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NO MERCY / brandy ; private for now - Printable Version

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NO MERCY / brandy ; private for now - T. ROUX - 04-06-2020

Trygve had gotten quite restless and frankly, his burns had healed enough that movement was less painful and easier. A soft breath escaped his maw, his eyes narrowed as he walked back and forth along the beach thinking over a few things. His tufted ears pinned against his cranium trying to shove away this frustration of his, the draconic cub glanced over to the rising sun. He had decided to get up early and possibly practice some of the moves that Michael had taught him, his paws sinking into the sand. He thought about approaching the water that lapped at the shore, Ry ambled forward with a tilt of his cranium. His thoughts lingering on the bonfire, oh, how the flames had been so large and vast. Powerful. His tongue swiped over his lips, he sorta wished for that kind of power but he knew better than to desire something he probably shouldn't have. His mother had taught him to be better than that after all, told him that he shouldn't be so greedy yet she always stumbled saying that word for some reason. Trygve would shake it away feeling the salty water lap at his body eagerly, he stared out at the ocean with a half closed gaze.

The sound of pawsteps made him perk up, his ears twitching a bit as he turned to face the individual who was approaching him. It was his cousin, Brandykit. He rose from where he had been sitting and stepped onto the sand feeling it cake up onto his paws, he lifted one of them up shaking off some of the grains from his foot only to say with a light smirk on his maw "Hey Brandy," His tail lashing to the sides, he would nod slowly only to say with an even bigger smirk tugging away at the usual scowl he wore on his face "Wanna spar a bit, cousin?" Trygve would shake himself off, droplets of water falling off of his form. He was ready for whatever Brandy could throw at him. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: NO MERCY / brandy ; private for now - brandykit - 04-07-2020

It had been more then easy to listen to his momma talk. Talk, about things that should have never happened, to things that did happen to her. The word- the indication of her torturer's home. This was a private story, one that she told him and him alone, without Marina or Goldie around. His eyes had narrowed and his fur stood on end, and for some reason some part of him didn't understand it. The part that knew, indicatively, that Trygve had run off to the Pitt, and returned harmed, yet he knew of his yearning to return. The only place he could think, without Sam's urging, was down at the beach. So that's where he went.

But he wasn't alone, he realized, as Ry spoke to him. His eyes shifted towards him, the optics narrowing a tiny bit. There was some anger, hot in his throat, he couldn't read and couldn't decipher. But he knew it was directed at Ry. "Do I?" He said, his tone snapping a bit. His tail lashed, stepping towards the water and not facing him. Rather dramatic for a cub, but there was some part of him that couldn't just sit back and watch it tear him apart, too, especially after returning from the Pitt all torn up.

Not again.

"You're still hurt from the stupid Pitt. No point in making it worse."



Re: NO MERCY / brandy ; private for now - T. ROUX - 04-07-2020

Ah, he was angry.

That why the first thing that Trygve was able to pick up yet he was confused as to why the other felt such a way. His frown growing on his maw watching as Brandy refused to even look in his direction, his tufted ears pinned down against his head and his pupils narrowing into dangerous slits. He bit his tongue trying to refrain from saying else that would piss off the tiguar, his tail brushing against the sand beneath them only to twitch his whiskers unable to hold it back "You might not but I do," His fur pricking up slightly, his gaze half closed as he watched Brandy through narrowed slits. Brandy was more than just a cousin to him, he was like a brother yet here they both were. One bubbling with anger and the other having yet to feel it but it was embedded within him. He raised a nonexistent eyebrow at Brandy hearing what he said next, it hadn't been the Pitt as a whole but a single individual had attacked him but Aine had then helped him get better. Brandykit knew why Ry yearned to return to the Pitt, his sisters knew as well or at least, Natyli had a clue as to why. Trygve couldn't help but gush about his new friend, Aine, to everyone and they all mostly listened willingly.  He trailed away from those thoughts trying to figure out how to answer this, he supposed that he would only speak the truth that lingered within his mind.

"It wasn't the Pitt itself, it was the stupid, pissbaby Caesar. Besides, I've healed plenty now and can take you on any day." There was a pause before he finished with a curt nod of his head "Thanks to Aine, of course... She stopped by and gave me more aloe vera..." A faint, gentle smile appearing on his maw that one moment when he mentioned the vixen from the Pitt though his gaze hardened once more locking onto Brandy. "Unless, you're being a chicken shit." Ry and Brandy always teased each other. This should be fine. Trygve wasn't crossing a line here or at least, as far as he knew anyways
. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: NO MERCY / brandy ; private for now - brandykit - 04-07-2020

As he settled down onto the wet sand his ears flattened against his head. His eyes closed, squinting down, as if he couldn't handle it anymore. He listened to him prawn and prattle, going on about Pitt this, Pitt that. Looking back on the situation in the future, Brandy might even considering that he wasn't really listened, but he was. His eyes snapped open as he teased him, and a snarl ripped from his muzzle, the boy standing and turning towards him with narrowed eyes. Brandy rarely got this angry, and maybe it was a sign that something was really, really off about this entire situation.

"Shut up, Trygve." There it was, the full name. His eyes were narrowed, the strange optics flickering at him. His body was tense, all over, his head lowered and shoulders ready for him to pounce, if need be. "Stop talking about her. Don't you realize where they come from? What could happen to you if you keep going? The Pitt is a stupid idea, all around." He snarled deeply, stepping forward now. The waves to his right shifted, rushing forward and crashing against eachother. It was a discord that he enjoyed creating, ever since he figured out on this very beach he could.

"She's a bad idea. Let her go."



Re: NO MERCY / brandy ; private for now - T. ROUX - 04-07-2020

"Shut up, Trygve."

The sound of his full name made him stiffen. Oh, there was definitely something up Brandy's ass today and Trygve wasn't taking a liking to it. A soft snarl of his own escaping his maw, his gaze locked onto Brandy as he would spat back with a lash of his mottled tail "Why don't you make me, Brandykit Roux." If Brandy thought he was the only one able to use a full name then Trygve would be sure to prove him wrong. He would watch the waves collide into one another and it only earned an unimpressed eyeroll from him. Though before he could say anything else that could possibly piss off his cousin, he stopped in his tracks as Brandy snarled at him. His eyes widened for a moment only to shrink back into dangerous slits, a growl leaving him as the words slipped from the tiguar cubs lips. The fur along his spine rose, his claws digging into the sand underneath him as his paws sunk a bit. Brandy was never bothered before when Trygve had brought up Aine. What was wrong with bringing her up now? This was something he didn't understand, Brandy was like a best friend to him aside from his sisters and this was an arrow to the heart. Especially when the words sunk in and rooted themselves into his mind.

"Stop talking about her."

He bit the side of his right cheek trying to keep calm in the situation, he could be calm. He was certain of it. Especially if Brandy was going to be an absolute assheap of shit during this moment, he opened his maw to speak once more with a scowl on his face "What's wrong with you? Last time, I brought Aine up you weren't such a fuckin piece of shit. I know the Pitt is horrible but Aine isn't. She's fuckin different, Brandy. Your head is just so far up your ass that you can't even see that." His next words definitely made Trygve feel a bit of anger bubble within him. He glared daggers at his cousin. "She's a bad idea. Let her go." Suddenly, he remembered that bonfire and how powerful it had been. The flames dancing in the air, radiating with grace. He could feel his insides growing warm and his throat growing dry, his lips peeled back into a snarl "Don't fucking say that about Aine. Ever. You piece of shit,"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: NO MERCY / brandy ; private for now - brandykit - 04-08-2020

"Why don't you make me, Brandykit Roux?"

A smirk touched his face as he tried to insult him. That was cute, but Brandykit was a name he'd wear with pride- and Roux was one that he would always stand by. His mom was way stronger then Trygve was, anyways, so what the hell? He picked his head up, a crude grin on his face at that thought, his paws pressing up against the sand and his tail swaying behind him. However, as Trygve continued, his own form getting more tense, Brandy stood there with narrowed eyes again, shifting his stance back to that crouched stance. The daggers came first, then that smell in that air. The smell of something starting to burn.

His ears pressed against his head as he spoke again. "Don't fucking say that about Aine. Ever. You piece of shit," And before he went any further, Brandy erupted, his teeth flashing as he shouted back at Trygve. "She's one of them! One of those savages- You want her more then you want your own clan, at this point." Water started to creep up the beach, gathering at Brandy's paws and rushing in small orbs about his paws. A threat, definitely, to the draconic cousin. "And what you just said proved it. Some stupid crush matters more to you then your own family. Piss off, Trygve." He snarled, his eyes widening.

He didn't want to talk to him anymore, suddenly, so he started to step back.



Re: NO MERCY / brandy ; private for now - T. ROUX - 04-08-2020

"She's one of them! One of those savages- You want her more then you want your own clan, at this point."

A snarl erupted from his maw as the heat grew within his chest and rose to his throat, his tail lashing to the sides "She isn't a savage, stop calling her that! No, I don't want her more than my own clan but I definitely prefer her over you any fucking day." Alright, maybe that wasn't entirely true but about right now he didn't want anything to do with Brandykit, his frustration at this point rocketing with each ill word used against Aine. She made him feel safe and happy, what more could he ask for? She was his friend, a damn good one and now he was beginning to question his cousin who stood in front of him. A hiss slipping pass his gritted teeth realizing that Brandy was already gathering water as if to threaten him. So, it was going to be like that then? They were going to fight over someone who wasn't even here? It seemed unreasonable to anyone else but the feelings he felt for Aine only fueled the growing fire that was building within him, his eyes narrowing in rage hearing what Brandy would say next and he would say with a loud snarl "She isn't some stupid crush and she doesn't matter than my family, how dare you even think she would..."

A flash of brief hurt in his gaze before his stance would grow tense, the fur on his body having lifted. "If you have a problem with me then that's fucking fine. But don't drag Aine into it. It isn't her fault, I feel this way. It is my own." His gaze shifted to the side for a moment only to lock onto Brandykit who was already taking a step back "I don't know who filled your fucking head with shit but holy fuck, how it's made you fucking stupid... Quick to judge those you haven't even gotten the chance to meet. The Pitt is horrible... And sucks shit cause of the desert... But... She's different, Brandy... You gotta trust me when I say that..." His gaze wavered slightly as he would take his own steps back with a shake of his head only to spit eith disappointment dripping from his voice "Trust is important within family... Apparently, you don't hold any to me." Another step back but his stance remained the same, he didn't know how Brandy would react but Trygve definitely felt an ache in his chest. An ache upon his heart. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: NO MERCY / brandy ; private for now - brandykit - 04-08-2020

".. prefer her over you any fucking day."

A snarl came from the kit as he stepped back forward. "She's a savage. She comes from them, bred like them, lives like them." He said, his lips drawn back. Justified, he was. Very, very justified. Of course, love was one thing he had hardly tested the waters in. He had his siblings, his three mothers- but even one of those relationships felt tainted, felt drawn out, felt like it was about to shatter. His perception of love, to say the least, was skewed. And maybe he was bitter about that. Maybe it hurt, deep down, that Ry was finding something so easily, so easily he forgot about what he had. "It is my own." A sharp snort came from his muzzle then, stepping closer once again.

"Your own fault? Oh no. There's no way it's just yours. The person that put this shit in my head? It's not shit, for one, it's real fucking facts you can't seem to see." He seethed, his fur standing on end and his eyes narrowing again, the water encircling his body, almost like armor at the moment, before settling back to his paws. The anger in his eyes matched that of his mom's- the demigod of rage was quite the title, after all, and it couldn't just sit in her heritage. It was passed on, and Brandy felt it in every limb of his body, from his muzzle to his tailtip- it was there. "I can't believe you'd be so stupid to go back for her. Something worthless like that? What more do you need here?" He pressed.

He was blind to his own actions, now. "My Momma was torn apart by them. She still bears the scars, and you trust them so fucking blindly." He shook his head. "I can't believe you anymore. Go live with those snakes."



Re: NO MERCY / brandy ; private for now - T. ROUX - 04-09-2020

"She's a savage. She comes from them, bred like them, lives like them."

A savage? The words settled and rung throughout his mind, he could feel his once subsided rage returning only to feel something burning at the back of his throat did he frown deeply at his cousin. "She isn't a savage. She'll never be like them, she's fucking different. How isn't any of this going through your thick fucking head?" He spat out angrily, Brandy's mother might have been the demigoddess of raging storms but that didn't startle the draconic cub much. He didn't need any form of godlike heritage to be as angry as he was right now, his muzzle scrunched up unable to subdue the anger any further with each and every word that Brandykit spoke. His throat burning, it was unfamiliar but he thought nothing of it as he would listen closely only to say with a low growl "Facts? When was it? Was it while Kydobi was put into power? Or before?" He would hiss through gritted teeth "Facts my fuckin ass. That's just an opinion... One that's been drilled into your stupid coconut mug." He finished in a rather heated manner, his tail lashing behind his tail and moving the sand beneath him. An opinion. That's all it was, Trygve would never admit it but he knew that the Pitt was trying to change and well... After the burning incident, he hadn't really helped them with that. He had damaged their chances.

"I can't believe you anymore. Go live with those snakes."

His heterochromatic gaze locked onto Brandykit, so, it had been Sam that had told Brandykit about the Pitt? His tufted ears moved forward a bit only to twitch slightly, he wouldn't be able to move Brandykit from what he now believed yet it hurt. Hearing the other tell him to go live with the Pitt and calling them snakes, a frown etched onto his maw. "A Roux can never be a Pittian," He finally decided to say and glared at his cousin with a cold look despite how the flames burned from within aching to be released, a few small wisp of flames slipping from his slightly parted maw and danced across his lips. His throat was horribly dry at this point and the feeling of fire lapping at his insides started to hurt only to blink his eyes once "Unless, you think otherwise... Am I not a Roux, Brandy? Am I not family for this mere infatuation?" He took bold steps forward until he was only a few inches away from his cousin, his body tense.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: NO MERCY / brandy ; private for now - brandykit - 04-09-2020

"When was it?" The words made his ears prick sharply. A growl touched his muzzle, and he fell silent, letting him talk. Talk over himself, make himself the fool. His eyes narrowed again, his claws shifting in the sand, leaving a longer drag mark then he cared for. His paw shifted over it, before his eyes refocused on Trygve. Really? That was his argument? That his family could restrict his choices, his identity?

There was a crude anger wrapped about his throat, almost silencing him. Almost. "A Roux can never be a Pittian." What bullshit was that? Brandy's head tilted, ignoring the sentence following that, and pressing his nose to Ry's with a gutteral growl. "The way you keep going back for her, Trygve, you act like you don't want to be one." He said sharply. "I don't know a Trygve Roux anymore." He decided. He then reared his head back, standing over top of him and glaring down, his nostrils flaring and the water on his paws starting to freeze over.

"I was trying to help you, but all I see in front of me is someone I'll never call brother again." He spat at Ry's paws, his tail lashing. There wasn't enough body to Brandy to embody what he felt. Betrayal at it's finest- anger in it's deepest twist. Each fiber of his body screamed at him to fight, but Brandy knew better then to hurt him. Ry's flames didn't scare him. They wouldn't ever scare him.

