She would host a Q&A about the attack and answer all questions she could that would inevitably be thrown her way, even those about her godly power she now had awakened. There would likely be many heavy questions she would have to answer, whether she wanted to or not.

A promise is a promise. And she never went back on her word.

Heavy pawsteps carried her to the center of the village, hoping to gather the attention of as many as possible. Her eyes scanned the area as she stretched her wings gently, still getting used to the new physical changes alongside the spiritual ones. She curled her tail around her bandaged paws, and she did her best to not feel or seem intimidating, or at least not as much as she would be in full health.

I know you have a lot of questions for me,” Playerone began, eyeing the crowd that was appearing ever so slowly, “And that is why I’m not inside my home recovering. I’m here to answer your questions regarding the attack that had been made on me a while ago, along with... other things. I can assure you that with my new... abilities, I’m not going to harm any of you. Instead, I see myself as more of a protector. And I hope you can see me the same way.

She let that part of her opening digest in the minds of those that had appeared to listen or ask things before she gave the go-ahead to open the Q&A officially.

Just to make it easier for me and for everyone else, try not to talk over each other when asking a question. I will do my best to answer each one as best as I can. Now, the floor is open. Go ahead and ask me anything.

Re: my name is adrenaline // open, awakening q&a - Warringkingdoms - 04-16-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Well, this seemed familiar.

  Questions and answers, Play had promised- all of which would be directed at an injured patient, who really shouldn't have been volunteering for interrogation in her state at all. Then again, that hadn't stopped Rin. It was only natural that Play, as stubborn as every other Elysite, wouldn't let it stop her either.

  Spying Play sitting in the middle of town, Rin padded over, her ears twitching in concern. It was only right to watch her friend, in case this session aggravated her injuries, or she went into shock all of a sudden, or whatever. What the Skyborne's minion had done to her would take some time to truly heal. As she approached, Rin raised a brow slightly at Play's demeanor. It was... different. Not intimidating, really- Rin had been threatened by far too much at this point to be afraid of a few accidental sparks- but different from the Play she had first met years ago.

  "I'm not going to harm any of you," she said. Rin twitched her whiskers; she would've hoped that was obvious. Play had never been the type to go mad with power.

  "I see myself as more of a protector."

  Rin blinked.

  She stood in the middle of town, the cold biting at her bandaged wounds. The others stood around her, anger and resentment etched into their gazes. Demands for answers rose into the air. "You don't get to decide. Especially not you. You are not my protector." "Aren't you being kind of selfish?" "It's not fair to us." "You are nothing more than a mortal. You cannot protect everyone."

  How could she think herself capable of protecting them, when she had failed everyone else?

  She gritted her teeth, the sudden silence drawing her back into reality. Playerone had finished speaking. It was their turn.

  Rin leveled her gaze at Play, and said, "You know, Lavi told me once- you were there, you heard this- that I wasn't the sole guardian of all of Elysium. That we all swore to protect each other." She furrowed her brows slightly, though she got the feeling the look in her eyes was more exhausted than anything else. "...So, you're more powerful now. That's great. It really is. Use that power to serve Elysium, sure. But deeming yourself a 'protector,' like it's more your job to protect Elysium than anyone else's..."

  She shook her head. Best to just get to the point. "I was mistaken, to think that I was some sort of 'protector.' I think for you to do the same would be a mistake, too."

Re: my name is adrenaline // open, awakening q&a - fulzanin - 04-18-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Clony had next to no idea what a god or goddess was. It hadn't ever had such a concept explained to it. Nor had it yet heard of the ordeals of this group fighting against gods. The change in Player's appearance was unknown to Clony, for they'd never seen the other's original body. Fluffy wings carried them over, and their landing was just as rough as those that came before it. Landing with legs was rough, it was learning. It toddled over a bit closer, their tiny body having to crane upwards to look at the hybrid. Ask anything? Clony didn't quite understand what the problem was with being deemed a protector. It was sure it'd figure it out long enough. "Do you have lasers?!" Clony instead chattered, their small body brimming with excitement at its well thought out question. It would love some lasers, some taste of the norm. White eyes were wide with delight, hope, expectation, and their tail excitedly wriggled behind them. "Also what floor? I don't see a floor. Is the floor hiding the lasers?" It continued on while beginning to slightly bounce on its feet.

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: my name is adrenaline // open, awakening q&a - trojan g. - 04-19-2020

"I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls"
It had been a while since Roman had shown his face to others in a group, though it seemed the longer time went on the less people he recognized, for those he'd once known had long since moved on, either passing on in death or simply going to another group he wouldn't know, but despite the flux of new members he had yet to meet, it seemed as though things didn't change, and the old male knew that they never would. The longer he lived the more Roman saw that.

Padding after Rin - for she was the only one he was sure he knew here thus far - he would listen to the words that were spoken by Playerone and by their leader, only to let a small snort leave him before finally speaking for himself. "Though protectors are needed in any time, it usually falls upon all of the group to become that if they're able, rather than just the one being called upon to protect others." He'd speak, large rounded ears twitching before he licked at his mane, looking up once more, "After all, the Pitt became the way it was because they sought after a single person to help and protect them, causing too much power to grow and get to their heads." That was how most places were, actually.

An amused light flickered to his eyes as Clony began to speak, and a small smile formed on his face. He liked the other, youthful questions and arrogance was something he wished he still had, and thus he decided that Clony was one he liked here, one he wanted to befriend. He just hoped they would keep their good spirits throughout their days. "With that being said though," he'd speak, moving on from his own words to look over Playerone once more, "I don't believe we've met so my only question for the time-being is who are you?"

tags - penned by @ tikki
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