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refutable pumpkins - bean bags - Printable Version

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refutable pumpkins - bean bags - fulzanin - 04-07-2020

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Some of the stuff in Feza's home was hazardous. Such had been made known to her when she'd had a box crash on her head and cause for her to briefly lose her memories. It hadn't lasted for long at all, and it had been an absurd time for Feza after. She'd tried to clean up, but the guardsman was far from being organized. All her chaotic party ideas were strewn about between shelves and piles on the floor. Some small things she'd even wound up sticking into the ceiling, even, to try to alleviate the clutter. It wasn't helped by Feza being quite the hoarder.

An item that she had found was a strange board. The board was slanted with a singular hole up near the top. The purpose had alluded Feza until she'd found the bags of beans that were meant to be used in association. Blue eyes looked between the two items, feathered wings tugging a stray bag close. How did this work? Feza paced around the board a few times. A shrug of her fluffy shoulders followed. It couldn't be that festive, and she kicked the board into a pile of steadily growing 'garbage'. Fluffy paws and teeth helped her carry it over to her crafting station. It was just as much of a mess as the rest of her home, but her glitter glue and other piecing together tools were primarily kept here. Soon, she'd figured out a good, festive use for the bean bags.

Dragging out her table proceeded the careful setup of the beanbags. A marker and sheets of paper were then laid on the table, followed by the actual beanbags. Googly eyes were placed on them, too be expected. Her fluffy tail wriggled behind her as she carefully began to draw intricate lines across the paper. Finally she was done, and went back inside to fetch the last of the beanbags. "I have, I've got a brand new game here! If anyone wants to come and, if anyone would like to come give it a try I c- I can give the run down!" She calls out, ears perked as she waited to see the turnout of a long overdue idea from the confines of her festive mind.

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Re: refutable pumpkins - bean bags - wormwood. - 04-07-2020

Overall, Aurum was... glad to see Feza out and about again. For a fairly long period there, the proxy had been worried that she had simply vanished off the face of the earth. It wouldn't have been the first time someone within Tanglewood had, but with the brightly colored snow leopard, it was... different. She had been within Tanglewood for as long as Aurum had been, and although they certainly had their fair share of ups and downs, he still considered her to be a friend. After losing Vathmos to exile, Aurum was beginning to get even more attached to his friendships, desperate not to lose those that he had left. He had begun to make new friends as of late, such as Alaric, but that didn't mean that he wanted to replace the old ones. Besides, there was really no way that anyone could manage to replace Feza, given the guardsman's particular unique brand of chaos. She did everything in an effort to brighten people's days, yet she always ended up causing a commotion in some form or another. That wasn't even a slight against her, really. People just had a tendency to meld really well with her personality, or clash horribly against it.

The lion had just been returning to town when he heard Feza's call for a brand new game, and initially he hesitated. Not because of his own discomfort, but because of Feza's. Ever since he had returned to his birth body, he had noticed that the snow leopard was once again fearful of him, even if she was making an effort to hide it. Still, it was unlikely she'd be able to get over her fear if he just vanished, so instead the proxy took a deep breath, heading over to her little setup. He eyed the bean bags curiously as he grew close, wondering exactly what type of game Feza had chosen to make up. Was she just having them play a regular game of bean bags, thinking that she had come up with it? Either way, he had come over with the intent to be supportive, so that's exactly what he was gonna do. Getting in close, he poked a large paw at one of the googly eyed bags, mumbling, "Hey, Feza... so, what kinda game is this, exactly? You got all the rules written out?" He doubted that she did, considering how Feza had a habit of talking off the cuff and coming up with things on the spot. However, he was mostly just speaking metaphorically.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM

Re: refutable pumpkins - bean bags - Crow Roux - 04-20-2020

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Crow wasn't especially fond of games that required physical activity, so he would linger to the side and observe. As Aurum walked up and asked Feza what to do with the objects, his lips upturned in a slight smile. It was unbelievable watching them appear to get along well, since it had only been a few months since the kazoo incidents. Or maybe it had actually been a year. The tabby found it hard to judge how much time had passed.

Re: refutable pumpkins - bean bags - beck. - 04-21-2020

    With years weighing his young shoulders, Beck could recognize a classic game from anywhere. And a couple of not-classic ones, too. Party games, board games, video games -- the variety was endless, but could only keep his mind sated from boredom for so long. The poltergeist once chased the entertainment of competition, the thrill of childish play he missed from years of survival.

    Maybe he still did.

    Feza was an oddball. But that was okay; he was an oddball, too. And birds sharing the same wayward feather poking out from the rest of plumage often flocked together, huddling next to each other and admiring cheerful simplicities. After meeting the caterpillars she called neighbors, a slight fondness blossomed in his undersized chest, aching for another friend.

    Bandaged paws approached, quiet on the dew-decorated grass. Both Crow and Aurum lingered nearby, both enough to dampen the fond spark of the poltergeist as he leaned further from their taller forms. But a game was a distraction he could afford, so Beck merely offered a half close-lipped smile to the pair before beaming at the vibrant leopard. "Hi, Feza," he wheezed, plopping on his rear beside the heap of stuffed bags, googly eyes charmingly wobbling back with each prod. "I like the eyes on these. They're cute." With the compliment, another crooked smile appeared. He always felt better when Selby praised him, even for little things. If he could make just one person feel the same, then he would be happy.