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MAKE IT MUNDANE + MEETING - Printable Version

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MAKE IT MUNDANE + MEETING - toboggan - 04-07-2020

A rather satisfying conclusion marked the end of the meeting for high positions. The library had housed a lively discussion in regards to the Pitt, what what defensive and proactive measures would be taken to prevent their treachery from harming Tanglewood anymore. Leroy acknowledged the sentiments that made homes out of his personnel's initial facial expressions when the gathering commenced; there was somewhat of a collective disapproval of some of his decisions, he could tell. However, by the closure of it, the hound acquired a little bit of optimism in that he managed to get his fellow higher-ups to fully understand his viewpoints. Aurum made it very clear that his trust had been placed in his leader, which was enough to alleviate the canine's worries.

With that meeting complete, a new meeting for the entirety of the group could be held. It'd been a considerable amount of weeks since the last public meeting. Hell, it'd even been over a month. Shit, perhaps there should've been a meeting last month along with the high positions one, too.

"Errr- Tanglewood!" the general calls from the base of the town's iconic heavily-corroded statue, "It's high time for a meetin', dont'cha think?" About six months into his leadership, it was safe to say that Leroy felt comfortable addressing everyone now. Originally, his speeches were practically copy-and-pasted from what he remembered of Crows's rhetorics - yet, these days the words seamlessly flowed from his maw without any issue. Sometime during the last month or two, the wolfhound truly became comfortable in his position. And, seeing how Tanglewood required a competent leader after Crow's decline (sorry Crow), this was a very good thing indeed.

Once the usual mass of tribemates began formulating before him, he would speak once more. "Salutations, my friends," he greets, his eyes sweeping the audience to pinpoint the group's fresh faces, "as per usual, we're startin' the meetin' with a message of hospitality." Fully knowing that the list of newcomers was quite extensive, the general audibly clears his throat. "Zoey- shit, I mean- Zora, Abraham, Dr. Caustic, Bokarsi, Izuku, Alaric, Evarhi, Kiwi, Whisperedsecrets, Matthew, Florence, Bridget, Tobias, Ambrose, and Margery; welcome to Tanglewood! I hope each and every one of ya enjoy your stays here." Fifteen joiners. Someone must've dropped a magnet by the border sometime during March, for Leroy couldn't think of any reason why an abundance of people would join in a manner like that.

There were more unique faces in the audience, however. "I'd also like to issue a hearty welcome back to Tanglers who'd decided to rejoin us. Isaac, Kaito, and Crow," he says, his tone noticeably upbeat while declaring the hindmost name, "we thank ya for comin' back." Leroy couldn't recall much of what Isaac had done during his brief stay a few months back, but the leader was entirely aware of Kaito's thieving endeavours - if that kid desired to call this place his home, then he'd promptly cancel all upcoming wannabe heists. And, Crow. Fuck, he still had some love in his heart for Crow. The both of them shared a home, after all, but what the feline had been doing to himself was unbearable to Leroy. But, with his return to activity and apparent newfound healthy ways, the mongrel was more than happy to have him back.

"Of course, it's springtime now, so we've got some new children among us now. Aurum and Whisperedsecrets brought Asvini, Goldnugget, Chirin, and Taegue into the world. Welcome, you four. Additionally, Selby and Moth brought Atticus, Ivan, Winston, Quentin, Alice, and Simon into the world, too. Again, welcome!"

"I'd like to give shoutouts to Ivan and Alaric. I've seen ya both around a ton, so keep it up!" Earthen brown hues comb the congregation of Tanglers until he spots the two felines he named. Due to him not having opposable thumbs, he couldn't give a thumbs up, so a proud nod would have to do. Leroy continues to speak; "Dr. Caustic, Beck, and Kaito are promoted to Chaser - if they so desire." As was done with Ivan and Alaric, those named were gifted with a pleased nod in their direction. "There're some demotions as well. Abathur has been demoted from Chaser. Should he return to activity, that spot may be re-earned. And Miller has been demoted from Chaser for that same reason, but I don't know if he's comin' back to Tanglewood anytime soon."

"Vathmos has been exiled for causin' grievous bodily harm to another Tangler. As per customary for exiled Tanglers, she's been branded with an easily identifiable scar; a large cut spanning her right shoulder to her chest. If you see her venture back to our territory, she's to be killed. If that is impossible, then at least make her flee."

"Next," he says, "we got some titles to hand out. I'd like to award Raymond with the Emissary title. Ambassador visits between groups saw a decline as of late, but, fortunately, our ambassador to the Typhoon has been stickin' to his duties. So thank you. Also, I wanna give the Revenant title to Beck. The Revenant title is given to those who've undergone major development since arrivin' in Tanglewood; and since Beck's been with the tribe since the very beginnin', I say he easily deserves this one."

"Alright, time for the latest deets on what's been happenin'." His voice is not forged from seriousness, but rather, humour. It's been a while since something not shitty had been on the news side of things for a meeting. "I've received intel pertainin' to childhood mischievousness in our fair tribe - mostly from the Typhoon. If this continues, I encourage mischievousness to be returned. So, feel free to play a practical joke on the pirates, 'cause I'd say they deserve it after our trees were painted."

"If anyone wants to say anythin', then go ahead. If that ain't the case, though, then resume your regular schedules."

- Welcome [member=7759]zora.[/member], [member=11793]abraham.[/member], [member=10990]CAUSTIC.[/member], [member=11755]bokarsi.[/member], [member=183]izuku[/member], [member=12638]alaric g.[/member], @EVARHI, @KIWI, @whisperedsecrets, @matthew f., @Florence B., @bridget, @tobias ., @AMBROSE., and @Margery.
- Welcome back [member=3667]isaac[/member], [member=9346]kaito.[/member], and [member=1477]crow roux[/member].
- [member=13067]ASVINI[/member], [member=13071]GOLDNUGGET[/member], [member=13075]chirin.[/member], and [member=13077]taegue.[/member] were born to Aurum and Whisperedsecrets. [member=11957]Atticus Roux[/member], [member=11964]Ivan[/member], [member=12678]winston r.[/member], [member=10541]Quentin[/member], [member=13157]Alice[/member], and @simon were born to Moth and Selby.
- Shoutouts to [member=11964]Ivan[/member] and [member=12638]alaric g.[/member]! Keep it up, guys!
- [member=10990]CAUSTIC.[/member], [member=67]beck[/member], and [member=9346]kaito.[/member] have been promoted from Member to Chaser!
- [member=1431]ABATHUR .[/member] and [member=4524]K. MILLER[/member] have been demoted from Chaser.
- [member=6879]Vathmos[/member] has been exiled. If she is recognized near the border, it is expected that she is killed or chased off.
- [member=545]Raymond[/member] is given the Emissary title for ambassador work, and [member=67]beck[/member] is given the Revenant title for immense character development.
- There's mischief being caused in Tanglewood from the Typhoon! Because of this, it is encouraged that some practical jokes are pulled against them as an act of revenge. 

Re: MAKE IT MUNDANE + MEETING - wormwood. - 04-07-2020

Jesus, that was quite a bit of information to take in all at once. Still, Aurum supposed that wasn't surprising, considering it had been a while since they had a proper meeting. The lion felt a smile on his face as he sat to listen, nodding his head along with all of the people who had been welcomed in. It felt good, knowing that they were so active and so many people had chosen to come in. In addition to that, it also felt nice to hear his babies' names announced to the entire group, the lion giving a pleased chuff at that. It hurt to hear about Vathmos's exile once again, but... perhaps he would see her again someday, if he went to seek her out in the loner lands. Hopefully she would find her own place in the world, even if he had once promised her Tanglewood could be that place. His heart was sinking, and fast, but he hastily course corrected, lifting his muzzle up high, "Congrats to everyone promoted, shouted out, and given titles. And welcome, everyone." With that, the angel fell silent, figuring that enough had been said for one meeting.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM

Re: MAKE IT MUNDANE + MEETING - alaric g. - 04-08-2020

    To be honest, Alaric had no idea what to expect when Leroy called for a meeting. He had not been around long enough to attend one before, and so when the general's voice boomed out from the town's statue, he was drawn to the source immediately with a genuine interest that he did not express for many things beyond his studies.

    He also certainly had not been anticipating his name coming up in the meeting. The wolfhound's recognition of his activity as well as the nod he issued made Alaric's chest swell with pride. A smile of sorts crept onto his face, and after Leroy and Aurum completed their respective speeches, he would pipe up as well. "Thank you, Leroy, and congratulations to all those promoted."
don't do love, don't do friends

Re: MAKE IT MUNDANE + MEETING - Blazic - 04-08-2020


A meeting: Something they'd not had in a long time. Snarl didn't mind the frequency - she just wished there was consistency, gods. Have meetings or don't - just decide. Regardless, she showed up - the hyena always showed up. She had to get info somehow.
Kids. Of course, spring was in the air. She'd heard about them, the vague mention of names, but made note to stay away. Snorted, to herself - even if she did want to interact, there's no chance the parents would let her. 'Oh, you're a bad influence'. 'You're too violent, you'll scare them.' 'You're just a hyena, you might eat them.' 'You have no self control, and there's no telling what you might do to these helpless children.'.........

She listened to the rest of the meeting in silence. Snorted, and let a smirk pull across her lips, when she heard once again of Vathmos' expulsion. Serves the bitch right. Sent a glance over to Aurum - watched his grin falter, if just for a moment. Maybe he'd finally wriggle out from under the Vekkteman's thumb.
She'd linger in the clearing, no words said, but ears perked and listening to the words of everyone. Only stalk away when but a few remained.

Physical || Scent || Group ||   Roleplayer

Re: MAKE IT MUNDANE + MEETING - Alice - 04-08-2020

The orange and white feline made her way over for the meeting. Wondering what exactly was going to be talked about. Alice finds a spot to sit and looks up at Leroy, waiting for them to start. They seemed to have a lot of new members here. Though, she didn't really know any of them. Maybe she would get to know them as time went on. She brightens up at the mention of new kids, knowing she was one of them. As her cousins and siblings were listed off. She wondered if she would spot any of them at the meeting.

Exiled? She had never heard of someone being kicked out before. Not only that, but they were left with a scar. The idea of running into someone dangerous like that made her stomach turn. Coughing a little bit before turning back to pay attention to the meeting. Titles were given out but what caught her attention was pranks. Alice wasn't one to mess around but maybe she would be allowed to visit these said pirates. The idea of going on a little adventure to check out their allies made her heart race.

Everyone was silent for a moment before they started giving out their own congrats to those promoted or received a title. Alice remained in her spot, in case something important was said.  ""

Re: MAKE IT MUNDANE + MEETING - Ivan - 04-08-2020

[Image: b94dbd8a-65a5-11ea-af51-45358cb49cc4.gif]
pixel by tricky

[div style="width: 300px; max-height: 100px; height: overflow; overflow: scroll; padding-bottom: 5px; margin-top: -5px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; color: #152232; letter-spacing: 0px; text-align: justify;"]He kept fancying that Ivan was absorbed in something — something inward and important — that he was striving toward some goal, perhaps very hard to attain.
— Бра́тья Карама́зовы

He had no idea meetings were a thing.

If one had happened while he was alive, he must have not attended it because he was so young. However, as Ivan slunk over, he was duly made aware of why he shouldn't have attend these when he was much younger. All of this was much too big of a bone for him to chew. He certainly thought himself to be intelligent, but although he begrudgingly deemed them necessary, societal duties were not really his strength.

He was honestly surprised and admired that Leroy was able to recite every newly joined member's name, as well as the births that had occurred. He even called Caustic by his title, which was even more surprising since Leroy's proxy had to be frequently reminded by Caustic for it. At this point, it was probably said just to irritate the wolf. If Aurum wanted better, more original ideas to pester the resident mad scientist-esque figure, Ivan had an arsenal of ideas for him.

Ivan shamelessly pricked his ears upon being called out for something positive. He always appreciated any sort of praise. Higher social standing, at his age, would be a tremendous accomplishment if he was able to "keep it up" to put it in Leroy's terms. Hah, he'd even beat Atticus. He could rub it in Mercede's face — if he ever saw the Pittian fox again.

He retained the other information only for a moment, knowing that the Typhoon cubs had painted their trees, oh how he hated it. Vathmos had apparently been a problem before or shortly after his birth, so he didn't worry about it. He couldn't hide the twitch of happiness in his lips upon hearing Beck's new title. Ivan sat down next to his sister Alice, mirroring her posture, noticing how she stayed put even after Leroy had finished.

"Were you planning on going to the Typhoon?" He leaned down to whisper in Alice's ear. If she was, Ivan wanted to go with her. He didn't like going far, but he disliked the idea of his siblings going too far without a companion.


Much of the world was left undiscovered to Asvini at this moment- judging by her little excursions into the woods, it wasn't enough to cover the territory of this massive island. From the Pittians, to the Typhooners- which were indeed mentioned in this meeting- she had some work to do. However, mischievous behavior wasn't exactly one thing Asvini was one to be put up to, but if it was encouraged... She stepped in, her eyes shifting towards the other Roux children, before she settled down next to her mother and kept her head cocked.


[glow=black,2,300]BREAK THE SILENCE; DAMN THE DARK[/glow]

Re: MAKE IT MUNDANE + MEETING - Orion - 04-12-2020

Another meeting. Raymond could say that he was pleased. With the last meeting being so dramatic, he couldn't help but anticipate what was up next. Thankfully, it was safe to say that this meeting would be no different. With excitement galore for the newcomers, along with the promotions, he would surely be satisfied. Especially with himself.

Upon arriving, the panther found himself a spot near the back, far from anyone who would bother him. With rounded ears raised, he listened carefully. At Leroy's mistake, he stifled a cackle. 'Poor girl. What a welcome,' he thought. Thankfully, she didn't appear to be here just yet, so he couldn't offer his lackluster condolences. Raymond might just be oblivious though. Perhaps he'd notice her later. After all, a crowd had gathered by now and it was hard to see if you weren't as large as him.

When it came to demotions and promotions, Raymond couldn't say he was surprised. Those named were apparent to him. They were both demoted and promoted rightfully. Hell, who was Abathur again? Miller too? He couldn't put his paw on it. With that said, it seemed rightful for them to be relieved of their rank. To say that Vathamos being exiled wasn't a surprise either. After last meeting, they were asked to step aside. Then again, it was not his business. He couldn't say he was curious about the politics though... Hell, he was an ambassador. The panther had to care.

Thankfully, hard work pays off. Leroy uttered his name and his attention perked right back up. A reward was in store. 'Emissary', the leader called him. While a title, it was well-earned progress. Raymond nodded his head lowly in admiration. "Why thank you," he echoed from the back.

The news of The Typhoon did cause him to smirk a bit. It seemed as if their kittens were rowdy, similarly to their own. "If it deems fit, I will join anyone on their venture to The Typhoon for some playful mischief," he emphasized. With his new title and his duties as an ambassador, Raymond didn't want to poison the waters between The Typhoon and Tanglewood.

//thanks! sick rn so apologies for lateness + lackluster response




"Humanity. It's just a word."

Caustic tries to remember if he had any meetings in the Pitt before he left. His brain is unable to return any memories, so he assumes not. That’s fine.
It was nice to see one here though, meetings provided order and structure.
Maybe it was something both brains could agree on; Caustic liked the organization, The Wolf enjoyed following Leroy’s will.
Dumb dog.
He takes a seat near the back, comfortably away from others, but close enough to listen.

Oh? He’s been promoted? Caustic’s chest puffs, rolling the position around in his head. Hopefully, it wouldn’t detract from his own work. The position would give him some of the power he needed to be left alone to his business.
"Thank you, Leroy. I accept this position with utmost gratitude.”

Original code by lexasperated / artwork by @R_HillPrime

Re: MAKE IT MUNDANE + MEETING - Atticus Roux - 04-13-2020

Upon his arrival, the warm welcomes into Tanglewood had begun. With a smile, he sat down near the only Ivan that seemed familiar to him: Ivan. New to the experience himself, he was proud to her his own named called amongst those new and old. Plus, his brothers and sisters were mentioned. Besides that, Atticus didn't find much to be entertained by within this meeting. He wasn't one for meetings, he supposed. This was only his first though.