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keep treating the curse, imagine the worst // medical class - Printable Version

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keep treating the curse, imagine the worst // medical class - Cosmic - 04-06-2020

Raiden had said he wanted to tryout for a medic position in the Typhoon, and with his experience in the medical field from being an EMT in his previous life, this should be easy, right? All he had to do was host a lesson teaching the group about something related to medicine. Thankfully it was something he was very familiar with, and also something he was passionate about.

He showed it in the way he had set up his ‘classroom’, or learning area to be more accurate- there were several stuffed animals to be used as training dummies, detailed photos on the anatomy of different creatures, notes and drawings of various herbs as well as a stack of notebooks for anyone who decided to take notes. Along with that, he had a few textbooks they could pass around and share between them as supplemental material for what he would be teaching.

Which was, admittedly, a lot. He intended to treat this as a real training course, and not for goofing around. This wasn’t time for his ‘dumb of ass’ brain to kick in, no, this was Raiden at his best- doing what he loved, and showing whoever was interested what his passions were. The medical field was one of them.

Hey guys! I’m doing a class on basic anatomy, first aid, and how to identify herbs and how to use them.” He hoped that intro was short enough. He had prepared this and put a lot of thought into it before he set to putting it together. He wanted this to be something to remember and appreciate.

Re: keep treating the curse, imagine the worst // medical class - Simon F.M. - 04-06-2020

To give me some diagnosis of why I'm so hollow
Please give me instructions, I promise I'll follow

Diya approached casual, eyes scanning the hellhound as she approached. She couldn't help but feel curiosity at the glowing canine's appearance, wondering what their origin was. But, that was none of her business and rude to ask.

Diya, having spent plenty of time with Warringkingdoms during her medic days, had her own knowledge of herbs and their uses. Her knowledge wasn't much compared to the others but, it would do. A refresher course would do her some good. She greeted Raiden with a smile and nod, approaching to pick up a notebook and find a place to settle. "How are you doin' today?"
template by orion

Re: keep treating the curse, imagine the worst // medical class - michael t. - 04-06-2020

To be honest, Michael had never really had much interest in medicine. It wasn't because he didn't believe it to be useful. No, he knew how useful medicine could be, from his several nights spent very amateurishly patching himself and Trevor up after a night gone wrong. Rather, medicine just wasn't something that he found himself often getting very enchanted with. His passion was thievery, and planning. He wasn't the type to spend his days reading medical books, or going out to pick flowers that could one day save lives. Despite this, the bobcat wasn't about to turn down free training. He and Trevor hadn't exactly done any big jobs since arriving in the Typhoon – not wanting to attract the ire of their fellow crewmates – but if they did decide to go and do something, he wanted to be able to make sure they could make it back home.

So, Michael found himself wandering over to where Raiden had set up his little classroom, pair of blue eyes scanning over all the different props present as he hid them behind his usual pair of aviators. He couldn't see half of the diagrams and all that nonsense thanks to his one blind eye, but he'd be fine. He was a fast learner, and he was sure Raiden would explain with his own words... hopefully. Sighing, Michael mumbled as he sat down, swiping one of the notebooks to look it over, "I guess I'll participate in this. Never been much of a medic myself, but... well, I guess I've gotten into the habit of gettin' myself injured. Might as well know how to patch myself up." He shrugged his shoulders a bit, his eyes darkening as he remember the state he had arrived to the Typhoon in. He really had let himself get beaten to hell then, hadn't he?

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: keep treating the curse, imagine the worst // medical class - GAMELIA B . - 04-06-2020


Gamelia had spent a lot of time simply exploring the island and seeing what it had to offer. The residents were very interesting! As far as crazy appearances went, she fit right in. Aside from the few sour apples that every bushel had, nearly everyone was very nice and helpful. She would repay that at some point.

A semi-familiar voice had called out earlier, but she had been fiddling with a few decorations on her porch, and had decided not to investigate. When two more familiar voices joined it, though, she had no choice but to go and see. Placing the flowerpot on the window sill, she descended the stairs and approached the scene. It was the same ones who had greeted her at the gate!

What were their names again? No, don't tell her- she would get it. The dog's name began with an R. Diya's name was short and easy to remember. The bobcat was... M... Matthew? Something along those lines. Gamelia joined the group and sat down, quietly resenting the sand that now stuck to her. "Well hello, again!" she greeted cheerily. "This sounds like it could be fun. I certainly wouldn't mind a bit of learning!"
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #7d3479 - TAGS

Re: keep treating the curse, imagine the worst // medical class - Cosmic - 04-17-2020

Watching as the people came in gave Raiden a bit more confidence. He felt like he should wait for a few more to trickle in before starting, however, and turned to greet the three that had showed up.

I’m doing pretty good, how about you?” He inquired, directing that towards Diya with a smile on his muzzle.

To the candy dragon, he would beam a bit in excitement. “I’m glad! I hope this class will keep your attention and teach you some valuable stuff.

Michael’s comment just earned a nod and a smile, “Make yourself comfortable. I’m going to wait until one or two more folks show up before starting, so feel free to look over anything you feel you need to.

Re: keep treating the curse, imagine the worst // medical class - Keona. - 04-17-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
Basic first aid.  Good starting point.  The tiny fae failed to recall when but she still had a few memories of learning the very basics of medicine.  In the end, she'd leave it to those more interested.  While she knew she had family invested in medicine, a cousin who served as a Tanglewood medic even, she had never found the passion to study the practice in great detail.

The Dealer padded forward quietly, ears perking attentively.  Rather than speak, Keona only offered a small nod as she took a seat along the edges of those gathered, curling her tail over her paws.  She could hear the rustle of nearby paper, but kept her head turned towards the voices instead.
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.