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CASTLE / typhoon cub - Printable Version

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CASTLE / typhoon cub - T. ROUX - 04-07-2020

He had hurt them. He had hurt them badly.

His eyes stung as the temptation to cry was growing but he resisted it, he didn't want to cry. He had already ran for quite a while. From the Typhoon, through the loner lands, and now his paws went through the dry sand that belonged to the Pitt. Somewhere he didn't ever expect to return to although, there was a single reason he had came here or rather someone that only came to his mind when he had been trying to figure out where to go. Aine, his friend, plagued his mind. His burns and body began to ache, he found the place near the border where he'd always meet with Aine only to topple over with a grunt leaving his maw. It was dark out, the moon shining above him. His gaze locked onto it remembering how he had hurt his own moon, he gritted his teeth in frustration to himself as he laid there in the cold sand. A single tear rolling off his face and dripping onto the sand below him, his eyes looking downwards. The flames had stopped lapping at his jaws but the dryness of his throat lingered, it had burned the insides of his mouth and now blood dripped from both slightly parted jaws and his nose.

His anger having died down in the moment that he had bolted away, he hid his face in his paws for a moment only to let his paws slip onto his maw and dig his claws in for a moment. He hadn't meant to hurt Brandy or Eulia, another tear slipped down his chin and he wiped away at it with frustration. He would rise to his paws even though his body ached horribly, his legs wobbling in the slightest but he wouldn't sit there. No, he had business to attend to. He cleared his throat only to call out with his teeth bared, the blood dripping eagerly from his jaws "Kydobi! Aine! Gael!" Those were the faces he recognized the most and well, Sweeney's too but no fuckin way was he going to call out to her. He took a soft breath feeling that familiar heat in his chest die down for the moment, he was sure that the fire within him would awaken if Caesar even showed his uglyass upon his call. Michael had taught him how to fight a bit so Trygve would put up a fight if need be. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: CASTLE / typhoon cub - aine. - 04-07-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Sleep... Was what Aine was supposed to be doing, no doubt.  Instead, the petite vixen had snuck out to chase a moth.  Dreams.  Memories.  They haunted her.  The moth looked far more appealing.  Even if she hardly had control over her wobbly legs, attempting to trot and scramble after the fluttering insect.  She nearly fell on her face once, or twice, before her ears perked at the sound of someone calling her name.

She really shouldn't be up right now.  Guiltily, her head bowed with ears flattened, before hazel hues narrowed in confusion.  That wasn't her father calling her name.  It sounded like Trygve.  But he wasn't supposed to be all the way out here... What about his burns?

Moth forgotten (she'd lost sight of it anyhow), the fae bolted towards the sound of her friend's voice, tripping over her hooves once or twice.  "Ry?"

Her feathers ruffled at her sides, heart cinching when she tasted iron in the air.  Blood.  Her throat closed with a lump.  Blood?  In the dark, she tried to adjust, stepping forward, closer to her friend.  Her friend.  Why did her friends always get hurt?  Who hurt her friend this time?  Why?  "Ry? Where are yo- why are-"

Her heart felt like a train skidding off the tracks.  An echoing, thrumming, drum.

"Are-are you bleeding?" Why?
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: CASTLE / typhoon cub - CAESAR CIPHER. - 04-08-2020

Ever since Trygve had come here the first time, Caesar had certainly been causing a scene in front of his fellow Pittians. Perhaps it was because he knew he could get away with it, or maybe it was simply because he didn't care. Maybe both, but he was certainly causing trouble for his clanmates ever since then. He was looking for trouble at this point, and that would explain why he was around to hear Trygve's calls. Although he didn't recognize the kid's voice at first, Caesar was curious as to why some stranger was calling out specifically for Kydobi, Aine, and Gael.

Anger surged through the savannah as he realized who this fucker was, and he felt his own flames flare up (metaphorically, at least). There was a tang of blood in the air, which only fueled Caesar's desire to spill the kid's guts. As he came closer, a sneer appeared on the demons maw as he tried pushing AINE away from Trygve. "Back for more, are ya?" Caesar spoke. Regardless of whether or not he was able push Aine away from the Typhoonite, Caesar once again tried to leap at TRYGVE, this time aiming to rake his claws across the kid's face.

Re: CASTLE / typhoon cub - Kydobi - 04-08-2020


[OOC: ]

Kydobi’s words held true, the moment Ry had hollered the jaguar’s ears would perk up and flick in the direction of the voice. He recognized it as Ry and he was rather happy the boy followed his instructions.

It was most certainly a godsend that Kydobi had arrived when he did. The moment he saw the familiar bright pelt he would pin his ears back and growl. Caesar would be nothing but trouble in this situation and Kydobi didn’t want any of it.

But of course he would push Aine and that would warrant a different response form Kydobi. He would immediately charge forward snarling as blue flames began to lick his paws and steadily grow upwards. It was a calmer effect as opposed to his full out explosion of flames and fire.

“CAESAR!”, the jaguar would roar with a deep voice. He hated that it had to come to this but he refused to allow this brute be the reason the Pitt found itself in another battle. The fool didn’t listen, he didn’t learn, and he was under the impression that he was above everyone else. Instead of trying to do good he seemed to throw himself in situations that had no beneficial outcome other than swelling his ego. The jaguar hated that. He had had enough.

Kydobi would move to snatch his jaws around the scruff of Caesar’s neck and slam him down.If successful he would have a solid bite.

The last thing the Ardent wanted to do was leave a savage impression on Ry and put Aine in a violent situation again. He hated showing this brutish side but he had had enough of Caesar.

But as of now he was so pissed of that if he wasn’t stopped he would maul the cat before the two children.


Re: CASTLE / typhoon cub - gael - 04-08-2020

Needless to say, the vulpine had ventured out upon discovering Aine gone.  He'd been fully prepared to call out, to chide the girl for going out into the night, alone -- fully prepared, yet caught off guard by the sound of his name.

The vulpine almost sighed.  He recognized the voice immediately, feeling his brows crease and hazel eyes narrow.  Given the time of night, the matter must be serious.

Without delay, he followed suit, unsurprised to find Aine already present.  His nose twitched at the smell of blood, tasting iron in the air -- the cause for Aine's dismay.  Perhaps Trygve had been injured upon wandering and this was the closest place.  Perhaps.

Gael found his thoughts interrupted by a sour sight.  Caesar, naturally, attempting to shove his daughter away from the boy to attack him once more.  "That is enough."

With ferocity, the faerie began to raise the wind around the savannah, prepared to slam him into the ground before Kydobi's sudden lunge; the ardent evidently prepared to do the job for him.  Regardless, nothing short of murderous intent gleamed in his eyes, a growl building low in his throat -- to see the fool ripped to shreds was an appealing thought.  ... Aine.

With a blink of his eyes, he rolled his shoulders back, attempting to take a breath.  "Kydobi," rare venom iced his accented voice, "perhaps we make an example of him without the children present.

Of course, he doubted Trygve would disapprove, given Caesar's previous attack; concern for Aine pressed heavier -- she may not like Caesar, but he suspected the sight of his death would only traumatize her further.  The momentary satisfaction would not be worth the long-term consequences.  Unfortunately.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: CASTLE / typhoon cub - T. ROUX - 04-08-2020

There she was.

There was that faint flutter in his chest and his gaze softened at the sight of her though he took a step back realizing she was... Well, different from the last time she had seen her. She had hooves now and a pair of wings, she was still gorgeous nonetheless in his eyes as a weak smile would tug gingerly at the edge of his mouth. He was more distracted with her rather than the situation at hand though her questions finally got to him, Trygve frowning once more as he would speak with his ears pressed against his head "Aine, I did something really horrid... I didn't mean to do it and it was my fault but..." There was hesitance within his voice as he parted his jaws once more more ignoring the blood that dripped from his maw and nose, his eyes locked onto her. What if she would hate him for what he did? He hadn't meant to lose control and attack his loved ones, that had been the last thing that he'd ever do. Yet Brandykit had said things that had set him off, it was stupid in a sense but he just couldn't let the other say such untrue things about his friend. One he cared deeply about. "My cousin said shit that pissed me off... Untrue shit... Saying you're bad but you aren't... You're the exact opposite... You're good... Kind... And my friend," He stumbled slightly on his words though his gaze never left hers.

"Are-are you bleeding?"

Right, that would definitely be something that he had to bring up and he continued to wear a frown on his face with a light shake of his head. "Yes... I'm bleeding," He brought up a paw to wipe away at the blood though he added rather quickly with a faint sheepish grin "But I'm fine, I promise!" Though there reunion was interrupted by the same bastard who had done such the last time, a frown forming on his maw and pressed his ears against his skull. The heat returning to his chest as he gritted his teeth, his gaze narrowed into dangerous slits when the larger feline had decided to push Aine. A few dark purple mixed with magenta flames slowly leaving his maw and danced around his lips, he winced slightly at the pain he was enduring but he wasn't going to let anyone say or do something wrong to Aine again. He was determined. "Didn't I bruise your shitty ego enough?" He retorted back, his eyes locking onto the other's tail, hm, he should probably finish what he started. He managed to duck away in time from the swat though it had cut at his ear, he hissed. The flames built up as he then rolled away aiming to take Caesar's tail within his fiery jaws and if he managed to do that would he attempt to twist it before he tried to rip it right off of the owner. Though Trygve Roux didn't plan on just doing that as he was tugging, he had pulled his hind legs upwards to his belly only to push them down at such a full force in an attempt to break the bones in Caesar's hind leg.

He moved away quickly seeing a dark figure approach, it was Kydobi. The flames that danced around his jaws finally dying down and Trygve coughed up a bit of blood, it had hurt so much but it had all been for Aine. His tufted ears pressed against his head as he stumbled back a few more steps feeling just a bit lightheaded from losing blood, he lifted his paw up to wipe away at the blood only to heave out a sigh. He'd have to thank Michael later for teaching him how to hold his own although, that would be a while since he wouldn't be returning to the Typhoon anytime soon unfortunately. That's why he was here at the dead of the night within Pittian lands, he could've ran to an ally group but then his family would know of his whereabouts. That and he didn't know anyone else within those other clans not personally like Aine, she made him feel safe. So, he figured that he should come. Maybe she'd help him with his problem? He was uncertain but he could only hope as blood continued to trickle from his chin.

It wasn't long before Gael arrived at the scene as well, the draconic cub huffing a bit. Oh yeah, Caesar was definitely going to get it. Trygve would sit down wincing at the taste of burnt flesh and metal that currently had taken over within his maw and chest, the fires had died down though he could still feel them there lingering just in case, Caesar would try to fight back. His tufted ears pinned against his cranium and a low growl would escape him. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: CASTLE / typhoon cub - CAESAR CIPHER. - 04-08-2020

Caesar couldn't care less about the reason why Trygve was here. Quite frankly, the demon was sick and tired of people seeing The Pitt was pushovers and as some sort of sanctuary. It was disgusting, a god damn disgrace to what they should be known for. Styker would not have liked how his group had become. Caesar didn't like how the group had become. Caesar was shocked when Trygve dodged his attack, stumbling a bit as he tried to get to his paws. During the time he had to recover though, it gave Trygve time to get ahold of his tail with fiery jaws - though he didn't exactly feel any pain. His body certainly reacted as it should, however, blood welling out of the wound that Trygve had made.

Caesar would learn this later, but the cub had taken his tail - he assumed that Trygve had just snapped the damn thing at first, seeing as he couldn't really feel that portion of his body right now. He had no time to react as the Typhoonite's paws slammed down on his hind leg, and unlike his tail, Caesar knew the cub had snapped the bone - but only because he heard it, not felt it. Although the entire back half of his body was going numb, the adrenaline rush was enough to cause Caesar to force himself to try and lash out at one of TRYGVE's forepaws. Though Gael knocking him over with wind may cause the savannah's attempt to miss.

Caesar looked back towards Aine and Gael, only to see Kydobi leaping at him. The Ardent got his scruff, almost as if he was a kitten, which only made Caesar even more pissed off. Although there was blood welling from the wound Kydobi made, Caesar paid no mind to it. It wasn't like he could feel the pain, after all, even if his body wanted to pass out from everything that was happening to him. In a last, frantic attempt to protect himself, flames slowly started up on Caesar's fur as he tried to burn KYDOBI's mouth. Caesar knew this body was trying to shut down, but he was going to make it stay conscious for as long as he could. But he definitely could taste blood in his mouth, and to be quite truthful, he wasn't sure if it was from the attacks everyone made against him, or if it was his subconscious fighting back. Either way, Caesar was trying his god damn hardest to protect himself now.

He didn't care who he was attacking at this point. What mattered now was staying alive.

Re: CASTLE / typhoon cub - silvertides ; - 04-08-2020

What in the hell had Silver just stumbled into? No matter how he tried to make heads or tails of the situation before him, he just couldn't. He had known that Caesar was a grade a prick, but to try and attack a child again? And to lash out at their ardent? It was absolute chaos, and it made the fox sick to his stomach as he approached the scene, hesitant in his step. He didn't want to get involved in the fighting, but Aine and the Typhoon child were present, and he couldn't let them get hurt. Not if he ever wanted his family to be proud when he returned to them one day. So, Silvertides quickly slunk over, aiming to put himself between Caesar and that crowd, and Aine and Trygve. A snarl leaving the usually patient and kind vulpine, he lashed a paw out, attempting to rake his claws over Caesar's head if he thrashed close. He did not enjoy violence in any capacity, but Caesar had evidently done enough to piss off even Gael. The green and white fox had his doubts that Caesar would even be around much longer, whether it be because of death or exile. However, the fox did know that if Kydobi allowed the demon to stay even after this incident? A lot of respect between the two of them would be lost.

Sighing heavily as he watched the situation in front of him, Silver instead decided to turn backwards, glancing at both Aine and Trygve. Aine appeared to be okay at the very least, having only been lightly shoved by Caesar, but Trygve... he didn't look good. Frown tugging at his muzzle, Silver took a step towards the Typhoon cub, hunkering down before he spoke, "Hello there... did I hear your name is Trygve? I think I might know you, actually. Your brother told me a lot about you..." Roan had kept mostly silent on what his home life was like while he was within the Pitt, but Silver had managed to get him to open up enough to share occasionally. Most often, Roan had chosen to focus on his new younger siblings, figuring them to be a subject that wouldn't bring him any strife. Trygve had been brought up several times during these little talks, usually called a troublemaker and a spitfire even as Roan had an amused and proud look on his face. Silvertides waited a moment before he continued, looking down at Ry's wounds and grimacing, "I don't have a lot of medical training, but I've got a little. Maybe when this has finally calmed down, I could check out your wounds? You don't want anything to get infected..." He was aware that the boy probably represented some kind of threat to him right now in his current state, but Silver found that he didn't really care. Trygve needed help, and considering how Roan had spoken so highly of him, and how Aine was looking over him with concern... Silver would be happy to provide that help.

Re: CASTLE / typhoon cub - aine. - 04-08-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Aine frowned, her eyes flickering.  Her mind was racing yet felt slow, as though she was not quite comprehending it all.  What did he do?  Did he get himself into a fight?  Was that the reason for the blood?  "My cousin said shit that pissed me off... Untrue shit... Saying you're bad but you aren't... You're the exact opposite... You're good... Kind... And my friend." A fight then.  About her?

... Was she in the way of his family somehow?  Did they hate her that much?  Tears bit her eyes.  Her tongue rested on the roof of her mouth, tied.  Her words were running away from her.  Maybe she had none to begin with.  Not for this.

Her ears flicked backwards, a protest building.  Bleeding was not okay.  Let alone within his mouth.  How did she stop such a thing?  Tea? Her frantic thoughts came to a standstill, brought out by a sudden weight pushing her aside.  Already unstable, the petite deer-fox stumbled, trying to stop a complete fall.  Her eyes were already moving, large and upset (angry? furious?) as they found Caesar.  The infamous lemon connard.

She slam her hooves into the sand, finding a stable grip as one thing led to another.  Violence escalating.  She couldn't keep up.  Her father.  Kydobi.  Silvertides.  Too many.  Too much.  Stop it.  Stop it.  Her cheeks were wet as she stopped her hooves into the ground once again, this time in a show of instinctive force, the limp wings at her sides flaring out, oblivious to the sand raising in the air around her.  Anger, that's what this was.  She hated anger.

"Stay away from him!" Rare, the volume in her voice, loud and furious.  Protective.  He was her friend and he was hurt.  She'd protect him now.  Indiscriminately, she glared at everyone, bitter and wary.  Gritting her teeth together, she turned, attempting to gently headbutt Ry, as though to herd him, "... we're going to the temple."

Her treehouse involved too many steps.  An unnecessary nuisance.  The Event Temple held her herb storage.  The Event Temple was her place away from the house.  No one knew it better except her father, perhaps.  No one could sneak up on her there.  No one would hurt Ry there.  Or... She didn't know what she'd do but it made her apprehensive.

Why couldn't everyone just leave her friends alone?  I hope they kill him.  Stupid lemon... ... No.  She didn't want anyone to die.  No.  She scrunched her nose up, sniffing sharply.  She would not cry.  No.  No.  She would take Trygve to the temple.  Yes.  Okay.
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: CASTLE / typhoon cub - Kydobi - 04-18-2020


[OOC: ]

He wanted to murder the Savannah right now. It was so easy to get trapped in his vicious predatory mentality. Especially with a creature so small already in his jaws.

His jaws tightened around their scruff , he had an immunity to flames although past experiences have shown he was susceptible to burns and damage from lava and boiling water.

Although Kydobi was hardpressed to let go of the feline he would. He would only do so when Gael had advised so. Softly he would drop the cat and he would growl, “You better watch it right now Caesar. You were moments away from your death.”

He would pin his ears back. He truly hated how Caesar possessed the capability to cause utter chaos within moments.
