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quiet room - felicity's storage - Printable Version

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quiet room - felicity's storage - arcy - 04-06-2020

I. tags. / calling out, i don't make a sound
II. bio. / the words are falling from my mouth, but they all disappear
III. timeline / it's too quiet in here
IV. art. / again another sad attempts only ends in tears
V. icons. / but i know you already knew it though
© guppy

Re: quiet room - felicity's storage - arcy - 04-06-2020

❝it happens breakfast lunch and dinner❞ — GENERAL
felicity de clare | feli | she/her
21 months
elysium elysite | no titles
❝there isn't any flavor, can't savor❞ — PHYSICAL
serval || birth form(?)
health: 98% ||
— felicity is a small, skinny serval. Her fur is a light black. Her paws, snout, chest, belly, undertail, and snout are all a lighter gray. Her spots are a darker black. She has a case of heterochromia, and her eyes are blue and yellow.
❝it tastes like it's all made out of paper❞ — PERSONALITY
confident, friendly, honest.
affectionate, entergetic
suspicious, controlling
— personality overview
❝i fell into a puddle❞ — RELATIONSHIPS
homosexual | complicated relationships status | shipname / other
no friends | sister to videogames | cousin to writtenwish
❝tripping over lies as i went sprinting off into the night❞ — INTERACTION
agressive  | fairly skilled in combat
passive powerplay allowed | attack in bold
❝letting out a cry, tears were pouring down her eyes❞ — NOTES
— notes!!
[Image: dd1v9iu-ca3776d2-53c5-4ff2-af26-537eccc8...2medl5nVgs]

Re: quiet room - felicity's storage - arcy - 04-06-2020

[Image: db3tbjg-187d134d-bcf2-4a9f-af50-26fcecdc669b.png]



"i'm breaking down
➵ NAME: felicity de clare
"good fortune, happy"

➵ AGE: 21 months
january 2

➵ GROUP: elysium
no titles
➵ GENDER: female

why did you he choose and stay in this group?
felicity wanted to prove to sheska that she could be reliable and settle down, so she chose a random group to settle in for the meantime. as of yet, sheska has not shown up -- and, for that matter, she's reunited with her brother here, and is not keen on letting go.

how does he feel about his rank? why did he choose this path?
felicity is more ambitious than she lets on -- she'd be interested in rank climbing, at least if it occurred to her.
i cant do this anymore,"
➵ APPEARANCE: felicity is a small, skinny soft black serval. She has a case of heterochromia, with her right eye being blue, and her left eye being yellow. Her fur is spotted black, and her paws, underbelly, face, and tail are all colored with gray. She wears a white feather with purple and pink spotting. Her ears are studded with earing, and a piercing is stuck in next to her left eye.
just a HINT of a french accent.
[WIP] pounds
wip height
all sharp angles and little fat.

does minimal self-care. enough to be near-presentable.
her fur is messy and unkempt, but not filthy.
has a very expressive face -- it tends to betray everything she's feeling.

a somewhat jittery, excited voice.
swears ... a lot. wherever she finds fitting.
speaks casually, and with a matching casual vocabulary.
i looked to the floor and told her all that i knew
➵ PERSONALITY: WIP cause rn .. i dont want to.
confident, friendly, honest.
affectionate, entergetic, rebellious.
suspicious, controlling, impulsive, stubborn, arrogant.
restless, jittery, and prone to dramatics.

➵ MORALS: they're of the good time, and she's steadfast about them.
very causal/loose etiquette.
very little impulse control. just goes feral All the time.
acts about the same in public vs private. just tends to be a little more watchful in public.
gullible, but is also very suspicious -- quick to trust those when it comes to herself, but it's very difficult to get her to trust others with her brother, for example.

wakes with the sun.
struggles to fall asleep, but sleeps either like a rock, or a single footstep can wake her -- no inbetween.
slow at picking up skills and adapting.
(hobbies and stuff)

➵ MANNERISMS/DEMEANOR: felicity doesn't care what people think about her, and it shows. comes off as a bit stupid and thoughtless.
a very bouncy walk. tends to bound.
aggressive fighting style. uses what she has at her disposal, and does what it takes to take her opponent out.

her favorite season is summer. she's familiar with the heat.
her favorite colors are pink and green.
(favorite food)
(favorite flowers. maybe sunflowers?)
(favorite places)
her favorite scents are of nature. literally anything from nature.
"the feeling fades,
➵ RELATIONSHIPS: INCREDIBLY devoted to people she cares for.
she has a very large extended family, but her direct family is .. small.
felicity was very close with her mother, alaia, in youth. (deceased)
felicity has a seething hatred for her father, having discovered he had not, in fact, died, and had simply started a new family and abandoned them. gets grumpy when he's brought up.
adores her brother, videogames. she calls him felix -- she doesn't know him well these days, having only known him in their youth. she feels guilty for abandoning him to arrowhead, and is desperate to make it up.
was close to her brother, helier, in youth. (deceased)
dating sheska. considers sheska her closest friend and confidant.
presently friends with .. nobody.
felicity is very quick to judge. can be oblivious, but anything that makes her way past it ... is judged harshly.
felicity likes(but is not friends with) ---.
the most important person in his life is ... sheska. videogames secondarily.
craves romance, considers herself an expert on it despite sheska ... temporarily leaving.

(how is this character misunderstood, and why)
felicity has lost contact with sheska, and is ... deeply distressed about her absence. she doesn't show it much, because it hasn't really hit yet.
(what types of individuals does your character like to associate themselves with?)
(what do family/friends like most about this character?)

what are the biggest influences on his personality and behavior?
guilt, mostly.
just wait a little more,"

her first memory is --
her overall favorite memory is [WIP]
her saddest (most upsetting) overall memory is of [WIP]
her most embarrasing memory is [WIP]
an event/memory that still most affects his life is ---

[Image: dd0hila-b22cf943-fe83-40a7-a5dd-d76dfb0eec08.png][Image: dcwt1fe-f50f9b44-5c54-4118-a47b-24a445c6...mTFHY71FYA][Image: dcwhzzk-1fe04c8d-3172-443a-a037-bb478168...4gSSvFgz88]

Re: quiet room - felicity's storage - arcy - 04-06-2020

felicity was born in the midst of a war to alaia, with her siblings felix and helier, her father having 'died' a month before. she grew up half-starved due to the famine, giving up what little food she could spare to felix. unfortunately, alaia ultimately died. the war ends. in grief and giving up what little food he had, helier ultimately died of starvation not long after.
felix begins training under the leader of the group, arrowhead, and makes friends with a serval named sheska, whom felicity grows close to. felicity, aware of the abuse arrowhead was putting her brother to, leaves shortly after to adventure. several months later, ridden with guilt, she returns briefly -- only to fall into a relationship with sheska, and leaving once more shortly after.
however, all was not well and, ultimately, sheska temporarily leaves felicity. felicity, to cope, joins elysium, and has a proper reunion with her lost brother.



3/22 | joining elysium

Re: quiet room - felicity's storage - arcy - 04-06-2020


Re: quiet room - felicity's storage - arcy - 04-06-2020

[Image: ezgif-2-fa5f6f5aa80b.png][Image: nijHTXN.gif][Image: nGtQcPf.gif]