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GET WITH IT •• mandatory meeting & exile - Printable Version

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GET WITH IT •• mandatory meeting & exile - Kydobi - 04-16-2020


[OOC: summary will be at the bottom]

For some odd reason, Kydobi sort of loathed doing meetings. It felt so pointless, although he knew they were crucial. It wasn’t safe to just assume everyone knew what was happening and what was going to happen.

So despite his lack of enthusiasm he would sit at the stage next to the leaders temple and clear his throat. Even then there was some major news he needed to get out as well as some minor changes.

He would look at everyone, some people already coming in because they knew that Kydobi never got up on that stage other than to deliver the meeting.

He cleared his throat again in deciding where to start. Finally he would roar, the noise more so a loud throaty chuff. It demanded all pittians of all ages to attend per usual.

When a sizable crowd formed the brute would speak, “Alright folks. I have an awful lot of news to share. Not all good but everything is for the better.”

God he was exhausted at the moment. He would sit and sigh, “First off, I have finally selected my Vicar. Gael, come take your place by my side my friend.”

He would wait a moment before looking into the crowd, making eye contact with anyone and everyone.

“He is now above everyone but myself regarding orders. I expect you all to obey him or you’ll see punishment.”

For this part, he decided a true man would stand instead of cower on his rear. This part he didn’t really want to do but after deep thought and fair consideration... it was necessary.

“As you all know, we are not the Pitt we used to be. We are not and never were the ignorant scum bags everyone paints us to be. We are some of the strongest and most noble folks here. The only person that ever fit that description died. His actions caught up to him and he was punished.”

Kydobi’s gaze would harden a little, the former guilt he held regarding Jervis was gone now. Even in his death, the brute had managed to create a twisted legacy and name for the Pitt and the problems didn’t end with him. There wasn’t much room in his heart for that anymore.

“That being said, if anyone is found on our borders and isn’t immediately hostile or up to trouble. Then do not attack! Be wary of course and be wise but don’t be ignorant and launch into unneeded violence. Especially if those people are seeking asylum or help from us.”

He would take a moment to inhale, smoke had begun to curl from his nose. A tell tale sign of his building anger. Lately, he had noticed his temper was short and the weight on his shoulders felt ever heavier. But hopefully it would pass.

”We are trying to fix our name. Or actually if anything, trying to get people off our backs. Diminish that target all Pittians take up the moment they call this place home. Anyways we have had a couple people come here to join. Trygve, a former typhooner is now a debutante. He has yet to prove himself worthy of being a true Pittian. My daughter Ramona has also made a return and will be assuming the rank Pittian.”

He flicked his ears, “I also encourage you all to take advantage of our hunting treaties with our allies. Also, Alithis Evgenis has kindly invited us to their grounds for some special event. I expect you all to come as well as be on your best behavior.”

”Also! I need you all to stay here after the meeting, there is something very important we all must see.” He looked at Gael, “Do you have anything you wish to say or add?”

[member=4836]gael[/member] [member=4817]aine.[/member] [member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member] [member=3295]ramona.[/member] [member=10503]MERCEDE[/member] [member=10505]NOOR[/member] [member=10555]sweeney c.f.[/member] [member=13010]silvertides ;[/member] [member=9250]piers[/member] [member=11126]nikolai[/member] [member=7712]Astiar[/member]

- Gael has been appointed as the new Vicar
- Ry and Ramona have joined the Pitt!
- please dont be dicks and attack people for no reason!
- Kydobi wants people to “stay” after the meeting which is actually a separate thread


Re: GET WITH IT •• mandatory March meeting - CAESAR CIPHER. - 04-16-2020

It was about damn time for a meeting. At least in The Typhoon, there was a meeting almost every other week - and Caesar thought it was odd that there hadn't been a meeting ever since he had joined. But from Kydobi's word, it appeared that The Pitt had a meeting once a month. Which was fine, he supposed. Better one than nothing at all for a while. At the jaguar's call, Caesar made his way towards the meeting area and looked up at the Ardent with a bored expression.

The first announcement Kydobi made was Gael's promotion. Caesar's claws dug into the ground subconsciously at the announcement and while many NPCs congratulated Gael's promotion, Caesar said nothing. He glared at the fox and lashed his tail, but he knew better than to attack the new Vicar for now. After all, the reason he had gotten exiled in The Typhoon was during a meeting where he had let his anger over a promotion take control of him. No, Caesar had no right to be mad right now, not when it was very clear that he wasn't well-liked by his Clanmates. They will learn.

The next couple announcements were about how The Pitt wasn't what they used to be, and how people should be wary - not aggressive - towards strangers. Caesar knew that Kydobi was indirectly calling him out and the savannah bit his tongue in order to keep from saying something. He had Kydobi had their talk already, and if the Ardent thought a simple threat was going to keep him at bay, then he was wrong. Caesar had a plan and he was going to make it happen, whether his Clanmates were happy with it or not.

The last couple of announcements were stuff regarding allies, which Caesar practically blocked out. He couldn't care less for what their allies wanted or did; in fact, in his mind, The Pitt shouldn't have allies. But alas, that was something he had no control over. Caesar did, of course, stay after the announcements, curious as to what this 'very important' thing was that Kydobi wanted everyone to stay for.

Re: GET WITH IT •• mandatory April meeting - gael - 04-17-2020

Due to Kydobi's foresight, Gael knew what to expect as he heeded the jaguar's call to gather -- rather than surprise him with a promotion, the Ardent had inquired on his personal thoughts over the matter.  A move the faerie respected and appreciated.

The vulpine planned to discuss the promotion with his daughter soon, already gathering thoughts into how to accumulate new responsibilities within their routine.  Having brought her along with him, he offered her a reassuring smile as he padded up to his new place.

In the end, this position meant he could better protect his daughter -- to aid Kydobi in improving the Pitt, for Aine.  The social opinion mattered little and he ignored those more bitter eyes among the crowd.

At the mention of Trygve's name, the faerie held back a sigh; indeed, he considered the boy his responsibility now, considering his friendship with Aine.

Thoughtfully, his head inclined at Kydobi's inquiry.  Possessing nothing important, aside from thoughts of what the Ardent had planned for after the meeting, the Irishman soon shook his head in negative.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: GET WITH IT •• mandatory April meeting - aine. - 04-17-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Dutifully, the petite druid had trotted after her father, still struggling with her balance.  Her hazel hues flickered, a new wariness within.  Memories of the most recent days making her steps slightly slower, unenthusiastic to sit among a crowd she didn't know she even truly trusted.  Well.  A few she knew for sure she didn't, such as Caesar.  But even Kydobi had recently fractured her expectations.

She shuffled her hooves where she sat, eyes absently following a nearby ant rather than looking up at the ardent as he spoke.  Her ears however, were perked.  Quickly though, she found her attention caught and snared.  The sound of her father's name surprised her.  A promotion.  Vicar.

Swiftly, she blinked up at her father, smiling in return.  If anyone deserved such a promotion, it was him.  No one was better than her father.  Though she did feel her chest tighten as he walked away, ears flicking slightly down.

Suddenly uncertain, Aine cast her eyes down once again, finding a small beetle to watch this time, letting the rest of Kydobi's words wash over her ears.  Would her father be more busy now?  Would he let her help?  Her teeth caught the inside of her cheek as she ruffled her wings.

Were they done?  The deer-fox frowned in confusion, glancing up.  What were they staying to see?
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: GET WITH IT •• mandatory meeting & exile - trojan g. - 04-19-2020

[div style="max-width: 425px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 30px; opacity: 0.70; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; padding-top: 10px;"]Meetings were not something the child cared for too much if she was being honest. There were often times where it had very little to do with herself or her siblings, so she simply tried to stay away up until her ability to need to be in everything and know everything took over, and she usually found herself gathering with others soon after the meeting was announced anyway.

Listening so that she could get context for everything that would happen in the coming weeks, and her ears flattened in disdain. He is now above everyone but myself regarding orders. I expect you all to obey him or you’ll see punishment. She didn't like Gael. He treated her and her sister's like trash, bossing them around and treating them as if they were an afterthought all while he doted after his own daughter. If they were somewhere he'd tell them to leave without reason while Aine got to stay. They were children, younger than Aine, and they were orphans yet they were treated horribly. It was no wonder they acted out.

She wanted to leave, was tempted just to get up and do so despite the order to stay. She didn't want to listen to the older fox in any regard.

[[ not my own opinions in the post ~ ]]

[align=center]text | "speech"

Re: GET WITH IT •• mandatory meeting & exile - Kydobi - 04-29-2020


[OOC: apologies for how late this reply is. Expect more activity on my part Smile

Power play permission granted by Maple]

It wasn’t the crowd he had expected. There were still, as always, missing faces. But word spread throughout the group one way or another.

The one face he had hoped to show most certainly did. No doubt the Savannah was pissed. Kydobi saw his glare towards the newly established Vicar, even the whipping tail. It brought petty satisfaction to the Ardent.

“Alright, well..., it seemed Gael didn’t have much to say so Kydobi would allow this to move forward. He sighed and looked around, “The Pitt is not where it should be. We in fact, are the weakest group out of all the groups regarding our situation and resources. We can not afford liabilities in any form.”

He would stand up, and hop down. Casually making his way towards Caesar, “That is why I’ve decided it’s in our best interest to rid the Pitt of any harmful things. Be it ways, traditions, or even members.”

As quick as he could he would slap a massive paw down on Caesar’s back and snatch his scruff in his jaws with a tight grip. he would then match up back to his spot on the stage, carrying the pissed off cat like a cub.

He would then drop the cat and slam him down onto the ground with his right paw. Caesar would land on his right side, being pinned by Kydobi. Applying unnecessary pressure to the left he would begin to speak.

“So!”, his deep voice boomed, “That is why precious little Caesar here is going to be exiled!” he would press his paw harder down for a moment.

“If you’re wondering why let me provide a rather extensive list. Caesar is everything wrong with the Pitt. He is everything that was wrong with the Pitt before I was announced leader. Caesar has shown blatant lack of care for the well-being of us and so I will show no kindness to him. He lacks respect. He lacks loyalty, he lacks basic morals.”

He would press harder before releasing a little, “he carved some shape into my son. He attacked a cub- twice. A cub who had relations that could throw us into a battle we would not win. He doesn’t respect me or what we’re trying to do. Lord knows he’s done more... I just can’t recall.”

Smoke curled out of his nose as he looked around, he was panting.

“Part of me wants to kill him. He disgusts me. But I know it will be hard for him to find a home anywhere if even the Pitt didn’t desire him.”

Clearing his throat he would ask one last question, ”Does anyone have any objections or perhaps some more crimes and offenses I did not list?”


Re: GET WITH IT •• mandatory meeting & exile - CAESAR CIPHER. - 04-29-2020

Kydobi continued on with his speech and Caesar let his gaze flicker to the leader as he started speaking again, only to be met with the much larger male lashing out at him. Caesar was easily pinned down by the massive jaguar and he let out a hiss as Kydobi bit down on his scruff, reopening the wound that had been there previously. It didn't take long for Kydobi to throw him back on the ground, putting pressure on Caesar's chest. The savannah wheezed beneath the Ardent's paw, flattening his ears as he tried to gasp for breath.

He was exiled. Again. "I could make The Pitt better!" The demon tried to call out telepathically, mostly towards Kydobi. He didn't wait for a response, however, and instead flicked his tail tip as he lit himself on fire, trying to burn [i]KYDOBI's paw. If anything, he was only trying for an escape now. He needed to breathe.

Re: GET WITH IT •• mandatory meeting & exile - deimos - 04-30-2020

The meeting. Piers cursed himself for being late, trailing behind into the area with a quick glance around, his tufted ears twitching. He saw Gael stand up with his father, and then something rather.. long in the making occurring. His eyes followed his father as he approached Caeser, his ears twitching, and he held his breath. He watched his father treat the piss-yellow Savannah more then roughly, and a tiny grin touched his face.

He sat, his paw reaching to touch his scarred shoulder, before looking towards the event. His nose twitched for but a moment, tail swaying behind him.

"No, father, I think you nailed it."

template by orion

Re: GET WITH IT •• mandatory meeting & exile - Kydobi - 05-05-2020


[OOC: ]

Caesar was an even bigger fool than he had anticipated, “No Caesar. You will only hinder and destroy the Pitt.”

Despite himself being a literal hot head, the brute did possess a deep fear fire. He was learning to manage and control it along with his own elementals.

The heat of the flame would cause him to release his paw quickly before snarling. His chest felt tight as he stared at the heat. But he couldn’t stop in front of all these people.

With a lunge forward he would attempt to kick Caesar off the stage onto the dirt below.

“Leave Caesar before I kill you.”


Re: GET WITH IT •• mandatory meeting & exile - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-05-2020

Caesar hissed as he was kicked, tumbling a few paces away from Kydobi from the blow. He coughed, flattening his ears as he cleared up at the Ardent. While he was hot-headed and idiotic to a certain extent, the demon knew he had no chance here. It would be the entire group against him; an impossible battle. Without another word, Caesar scrambled to his paws and took off.
