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CALLING THE WORLD FROM ISOLATION ☆ dual joining - Printable Version

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CALLING THE WORLD FROM ISOLATION ☆ dual joining - – 2D - 04-15-2020

Red slush, and pink tinged old stony steps. That was all that Twodimensional saw as he trudged up the mountain path to the peaks of Elysium, following after his traveling companion. The serval was a sight to see, with his long and skinny legs, along with the grey-white pelt and veritable mane of azure blue long fur reaching down from the back of his neck to the base of his tail. His most striking feature, however, was his eyes. They were pure black in color, occasionally gleaming with swirls of red when the light hit them just right. The pools of ebony were difficult to read any emotion from, although the rest of his face made up for this, twisted in anxiety as he rushed after Melancholyhill. Despite 2D's longer legs, the canine was moving with such enthusiasm that it was difficult to keep up, not to mention the poor vision that plagued 2D, making it difficult for him to identify where the path twisted and went upwards. It seemed as though every few steps the feline was slipping against icy ground, mumbling out curses as he thrashed and cling to his bag.

Truthfully, 2D had little idea of why he was here, or why he had decided to follow Murdoc in the first place. By all accounts it was a bad idea to follow the bernese all the way here, but 2D could admit he had never had the best judgement. Even before Melancholy had barreled into him and accidentally smashed his head against a rock. He didn't know what it was about the other that made him so convincing, but one moment 2D had been a loner all on his own, and the next minute he had been faithfully following the other, listening to him go on and on about things that didn't make much sense. Or maybe they did, and Two just wasn't paying enough attention. It was usually difficult for him to pay attention, considering the way the world sometimes spun around him, and how everything blurred together in tints of pink, red, and black. He was honestly lucky Murdoc talked so much, since it meant he always had the other's voice to follow after.

The lanky male was eventually startled from his thoughts by the sudden stopping of Murdoc in front of him, a yelp leaving 2D as he bumped into the other's backside. Confused as to what had caused his companion to fall silent, the black eyed serval moved to glance over Murdoc's shoulder, his eyes widening a bit when he saw the opening of tunnels in front of them. He was immediately struck with a sense of anxiety as he squirmed up to the canine's side, muttering softly, "Muds, are you really sure 'bout this? 'Cause those tunnels look real big, 'n' I don't really wanna go and get lost, y'know?" Noticing a distinct lack of response from beside him, 2D scowled a little, pushing against the other's side and hissing more loudly, "Murdoc! Are you ignorin' me? Come on you old sod! I smell people!" His voice gained a slightly anxious edge to it as he spoke, worried about what kind of scary animals could live up in the mountains.

( please don't post until [member=13619]MELANCHOLYHILL[/member] does! )


[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:50%;font-family:verdana"]just like 2D, the bernese was just as much of a sight- well, maybe a little less so. from the slightly green tint to his fur, the unsettling red and black heterochromia, to the patches of missing fur caused by mange on his back. of course, he liked how his travelling partner looked much more than he liked how he looked, but that was a topic for another day. did he have any clue where he was going? not in the slightest, but when they finally got somewhere, it made him top and think. had he been here before? was this a place he wasn't allowed to be? he didn't think he'd been banned from this group, so he might as well. "uh.. yeah! yep, thats why were here, we're staying!" he lied, looking into the caves.

Re: CALLING THE WORLD FROM ISOLATION ☆ dual joining - Konrad - 04-16-2020

It would seem that Konrad could not go even a day without meeting some quite alien creatures. He was trying to make the most of it, but he did still wish he was back in 1961. He couldn't exactly say things made sense during that time — there was especially a lot of chaos and uncertainty — but at least funky creatures only existed in the minds of sci-fi.

Once he adjusts, he'd probably thrive just fine. But at this point in time, he just wasn't there yet. What he did know, however, was the terrain. He was still relatively new of course, but it would appear his lifetime as a border patrol dog had come in handy. He had a little mental map of the territory in no time.

The dog's blue eyes gleamed from the tunnels as he bounded over, a warning bark rising in his throat. Konrad paused when he was confronted with two very strange and colorful animals. Scheisse! He wondered. They're aliens! Green, and black eyes, and everything! Konrad's head tipped to the side, finally gathering his tongue to speak. "I don't suppose you have passports, so can you tell me your names, where you're from, and why you're here?"

Re: CALLING THE WORLD FROM ISOLATION ☆ dual joining - Hope Arcanium - 04-16-2020

The white-furred god would approach the scene to stand beside Konrad, her eyes focused on the two newcomers with a smile upon her features. Sparks came off of her pelt periodically, and the air around her felt like an incoming storm. On top of this, she had been steadily learning how to temper her fiery aura, and it now only appeared in brief moments as small flickers of flame or a light glow surrounding her body.

There was no need for the fox-feline hybrid to speak, as the canine beside her had already done so. He asked the necessary questions, and she was there to provide backup in case something went wrong. They could never be too careful, especially with what happened when Erinya attacked her.

Speaking of that, her wounds were healing nicely, and she had fewer bandages covering her body than last time. Was this a part of her godly awakening? Time would tell, she supposed.

Re: CALLING THE WORLD FROM ISOLATION ☆ dual joining - – 2D - 04-16-2020

It really shouldn't have surprised 2D that the first person to come rushing over to their intrusion seemed stunned by their appearances. After all, they were quite the odd pair, especially when you put them side by side. Konrad didn't seem to be threatening them in any way, yet the lanky serval still found himself pressing into and almost trying to hide behind his traveling companion, still used to only the loner life and the occasional presence of Murdoc at his side. He wasn't sure why the canine wanted to stay here – and he was around 50% sure the other was just pulling reasoning out of his ass – but he'd never been big on questioning anybody, especially Murdoc. So, taking a deep breath, the black eyed male mumbled in his high and frequently cracking voice, "Uh... hey there. Hi. No, we don't have passports, r'anyfing like that..." His voice held his usual vaguely cockney accent as he continued, making him somewhat difficult to understand, "My mamet's Twodimensional, but most people just call me 2D, 'cause it's easier f'them. I'm just a loner, y'know? No real home before this... I suppose we're here ta join."

When another Elysite approached them, 2D found himself freezing up, his heart beating rapidly in his chest at Playerone's appearance. Even though his entire world was bathed in hues of pink and red anyways, the serval could clearly see the power occasionally arcing off of the hybrid, filling him with fear. He pressed himself further into Murdoc, disguising it as a gentle nudge while speaking, black gaze focused upwards on his companion, "W-Well, go on then. Introduce y'self, Murdoc." It didn't even really occur to the feline that he had basically introduced the other for him, but that wasn't exactly surprising. Even before his injuries, 2D had never been the brightest bulb.

Re: CALLING THE WORLD FROM ISOLATION ☆ dual joining - Warringkingdoms - 04-17-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]This was an odd duo, though not the strangest newcomers that Rin had ever met. She did find herself wondering if the pure black eyes and green-tinged fur were purely an aesthetic trait, or if they were results of a more severe condition- but regardless, the two seemed to be getting along fine, at least from initial appearances. Maybe they had issues that observers wouldn't notice right away, but now wasn't the time to ask.

  Konrad's remark about passports, and the slight tinge of nervousness in the black-eyed one's voice as Playerone approached, elicited a twitch in the corner of Rin's mouth. Calling it amusement might be a bit of an overstatement for her specifically, but she wouldn't deny there was humor to be found in the situation. She would still have to order Play to go back to her room and rest, but she could take care of that after the newcomers were introduced.

  2D and Murdoc, the serval had said. The names instilled a sense of deja vu in the back of Rin's mind, but she got the feeling the source of that deja vu was insignificant. Most of the time, if she was recalling something significant, there was at least one clear detail to fixate on- here, there was nothing but a vague sense of familiarity. Murdoc was a derivation of a common surname, so that was probably all it meant.

  "You won't be needing a passport," Rin commented after a few moments of thought, twitching her ears. "If you're interested in becoming full members, there'll be a meeting this weekend where you can swear in- but you can stay as long as you like, even if you don't take the oath." Tugging at her scarf with one paw, she added, "I'm Rin. Welcome to Elysium."


[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:50%;font-family:verdana"]usually, melancholy wasn't the anxious type. he was the loud and bold type, but they were now outnumbered, there was no way they were fighting their way out of this, especially since he knew that the other was not a fighter. of course, that anxiety left him when rin came along and welcomed them. "ah, well. thanks. im melancholyhill, murdoc for short."

Re: CALLING THE WORLD FROM ISOLATION ☆ dual joining - fulzanin - 04-18-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

A passport. Clony hadn't ever heard of such an odd term before, it would note as it came fluttering over to the scene. Large ears meant finding congregations of people was easier. Arriving was not, it struggled with the process of landing in a way that wasn't simply crashing into the dirt. The landing was rough, but Clony was mighty proud that it didn't bump into those that it knew - and those that were new that it did not know of. They briefly shuffled their fluffy body into a better position. Clony would refuse to allow itself to have such an awful greeting to new people if it had started off so well by not crashing around. "I'm Clony! I didn't need a passdoor thing when I first showed up here, so its probably not all that need- necessary," the creature chattered in its usual method of telepathy, nodding its head after speaking. Fluffy ears twitched a little while its pearly eyes looked over the two. The black eyes were quite startling, for Clony was only used for those with pure white eyes. That was the entire opposite of what it was used to. It could keep such a conflict confined, their fully tail swinging slowly behind them. "Its great to meet both of you." They could keep their voice controlled, noting the red hues of the other's eyes. It was weary of such a color, the violence of the color red easily able to return to Clony's mind. A small shuffle step closer to one of the others that were greeting the newcomers was made, ears twitching.

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: CALLING THE WORLD FROM ISOLATION ☆ dual joining - arcy - 04-19-2020

[Image: ddgetj1-c6f37b5c-d839-4744-b520-59fdbfef...19vSR2xhdk]

[div style="float: right;"][Image: unknown.png]
[div style="opacity: 70%;"]6 subscribers

More servals, huh? Well. Just one more. Maybe they were more common than Videogames had realized. It kept on throwing him off whenever he encountered one, when it probably really shouldn't. What was a passport, anyways? Videogames understood very little of anything Konrad said at any point ever, and he didn't feel particularly inclined to try.
"Hey, welcome!" A bright, easy grin, a veiled attempt to set whatever anxiety they had about this new place at ease. "I'm Videogames! Do you guys need anything else, or to be brought to camp or something?" He chirps. Y'know. Just to be generically helpful.
