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THE TRIAL // open, entrance ritual - Printable Version

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THE TRIAL // open, entrance ritual - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-07-2018

Ever since he had joined, NPCs had been bothering him about doing this thing known as the 'Entrance Ritual'. Every time it came up, Caesar rolled his eyes and continued on walking. But they never fucking stopped bothering him. So, yes, Caesar eventually agreed to doing whatever this damn 'Entrance Ritual' was.

An NPC lead him to the docks and practically shoved him onto a boat. Once on the boat, that NPC gave him a drink. To which he refused for the most part, but again, just eventually gave in to get the NPC to shut up. The NPC seemed pleased that he drank whatever they made (which was hella salty, by the way), but as soon as they reached Haven Island, the NPC once again shoved Caesar off the boat and almost immediately went off back towards the main island.
"Hey, what the hell!" Caesar spat, running towards the ocean. He didn't get into the water, but he was definitely on the edge and definitely pissed. His claws dug into the sand, watching the NPC ride away back to the main island. Caesar inhaled once they disappeared into the fog and sat back, lashing his tail. Looks like you're stuck here. He growled to himself. And for how long? Who fucking knows. He'll give the group a day before he went swimming back.

By now, the moon had risen high in the sky, signaling that it was at least midnight. Being a dream demon, Caesar didn't sleep very often (if at all). That definitely had his body already sleep deprived, and drinking the salt water from the ocean wasn't going to help what was going to happen next. Which were the hallucinations. Caesar may have control over hallucinations in the Mindscape, but his powers were stripped when he came to this dimension. And even if he could control hallucinations, he had to be controlling them within somebody's mind, so he couldn't control his own mind nor just 'control' hallucinations in general. He had to alter the brain in the Mindscape to allow hallucinations to occur, but again... He had no powers here. Yet, at least.

"And his name is Caesar."
Caesar's jerked around to face the shore, ears pinned against his head. That voice... it was so fucking familiar. Eerily familiar. The demon crouched low to the ground, slowly moving towards the ocean once more. By the ocean stood the figure of his mother, curled around three tiny bodies. She looked extremely proud, beaming up at a serval. The serval himself looked happy as well, gently placing a paw on his mate's body.
Caesar stared at the scene that was happening before him, clearly perplexed. He almost looked... upset. Scared, even. The demon closed his eyes and shook his head, walking backwards. As soon as he did, the heat of flames made him stop and let out a yowl of surprise. Once again, he whipped around and faced the scene, and was greeted with the sight of his former home in flames. Something that was caused by him. Caesar's eyes widened at this, and he shakily made his way through the burning System.

Caesar found himself making his way towards where his family's den was, just how he did many years ago. The den was in flames, with his siblings, Vigenere and Atbash crying in front of it. Caesar stopped beside them, peering into the flames to see his mother and father. Both of them stared back at him with cold, accusing eyes. Wait. This wasn't how he remembered the event happening. Before he could think of anything else regarding that, Caesar was smacked across the face and forced onto the ground. Vigenere's claws dug into his cheek, with his older brother looking furious. Atbash stood behind him, looking away from the situation.

"What have you done!" Vigenere spat at him, digging his claws deeper into Caesar's face. His words were a statement rather than a question, and he was clearly pissed off. "You ruined any chance of us returning home! Of everything being back to normal!" He was hurt. Caesar couldn't understand why. The King had clearly condemned them to die, and although they believed everything would be back to normal, it wouldn't. Vigenere would never go back to the Guard. Caesar thought to himself. Atbash could never find somebody she truly loved, she could never be a Shamen. And he didn't want her to be a Shamen, not after the previous one spread lies about their family.

Caesar shook Vigenere off him and fled from the area, crashing into the ocean. The demon was forced out of the vision, and he suddenly realized that the sun was starting to rise. He sat down in the ocean, heavily breathing, before his body convulsed and he coughed, spitting up black blood. Oh, fuck. Caesar cursed, shakily making his way back to the shore and out of the water. His nose was bleeding, too, which was a clear sign of distress in dream demons. He was clearly not okay, and he was having trouble recovering from that last vision. Caesar collapsed onto the sand, closing his eyes and shivering.

- Caesar had his Entrance Ritual and started to have visions on the island
- He saw his birth (kinda; just his mother naming him), a brief vision of how he destroyed his home dimension, and of Vigenere attacking and accusing him.
- Caesar ran back towards the shore and collapsed; he spat out black blood and his nose is bleeding (which is a sign of distress for dream demons)

Re: THE TRIAL // open, entrance ritual - ARGUS - 05-07-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Maybe in another life she would have something as simple as her first home going in flames as her own trial. But Argus had a past that went up in more than smoke. Buried with the names she tried to hide from the world- but seared within her soul. Evidence given by her own ritual. Those names forming into phantoms a ritual in which argus admitted her own desperate nature. The need in belonging that set the ruin in every action argus had made with each name.

She was still coming to terms with it. Trying to come with terms with her own selfless love turning so quickly into volatile backlash when the world took everything away. Knowing was the first step- and denial was where she current was. Not outright denying it, but ignoring it. Pushing it to the side as she tried to worry about her own injuies and the past that was trying to pull out a name she never uttered.

Probably the most dangerous parts of herself was never meant to have a name. But it did. Crimson eyes fell way to complete black and the name gave it a power Argus refused to give. Burying it with all the guilt until her apathy was the only thing that remained. Apathy. She was a watcher- her name a insignia of her new role that she vehemently tried to deny.

It was in this state, healing, breathing- with wounds raw and tender and a snarl quick to flash across the shinigami's face that she found the cipher washed up on the beach. Tar-like blood seeping into the clear sea making some part of the beast seize in memory. It was easy, to push aside such horrible emotions now when there was the presence to ground her. When she could so easily offer at least some kind of solace within a situation that seemed bleak and horrid to someone else. Relieving in the knowledge that she wasn't completely alone in watching the world reduce to shit around her.

She didn't try to hide her footsteps. Dull dark eyes flickering from the seeming wounded state of her clan mate as she took her seat next to the feline. The wolf acting as some strange shadow. Silent as she relived her own horrid entrance trial. A light grin settled on her maw as she opened her undamaged wing to shade the other from baking in the heat. "Fucking natives and their fucking jungle juice, huh?" It was a running gag within the clan. Being tricked into the entrance ritual was well- part of the game. While NPC's would snicker and gawfaul with the rest of the cremates about how seasoned and better they were. Argus' own initiation was fresh on her mind.

"You gonna be okay, yellow?" Argus' voice held no real concern, just a concerning amount of interest in the other. The smile that was one her face off her expression as she tilted her head towards the other. Red eyes watching. The large wolf making an intimidating presence but, not really putting i use to it here. Argus was more interested in getting to know the other to be worry about their potential threat in the clan. "Don't got much for internal bleeding, but i always keep a bit of booze on me for medical reasons. " Wither she considered this a real medical emergency to use it, she did not offer the bottle yet for that reason. Instead waiting for a reaction of her new crewmate would accept or snap at her. Either way- was pretty expected.

Re: THE TRIAL // open, entrance ritual - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-09-2018

Footsteps. Caesar wasn't expecting the noise of footsteps coming towards him, and briefly the demon started to panic again. However, once the scent of a Typhooner (was that a word?) hit his nose, he relaxed a bit. He clearly still was tense, but at least he wasn't panicking. Caesar flinched whenever Argus laid her wing over him. "Fucking native and their fucking juice, huh?" It took a minute for Caesar to comprehend, but eventually the demon gave a huff in response. This was fucking hell. Caesar's body convulsed again, blood dripping from his mouth. It wasn't a deadly amount, but it was still fucking hurt like a bitch.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Caesar growled, shaking his head and spitting out the droplets of blood. He supposed to natives, he wouldn't look okay. Well, he really wasn't, but he would be able to recover. "Don't think you could help anyway. This is fuckin' normal for me." He grunted. He supposed he should be thankful for Argus helping him, even though he refused to help them. Huh, how funny was that?