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Interesting facts about your characters? - Printable Version

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Interesting facts about your characters? - tikki - 04-14-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]I feel like I've seen this before but can't remember where, and if it's in the general board then I'm just blind

but interesting facts about your characters? I'll start with Roman.

He was originally named after a Justin Timberlake song

Re: Interesting facts about your characters? - Verdigris - 04-14-2020

[font=trebuchet ms]I'll give y'all a 4-for-4

-He was born deaf in his right ear
-He loved EDM/electronic rock music
-I literally made up his name on a whim, aiming for something that sounded laughably edgy
-he could not hold his alcohol at all, and after the incident with Pincher’s boy band he avoided it for the rest of his life

-without getting too spoiler-y, he was heavily inspired by Hollow Knight
-he has a minor fascination with yo-yos, after having made his charm bracelet out of a broken yo-yo string
-he’s not a huge music listener but if he was, he’d be a classical fan all the way
-as he faded into obscurity (whether he officially left, disappeared, or just stayed and kept out of the spotlight is open to interpretation), his loyal pet duck Inkquill followed him, and will continue to follow him so long as they both live

-She's loosely based off of Madeline, the protagonist of Celeste, with some inspiration also taken from Hollow Knight (mainly the mask) and other indie games
-"Straw" is short for "Strawberry"; I had intended to choose an additional suffix at some point, but never got around to it
-sub-fact: with this, I inadvertently predicted the reveal in Celeste's Chapter 9 DLC that Madeline had received the nickname "Strawberry"
-Most of her family members and friends have names based off of fruits in some way- Lychee, Quince, etc.
-her favorite music genres would probably be lofi hip hop and smooth jazz

-Her birthday, May 11th, was chosen based on the original release date of the Touhou spinoff game Danmaku Amanojaku: Impossible Spell Card (May 11th, 2014)
-I had the name “Warringkingdoms” in the back of my mind well before I first brought her to BoB- I ended up giving her the name to distance her from her past
-She’s the journaling type to an excessive degree; she wrote multiple notebooks chronicling the vast majority of Monolith City’s history (though sadly they were all destroyed), and has some records of the Ascendants’ and Elysium’s histories as well
-worth noting: she never mentions herself in any records she keeps
-she has a complicated history with pop punk, punk rock, and emo music, as most of the people in Monolith City (and some Ascendants members, particularly Suiteheart) were hardcore fans of the genres; hearing it brings back positive memories for her, but thinking of those positive memories tends to lead her back to negative memories of how it all ended badly

Re: Interesting facts about your characters? - Misty - 04-15-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 527px; height: auto; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 8pt;"]*Cracks knuckles* Aight hope I don't... Forget anyone

- Birthday is Jan. 30; just kinda picked the date
- I think her original name might've been Keala
- She's the first character I created for the fae-verse
- Honestly? I don't know where the idea of her came from; I just like the blind archer aesthetic
- Her spirit animal is a Dire Wolf; named Fala
- She's an Empath, though it's less prevalent on BoB than it is in the fae-verse

- I don't have a birthday for her, whoops
- She's inspired by Amani Al'Hiza from the book Rebel of the Sands and Tena the Prophet by fialleril on Tumblr; her Demdji background goes to the Rebel of the Sands, and her escaped slave + Amavikka culture goes to fialleril
- My first post with her was April 30, 2017 on FF
- She is incapable of lying due to her Demdji blood so I always have to watch what I have her say
- There is a fanfic I am working on that features Tena as one of the prominent characters

- My first post with her was Nov 4, 2015 on FF
- Kiira is a split piece of an older character's soul; Cynthia
- Kiira has serious trust issues and is frightened by the idea of being forgotten
- Kiira's name is the Finnish variation on Kyra, the name of one of the dogs I grew up with

- She is mute; I haven't actually decided fully whether it's a selective mutism or not -- she does not talk, she will not talk ever, in the fae-verse (being fused with Kiira's soul of course, means she can talk on BoB)
- Suvi's name, which is Finnish, means summer
- I gave Suvi the 29th of July for her birthday -- I knew I wanted it to be in July, so she was a summer child, and chose the 29th because it's close to my boyfriend's birthday on the 30; this makes her a Leo
- She glows and the glowing is always based off of her emotions
- Like Keona, she is an empath, but of a more extreme magnitude, though again, less prevalent on BoB

- Aine's initials, are the exact same as my own; Aine Charlotte Ni Broin - ACB
- Aine is an Irish name, meaning radiance
- After I told a friend about the fae-verse, they started to think about what sort of fae they'd want to be and what their charm would be, which set off a similar question for myself; Aine is the result
- Her eyesight is horrible; nearsighted + stigmatism + left eye is lazy/weaker than the right -- she definitely needs glasses, though she does not have any

- Bree is based off of my first D&D character, a forest gnome druid of the same name
- She's a honey badger because I am a hufflepuff
- She is definitely, like Aine, based around aspects of myself
- She suffers from Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- While she has shapeshifting and has utilized it, she is more focused on simply being connected to nature -- it is more likely to see her experiment with her earth elementals than shapeshifting

- The name, as well as the voodoo aesthetic were inspired by a character in Red Dragon Inn; Witchdoctor Natyli
- The dolls are also inspired by the witchdoctor
- Her personality was heavily influenced by my boyfriend; with the same MBTI of ENFP
- Lilo and Mabel are further inspiration

Re: Interesting facts about your characters? - fluffy - 04-19-2020

selby takes a lot of inspiration from my father, but also my eighth grade english teacher who helped me a lot when I was depressed

Re: Interesting facts about your characters? - tricky - 04-19-2020

beck time
- he can repeat practically any horror movie script almost word for word from rewatching them so many times. his memorization is one of his skills he most heavily relies on
- he could also be a contortionist if he wanted to (a reference to the flexible actors used for monsters in film ie sadako/samara in the ring)
- since he doesn't have a reflection, any drawings he includes himself in will have his face featureless and scribbled out
- the first character i made for frontboard rp, and additionally the first character that sparked the rest of my universe
- his entire obsession with television is a reference to the film poltergeist. because he is a poltergeist
- i picked the name beck simply because i liked it and hadn't used it yet. only now do i realize the irony of it seeing as he died next to a brook
- he witnessed the bomb drop on tanglewood 50+ years ago
- birthday is december 26th, deathday is october 31st
- he knows spanish, morse, and a handful of other language snippets alongside his original romanian and english
- created way back in 2017 if i remember correctly, thus making him 3 years old oocly

Re: Interesting facts about your characters? - fulzanin - 04-19-2020

- first gay character i made. he was sadly more a concept than a character at the start but i hope he's way better now.
- first mirror world character i created
- doesn't know what vegetables are
- has only ever read marine biology textbooks, and the dictionary
- blits' birthday is sometime mid december since that's the first time he appeared
- speaks lighnonian, common, and very minimal nitisian
- he failed his entire process of becoming a guard and was only allowed to live because his air element was rare
- he has no voice claim but. its usually merged with some twinges of squawking no matter the body.

i might add more later but blits was the only interesting one i can think stuff up for rn

Re: Interesting facts about your characters? - toboggan - 05-15-2020

i made leroy after hearing jim croce's bad, bad leroy brown on the radio. that song singlehandedly brought me back to rp, which brought me to this site.