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I'LL MAKE MY OWN KINGDOM // sandcastle building - Printable Version

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I'LL MAKE MY OWN KINGDOM // sandcastle building - GAMELIA B . - 04-07-2020

//post house thread

Even if it did stick to her belly and feet and... everything, the beach was undeniably a nice place. The sand was soft, the water was a gorgeous crystal blue, and the shells and critters were precious. With all that said, on this particularly beautiful day, the beach is exactly where she had decided to go.

Gamelia stepped out onto the porch of her new home, taking a deep breath of the warm spring air. The soft smile on her face betrayed her good mood. A little bit of fun was on the menu today. Striding down the steps and toward the water, she felt the warm sand slipping between her fingers and toes, and it gave her an idea.

With a hop, skip, and given about twenty minutes of time, bystanders watched as she dragged a meshed bag down to the wet sand and dumped its contents a safe distance from the hungry ocean. Colorful plastic toys spilled onto the sand. Small buckets, shovels of varying color, and plastic molds of many different shapes.

Grabbing a few molds and a bucket, the sugary reptile plopped herself down like a child and began scraping damp sand into her bright pink container. Carefully packing it down, she flipped it upside down and slowly lifted it back up, revealing a bucket-shaped mound of sand. Poking her tongue out thoughtfully, Gamelia began to mold and add to her carefully crafted pile.
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #7d3479 - TAGS

Re: I'LL MAKE MY OWN KINGDOM // sandcastle building - roan ; - 04-08-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Despite his very recent brief absence away from home, Roan had already begun to make an effort to get out and see others again. Perhaps this was partially because of how much it hurt to look at his mother and see the wounds he had inflicted upon her, and partially just because Roan was an inherently social creature. Especially since he had been gone for just over a week, and if the new scents he kept passing by were anything to go by, new people had joined while he was on his brief stint at the Pitt. The boy couldn't just let any new faces go without giving them a proper greeting, so when one of the new scents passed by his house that morning, the apprentice bid his mother goodbye, practically flinging himself out the door before he heard a response. His paws kicked up sand as he raced across the beach, occasionally throwing himself upwards to glide a short distance before he came back down to the earth. His wings were still too small to carry him too far, but at least they added a bit of speed, especially when he was trying to catch someone before they disappeared on him again.

When Roan eventually reached where Gamelia was setting up her sandcastle, the draconic feline found himself frozen for a moment, eyes wide. It wasn't clear whether or not Roan was shocked more by the dragoness's appearance, or the activity that she had chosen to partake in. Either way, the siamese managed to snap out of his shock before long, moving the rest of the way over a bit more carefully this time – he didn't want to knock over Gamelia's carefully crafted sand structure. Once he was close enough to see the unusual dragon up close, he breathed out in amazement, "Hey there, miss. I don't think we've met yet... my name's Roan." Turning his blue gaze then to the partially made castle she had, he gestured a paw at it before continuing, "Do you think maybe I could help you with this? I love making things." He liked making things far more than destroying things, anyways, and it felt as though he was doing a lot more of the latter lately.
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: I'LL MAKE MY OWN KINGDOM // sandcastle building - SÉAMUS - 04-09-2020

Séamus Ó Faoláin
Although a fairly social creature, the small wildcat had found himself reclusive as of late.  Lingering in the shadows, keeping his distance.  It was hard to discern why exactly.  He found himself, especially, watching his son and the new Roux children quietly from afar.  What a father I make, huh.

Since his son's disappearance and return, Séamus had been staying on alert.  Of course, the Irishman hardly expected the child to zip right past him in a flurry of sand.  Bemused, he snorted softly and rose to his paws.  Curious, he followed suit.

Soon the very unusual Gamelia and her sandcastle in view, answering his unspoken questions.  "Perhaps I can lend a paw as well.  Name's Séamus."

Memories of Keona constructing sandcastles made him happy.  Almost subconsciously, he began reaching out to their mental connection before pausing.  He was not entirely certain she'd appreciate the sudden intrusion.  Perhaps she'll come by anyway... She loves the beach.

Instead, he could focus on Roan, and helping the strange... Candy? Dragon build in the sand.
Word of mouth there's a snake in the garden

Re: I'LL MAKE MY OWN KINGDOM // sandcastle building - GAMELIA B . - 04-10-2020


By the time the first newcomer appeared, Gamelia had already used her nail to sculpt out tiny windows in her bucket-shaped castle. She spotted the dragon-cat from the corner of her eye, and looked up just in time for him to speak. Her tail curled a little bit, a little unsettled by another person staring at her - again. Regardless, she smiled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Roan!" she rumbled, refusing to let her thoughts get in the way. "My name is Gamelia!" Her eyes followed Roan's paw as he pointed to the lump in front of her. In response, she pointed at the pile of plastic goodies a short distance away. "The bag I brought had plenty of supplies in it! Maybe we can both make one?"

Next, the wildcat who introduced himself as Séamus showed up as well. Excitement fluttered in her chest as she got an idea. Patting the sand energetically with her hands, she said, "Maybe we can make a kingdom of sand castles! Grab some buckets and molds!"
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #7d3479 - TAGS

Re: I'LL MAKE MY OWN KINGDOM // sandcastle building - roan ; - 04-11-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Roan was slightly startled by the appearance of none other than his father, but not unpleasantly so. He had just become so used to Seamus lingering in the shadows that it was always a surprise when he came to actively participate. Despite this, the draconic male immediately grinned at his father, saying cheerfully, "Dia dhuit, Da!" The greeting was simple, but warm, especially as Roan pressed briefly into the other male's side. When Gamelia spoke up again, the apprentice was pleased to hear her friendly words, his eyes drifting to the pile of tools she gestured towards. Nodding happily, Roan rushed over to the pile, grabbing a bucket to fill with sand, along with a few other tools. While filling the bucket with sand, he also nabbed a few seashells from the shore, intent on making use of them as decorations.

When he returned nearby, he flipped the bucket over, letting the structure form and smiling when it held together. It felt nice to build something, rather than hurt. The thought made his mouth turn down for a moment, before he hastily turned to Gamelia, "I'm gonna try to make a nice regal castle. One that my mama will like... and then we can really impress her with the whole kingdom that we all make!" Even after his gift and his mother's joy at his return, the feline still felt the need to keep making it up to Roxanne.
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]