Beasts of Beyond
ALWAYS SAID HOW YOU LIKED DOGS ☆ return - Printable Version

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ALWAYS SAID HOW YOU LIKED DOGS ☆ return - roan ; - 04-07-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Roan hadn't been gone long, he knew. A little over a week, if he was doing his math correctly. Despite this, he knew that there must've been some sort of panic over his disappearance. Still, he found that he couldn't truly regret running away. He had hurt people, and he had just needed to get away from it all, if only for a little while. Perhaps that was selfish of him, but he just didn't think he could face his mama and the others back then. Not after they had received injuries from his own powers. Thankfully, the entire time that Roan had been within the territory of the Pitt, he hadn't had any issues with his newly formed electrical powers. It seemed as though things had calmed down, for now. He could only hope that it would remain that way, or perhaps he would just need to go into exile away from everyone, just to keep them all safe. It would hurt, but it would be for the best, in the end. For now, however, it was time to return home. So, after bidding his newfound friends within the Pitt goodbye, Roan had half flown and half walked back to the island dwelling of his home, his body practically shaking with anxiety the whole way back.

The boy was tired when he finally walked over the tracks leading back into Typhoon territory, but he didn't let that stop him. Clenched in his jaws was a small wrapped package, bought from the marketplace within the territory of the Pitt. It was meant to be a piece offering for his mother, after what he had done. Roan was faintly panting as he let the package drop to the ground, heaving the upper half of his body against the bells to get them ringing. Their sound rang out with several loud clangs, alerting anybody nearby and fairly far of the male's return. Once he was satisfied that others had heard him, Roan slumped back to the ground in a seated position, exhaustion begging him to rest. He ignored his body's pleas, wrapping his wings around himself securely. The salty scent of the Typhoon seemed almost foreign to him now, especially since he currently smelled strongly of the sandy scent of the Pitt. Despite this, the island claimed by the pirates was still his home, and he had returned to it, another month older.
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Re: ALWAYS SAID HOW YOU LIKED DOGS ☆ return - ROXANNE R. - 04-07-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne had definitely gotten quite the burns from the electricity yet she hadn't worried about herself in that moment, she was moreso worried about Roan and if he had been alright and him running away after the incident with her unable to follow. In that time, she had slumped around her home whenever the kids weren't around and one of the days, Michael had invited her out to go drink. She had refused quite a few times but once the alcohol had slipped into her system, she had lost it. She had a horrible hangover and well, she still wasn't quite over it. She had bathed picking off the tiny umbrellas from her coat and stared at her reflection, the draconic feline sighing under her breath and felt her body beginning to shake a bit. She shouldn't have gone out for drinks, she should've been looking for her missing son. She felt like a horrid mother. She had failed. Roxanne sniffled wiping the tears away glancing at the pile of the tiny drink umbrellas once more only to grow stiff at the sound of the bells ringing. A frown on her maw. It was probably some new joiner, she was sure of it. She wasn't interested in finding out but with her position, she would have to go and at least let them join. Once she dried herself up, she limped out of her home wincing at the pain in her paws and legs.

Her ears perked forward as she began to practice putting on a faint smile until a scent came to her nose, the Pitt. She grimaced feeling her coat fluff up and limped a little faster only to see who was there waiting at near the bells that had been rang. Suddenly, she stopped with her heart racing in her chest only to feel the tears stinging in her eyes. Roxanne would do her best to run forward tripping two or three times only to land face first into the sand near her son though that didn't matter to her now as she sat up aiming to wrap her wings and arms around her son, she pressed her nose to his cheek feeling her body begin to shake once more. "Lo siento, bebé... Lo siento..." She began with a shaky voice and a sad smile on her maw, a few tears rolling down her cheeks as she continued not wanting to ever let go of Roan in that moment "I shouldn't have been so selfish... I'm so sorry for being such a bad mother, mi mundo entero... Mi angelito... Mi cielo..." [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]