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there goes hawaii - sizing up a crab - Printable Version

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there goes hawaii - sizing up a crab - fulzanin - 04-07-2020

Blits had heard about crabs a few times. Once had been in one of his beloved's textbooks. Crabs sure did change a lot when one lived a couple billion years in the future. He'd heard of them then, but it had been so one-off that Blits hadn't committed it to memory. Very vaguely did the term exist in Blits' mind. Crabs were... amphibians, right? Since they went between the land and water? He was mighty proud of himself for remembering such a complex word, and he felt pride surge through him. He'd also been told of crabs when he'd been sweeping the beach. It'd been a fruitless task. The sand hadn't been diminished in its amounts at all. It had left Blits quite irritated that the dirty feeling sand simply would not go away no matter how much he swept and tried to fling it away with gusty beats of his wings. Small sand tornadoes getting in his eyes? It was way less pleasant than Blits could have imagined. Trying to dunk his head into the nearby ocean water to get it out? That had been even worse, and it had taken all of Blits' resolve to get back up and keep sweeping with only marginal sniffles.

During one of his sweeps, though - for those were now common for the sinornithosaurus to partake in - he finally met one of those fabled creatures. A crab emerged from the sand, scuttling along. "AH!" Blits screeched, recoiling away. His talons slammed into the ground as he shuffled a few paces back. It was way smaller than him, being a simple crab and all. Orange eyes stared down at the creature, him tightly clenching his broom between his teeth. It was a lot smaller than he'd been expecting. Blits trudged a few paces away to set down his broom where it would be safe from the waves coming up to collect it. He came striding back towards the crab. Sand clogged his feathers from the previous sand tornado, as well as from his sweeping attempts. A rough shake was administered to try and free himself from the uncomfortable sand to little avail. A frown adorned the sinornithosaurus' face. "You are incredibly tiny," the featherbrain clucked. He lowered his head a little, trying to figure out where the thing's eyes were located. However, Blits recoiled his head when the crab came scuttling closer and made a pinching motion with one of its tiny claws.

Sharp squawks sounded from Blits as the massive, bird like creature again recoiled from the tiny crab. "Oh. Really?" He clucks, stomping his feet against the sand. He fluffs up his feathers, rapidly flapping his wings. "I will kick you! I'll have you know I'm part stork!" Blits threw in, slamming a talon down on the sand. A sharpened noise came from him when the crab moved close. Despite the absurd size difference the crab scuttling aimlessly around was more than enough to have Blits hopping around in a fit. "Do not get closer I have a broom! And claws now! For some reason! And a whole lot more teeth!" Technically they were talons, but Blits wasn't exactly going to think over the specifics while he was trying and failing to strike such a small, tiny crab. Nor did Blits know how to use the several more teeth that this form possessed. His foot was still sore from his little incident a few days ago, but to fend off such a malicious crab? He'd power through, flapping his wings madly and then kicking at the crab again. His strike landed short, and a yelp sounded as he recoiled his foot away from greedy pinchers.

TAGS 2/27/20:

Re: there goes hawaii - sizing up a crab - THEM - 04-09-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]This wouldn't be the first time Kazuhira had caught someone channeling their rage toward some minuscule inconvenience. Well, that was an exaggeration, this was a crab - but he'd lived beachside for a majority of his life, and seeing a crab nip somebody on the behind wasn't particularly new. A loud and aggressive response tended to follow. Yet it seemed this wasn't the case at all, as the prehistoric creature before him was dead set on, apparently, kicking the crab to the sea for merely existing in the same space as himself.

"Uh." Miller isn't stupid, he doesn't think so, but the sight before him is a little perplexing. The sinornithosaurus appeared to be attempting to sweep sand with a broom, and was now threatening the tiny crustacean with a kick to the non-existent head if they snipped their claws any closer. None of it seemed to make sense, but then again, not much about these clans really did. He'd learned not to ask too many questions and keep his head low. "What are you... Doing?" He can't help the slight emphasis on the tail end of his words - frankly, it was difficult to come up with any presumption as to what Blits was attempting to accomplish.

Re: there goes hawaii - sizing up a crab - fulzanin - 04-18-2020

Blits mostly would consider his stance to be defensive. Not that he actually knew what a defensive stance was. He'd flunked his training in every single way. From flying, to using a weapon, to being able to read and write. His stance was what felt natural to him. In his lanky sinornithosaurus body, it was even more awkward. Especially when his weapon was not a spear but rather a broom, and was locked between teeth rather than paws. He shuffled awkwardly, keeping himself facing the tiny little crustacean. Orange eyes lift upon hearing the briefest notion of someone's voice. His distraction is brief, his fried mind able to remember the dangerous threat that he was facing. Blits' wings flapped a few times to stir up a bit of sand, sadly not as effectively as he'd hoped. A question is asked of him, and his attention snaps away again. "I'm protecting myself from this, this thing! I forgot the name but its trying to hurt me," Blits answered.

Despite just having explained his actions, his fried mind manages to somehow forget the meaning of his words and absolutely forgets the crab's entire existence. Long enough for the skittering noise of the crab's feet against the sand to scare him, earning more rapid mock kicks in the creature's direction. "Vicious! Absolutely vicious, see, it tried to get me while I was distracted!" His words came out jaggedly, waving one of his wings at the creature that had been trying to walk back to where it had emerged from to escape the forced confrontation. "I was just trying to get rid of all this dirt and it just, it just tries to hurt me! I don't know what it'd do but I do not want to find- I will kick you stop moving like that!" Blits' ever screechy voice is cut off when the crab begins striding off to the side, as most crabs did. He mock kicks again, throwing up sand with more rapid beats of his wings.

TAGS 2/27/20: