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BEFORE I WAKE ☆ drunk - Printable Version

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BEFORE I WAKE ☆ drunk - michael t. - 04-06-2020

Roan was gone. Michael hadn't been around for the instigating incident that had led to the kid running off, but he had certainly seen the after effects of it. He had winced as Roxie's and the others' wounds were attended to, wondering just how much it had hurt to have been hit by the electrical force of the boy. Even worse, after everything was said and done and everyone was patched up, Roxie had begun to go into a deep depression. He'd tried to give her support as she sniffled and questioned herself, wondering if she was a good enough mother, and where her baby could be. However, it was difficult for him to answer any of her questions, having never dealt with the problems of having a child before – even if he had, he doubted getting electrocuted by them was an issue most parents faced. However, needless to say, it had been clear to him that she was in a bad spot. Even worse, she had already been in a bad spot before anything involving Roan had gone down, considering Greed's "abandonment" of her and how she had been dealing with that. It was all a lot for anyone to have weighing down upon their shoulders, so Michael had chosen to indulge in one of his favorite solutions to sorrow – getting so absolutely shitfaced that you couldn't remembered anything, let alone the problems of your life. It was a coping mechanism he had utilized many a time in the past, mainly to get rid of plaguing romantic thoughts about Trevor.

It had been difficult to get Roxie to come with him to go down to the tavern, but he had dealt with more difficult tasks in the past. She insisted that she couldn't go, not wanting to be drunk in case Roan came back or needed her help, but he was quick to point out that she couldn't really help out anyways, thanks to her injuries. Even after her conceding to that, it had taken a bit more shoving to get her to go out with him, the both of them eventually showing up in the tavern in the best state that they could manage. The hour or so after that was sort of... a blur. Michael couldn't remember much of it, and he doubted that Roxie could either, but that was the point of this whole exercise, right? Right. Either way, after an hour or so of heavy drinking had passed, both Michael and his sister stumbled out of the tavern, Michael taking the lead and succeeding in tripping himself on the way out, falling face first into the sand. He grumbled loudly as he pushed himself back up, able to hear Roxie cackling in the background. Glaring up at her, he mumbled in a very thick and inebriated voice, "Stop... stop... stop laughin' at me! It ain't funny! Besides... besides, you look all silly, with all those little drink umbrellas in your fur..." He wasn't sure how many drink umbrellas that Roxie had snatched from drinks to add to her accessories, but it had to be a lot.

[member=901]ROXANNE R.[/member]

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: BEFORE I WAKE ☆ drunk - trevor - 04-07-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:50%;font-family:verdana"]trevor loved michael, he really did, but he knew the other too well. as soon as he heard he was out drinking, he felt the need to go and watch- whether it was to make fun of his lover or to keep him safe, he wouldn't tell. so, he had discreetly followed, watching a bit lazily for a while outside of the tavern with his own drink- he wasn't going to just watch and not drink! as soon as the other came out, he was going to suggest they head home, but watched michael fall right on his face. he stared for a moment before beginning to chuckle just a bit before moving over to nudge his lover to help him up. "aw, what sugar, did you fell?" he teased lightly.

Re: BEFORE I WAKE ☆ drunk - ROXANNE R. - 04-09-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne had definitely felt like she had hit rock bottom, she felt like she was a horrible mother and was at fault for Roan leaving. Her heart had ached, she couldn't sleep for several nights or moreso the fact she had refused to sleep keeping an eye on the window, she had moved on from Greed yet the sudden leave of her firstborn had caused her mood to dip tremendously. She had cried knowing she was unable to find Roan after he had electrocuted her on accident, it had hurt her so much and she had felt useless in the moment. Michael knew this because he was her shoulder to lean on, Michael having told her that they should go to the tavern. Roxanne immediately refused claiming that Roan would come back and she wanted to be there for him sober. Michael pointing out her injuries, she felt frustrated that she couldn't deny them. So with assistance from Michael, she had gotten all dolled up and she outwardly stated how she felt ridiculous the whole time. He had to shove her to the tavern since she refused to go there for several personal reasons but once they had taken a seat and Michael ordered her drinks with the tiny umbrellas, Roxanne grimaced immediately but eventually was coaxed once more. She saw no point in getting shitfaced...

But she got shitfaced anyways, she now stumbled out of the tavern having left someone's arms after a few sloppy kisses. Her coat covered with the tiny umbrellas, she giggled uncontrollably only to watch Michael fall over did she burst into a bout of laughter "You f...fell like a baby! And I look great!" She retorted with a stumble in her words, it wasn't long before Trevor showed up to help Michael. Her nose wrinkled a bit as she stumbled around a bit more only to stand in front of her brother placing two tiny umbrellas on his head "F... Fantastic!" She cried out only to fall back onto her ass, another bout of laughter escaping her. Oh yeah, she was going to have a bad hangover in the morning. She was hammered. "Mm... I wanna kiss somebody.... mMM..." She mumbled out as she fell over on her side and looked down at the tiny umbrella that landed near her paws, her eyes widening immediately. She began to bat it around. She had gotten quite entertained in that moment. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]