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humble abode // picking a home - Printable Version

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humble abode // picking a home - GAMELIA B . - 04-06-2020


Gamelia was used to odd looks in her direction. It didn't bother her like it used to. She looked like candy, and, well, was partially made of it. While she acclimated to the Typhoon and its unique citizens, they were becoming acclimated to her as well.

Shortly after being welcomed into the rowdy band of pirates, she had been led to the tavern and shown to the lodging area. A temporary space until she went and found a home she liked on Barracuda bay. Which, by the way, was today.

Peeling herself from the mattress - literally - and stretching herself out, the candied dragon peered out the closest window. The sun was beginning to crawl its way up the sky. Goodness, she was up early! Who could blame her? Excitement was fluttering in her chest. She simply couldn't wait to pick a home for herself.

While the residue she left on the bedsheets seemed to be evaporating without a trace, Gamelia was hurrying down the stairs and heading out to the bay (with some help and directions).

By the time she had found an empty one she liked, the time was nearing noon.

Right where grass met sand, a sizeable building stood warmly and welcoming, as if beckoning her inside. Outwardly, it wasn't much different from any other hut. It was the inside that counted. She had already explored every room. The foyer doubled as the living room, which was empty save for an aged, comfortable-looking couch and a colorful, rectangular rug.

The open space led to the kitchen, the two rooms only separated by a long counter that wrapped around the corner to the hallway. It had all the appliances she could need, from microwave to fridge. The cabinets and pantry, however, were empty.

A short hallway ended with two doors; one leading to a bathroom, the other a bedroom with a closet. The bedroom had a single twin mattress void of sheets or pillows. However, it had a dresser, as well as a nightstand, complete with a lamp and clock. The bathroom, as one would expect, contained everything, minus the toiletries.

Anyone passing by the newly-claimed home might occasionally see her walking in and out of the front door. She had borrowed cleaning supplies from a neighbor, which she was using almost every bit of.
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #7d3479 - TAGS

Re: humble abode // picking a home - fulzanin - 04-06-2020

Blits had been in the Typhoon for a while now. He'd shown up dazed and confused in a body that was not his own. The animals here were not those that he was used to. He didn't actually know of cats, dogs, or birds. His knowledge mostly extended to marine life - marine life if this planet was a couple billion years in the future. Alas, his knowledge from reading over his love's textbooks was not helpful. A dragon, though, was more in line with what Blits knew and understood and was far more comfortable with. Being made out of candy was just as normal to the incompetent featherbrain as being made out of glass. Despite Blits having been around longer than the candified dragon, he still had yet to find a home. He hadn't really seen any need for it - he had a home back where he came from. Finding one without the input of his husband? Why, that would be absolutely absurd! Sure, sleeping up in a bunch of trees was far from comfortable, but Blits could manage.

The sinornithosaurus spent a lot of his time wandering around. He didn't hunt both because he didn't eat meat and because he likely would severely fail at such a thing. There was little for Blits to do, especially around this time of the day when it was... something. Blits didn't really register time that well, so he just knew that he was already exhausted and bored. Seeing someone walking rapidly in and out of a home? It surprised him, piqued his interest - especially the sight of cleaning supplies. One of the few tasks Blits was allowed to do back where he came from was clean. The idea of being helpful burst into his fried mind and absolutely refused to budge. The feathered beast strode over, his orange eyes staring briefly before speaking. "Um. Are you, are you cleaning? Can I help? I'm pretty good at cleaning," Blits offered as he came to a halt, looking at the supplies that the purple dragon was using to see if he recognized any of the colorations. Brands? He didn't particularly care for such a thing, but color coding had definitely been a great help back home. It was useful to not use window cleaner on the floor, especially when such was stone.

TAGS 2/27/20:

Re: humble abode // picking a home - michael t. - 04-06-2020

In all honesty, Michael hadn't done much with his home since he had first joined the Typhoon, which had been quite a while ago now. The most he had ever bothered to change about his hut was basically just making it better for his pet rats, allowing them to have an area to scamper around in without escaping. In addition to this, he was constantly adding on to his piles of goodies, hoarding jewelry, gems, and everything else he could get his thieving paws on like a lazy dragon. Trevor had occasionally complained about the bobcat sort of just stashing things away like a packrat, but Michael couldn't help it. He was so used to needing to move from place to place pretty damn fast, so he liked to find hiding places for things that only he knew about. That way, in case he needed to get the fuck out quickly and without violence, he knew where to grab his things and run. It wasn't exactly a system that was needed anymore, given he was now living within the Typhoon quite comfortably, but it was still one he stuck to. Just in case something finally snapped, and he was run out like he always was.

The bobcat had been on the way to the tavern for some drinks when he heard Blits's voice, the other's questions immediately making him wince. He was genuinely offering to help this time, but the fugitive could only imagine how this could devolve into stupidity eventually. Despite this, he found himself heading towards the other's voice, rather than away. It seemed as though one of the newcomers was moving in, and the thief found himself curious as to what kind of house they had managed to nab. Once he had found his way over to Blits's side, Michael craned his head upwards a bit, looking over the hut that Gamelia had chosen to occupy. It was bigger than his, and a fair deal nicer too – although that might've just been because of her cleaning efforts thus far. Either way, the bobcat found himself letting out a low whistle, saying afterwards with a dry chuckle, "Wow Gamelia, you ended up findin' yourself a real nice place, huh? I hope you're plannin' on having a house warming party at some point." Perhaps Gamelia had unnerved him a little bit at her initial joining, but overall she seemed pretty chill, which made Michael allow himself to relax. Somewhat.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: humble abode // picking a home - Simon F.M. - 04-07-2020

To give me some diagnosis of why I'm so hollow
Please give me instructions, I promise I'll follow

Home was an odd concept for the snowy feline, almost having become a sorespot. Her home was gone, burning up in flames once upon a time while she wept far away in distant lands.

Since then, nowhere had felt like home. The Elysium housed the few of her belongings that hadn't been destroyed and the remaining members of her old life. But, she could never call the mountains home, they felt more like a blade in her heart than a place of comfort. The ghost of the past, a reminder of what she had lost.

The typhoon, with its lack of ties to the past and new faces, she had to admit she found comforting. But, this wasn't her home, at least not yet. She was a guest, staying in Roxanne's spare room until she returned to the Elysium. If she returned to the Elysium. She certainly didn't call Roxanne's spare room home, rarely spending the night there. She much preferred to find an open place under the stars and moon to slumber, lulled to sleep by the waves. 

She had considered claiming a hut as her own but, it felt inappropriate. This wasn't her home, she was supposed to be a visitor. She wasn't supposed to be here even. But, she had found herself growing attached to the members of the community. She still didn't feel at home, hadn't been welcomed as such for sure.

Seeing Gamelia fixing up herself a hope stirred up a mixture of emotions within the snowy feline. She was glad the candy dragon was settling in, that was for sure, but she couldn't help the spike of jealousy that she had settled down so easily. It wasn't her fault though, and she wouldn't hold it against the sugary reptile. Diya's flaws and issues were her own and she had only herself to blame.

She offers Gamelia a wide smile, waving a paw in greeting. "It seems your home is coming along nicely!"
template by orion

Re: humble abode // picking a home - GAMELIA B . - 04-07-2020

//i sketched the layout of her house the way i imagined it, not as big as it looks tho i promise

Popping her head back outside just in time to hear her first visitors, Gamelia closed the door behind her as she went down the steps. The smell of bleach and cleaner fluid was starting to give her a headache. The first to show was a particularly colorful dinosaur she hadn't met yet, offering his services.

Pleased by his generosity, she smiled. "That's very kind of you! Thank you!" she rumbled joyfully. "I don't believe I've seen you around before! My name is Gamelia, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Then, turning to her little collection of supplies, she began to rummage through them as Michael joined the two.

She paused to look at him, chuckling at the suggestion. "Thank you. I'm quite proud of this little find, if I do say so myself. I'm surprised it hadn't been claimed yet." She picked up a feather duster, offering it to the bright green dinosaur. "As for a party, I'm not so sure about that, but we'll see. I may have to gather more furniture and make this little place more homely first."

To her pleasant surprise, Diya was next to show. Gamelia seemed to be seeing her everywhere as of late. Certainly not a bad thing- she wouldn't mind getting to know her better. The snowy feline seemed quite nice. With a swish of her candy-striped tail, Gamelia smiled again. "That's good to hear! Thank you! Would you like to come take a look? Mind the cleaner smell." Turning, she pushed her way inside. There were a few damp spots on the wooden floor, remnants of when she washed it a little while ago. Dust was rampant, but she would triumph. The house would become clean no matter what.
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #7d3479 - TAGS

Re: humble abode // picking a home - fulzanin - 04-10-2020

Blits honestly hadn't been expecting for his help to be accepted. After all, he didn't have the easiest appearance of knowing what he was doing. His orange eyes often were cluttered with uncertainty and the way he bumbled around was, usually, a good sign of his overall lacking of cognitive abilities. Being given a feather duster gave him the time to briefly recollect on how such a thing worked. He carefully took such with his teeth. Happily Blits' tail swung behind him. Cleaning! It was something he enjoyed, something that he had been allowed to do back home whenever he pleased. Dusting, sweeping, mopping, and dishes. All were things he could do generally without permission. This was someone else's home, though. It would only be nice to ask to help clean first.

"Oh. Uh. I'm Blits. It's nice to meet y' too," he introduced around the feather duster, realizing that he hadn't exactly introduced himself upon his arrival. His orange eyes squinted while his fried mind began to sputter. What did he dust? He hadn't ever used a feather duster before - he'd only seen it in some of the movies he and his beloved had watched. It didn't matter much, and the vibrant dinosaur began to carefully dust off the tops and sides of surfaces. The sheer concentration present on his face was quite hilarious, but it meant that the chances of him somehow mucking up the task were lessened. Blits was good at cleaning, he assured himself. He had no need to concentrate so hard... yet again, he had no reason not to, either.

TAGS 2/27/20: