Beasts of Beyond
POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS ☆ birthday - Printable Version

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POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS ☆ birthday - roan ; - 04-05-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Seven months. It had been seven months now since Roan had first been welcomed into the world, and had begun to bear witness to its wonders, both good and bad. When he had celebrated his fur birthday at the mere age of one month, he had thought that nothing could ever go wrong in his life. He had just been a simple child, babbling away in his one to three word sentences to his mother as he pressed into her soft fur, listening to her sweet lullabies. Now, six months later, he knew that the world wasn't as infinitely kind as he had once thought. He had ended up hurting not only his mother, but two of his fellow crew members. Something that horrified him, and made him want to hide himself away, eventually leading to him running here. The Pitt was hardly the ideal place to stay, but thus far they had been kind, save for Caesar. Kydobi had welcomed him in once he had proven he wasn't a threat, and so far nobody had come barging onto their territory, claiming that he had been kidnapped. For that, he was grateful. Still, he had hardly ever wished to be in the Pitt for one of his birthdays. He would much rather be with his mama, and all of his baby siblings, and his uncle Michael and uncle Trevor. He missed all his friends in the Typhoon, and even the people that he didn't know too well. After a week in the Pitt, the salty scent of his home was beginning to vanish from his pelt, and he began to feel destroyed.

The draconic boy found himself sitting at the edge of the Pitt's little main "town" area, his wings hugged around himself and a frown gracing his muzzle. He had a piece of prey with him, but it seemed as though he had hardly touched it, just staring resolutely ahead. Eventually he shifted, laying down on his belly and staring straight at the piece of food, trying to imagine it as one of his mother's homemade birthday cakes. Last birthday his aunt had even given him a present. It meant a lot to him, especially considering he didn't see her much. Now, though? It was just him, and a lone piece of prey, out in the middle of an unfamiliar desert where half the people around didn't even want him. He yearned to go home, but he still wasn't sure if he could face what he had done. He had hurt people. People he cared about. How was he supposed to make up for that? This time, when a lump began to form in his throat, Roan didn't even bother to stop it. Soft sobs began to leave him, fat tears rolling freely down his cheeks and hitting the sandy ground below. Between the sobs that racked his body, the male mumbled softly, still staring at the lone piece of prey, "H... H–Happy birthday to me, I guess..." He didn't even think anybody would come to comfort him, figuring they'd see him only as an intruder in a foreign land.
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Re: POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS ☆ birthday - Kydobi - 04-08-2020


[OOC: ]

Yes, maybe Kydobi was spying on the boy. Maybe his father senses were tingling at the fact that a child was not having a good time. So he would stay there, invisibles a well as intangible so the boy couldn’t see or hear him. Kydobi had decided to take the liberty of keeping and eye on the child as a safety precaution. There was no telling if Caesar decided to act or if the boy really was a spy.

Although what he would see wasn't much better either. He was a cat and therefore he was curious by nature. He couldn’t help it. Especially in situations like these, the Ardent wanted to figure out why the boy had such a long face. The morally correct thing would be to reveal himself and ask but he doubted Roan would want to speak to a stranger. So he would remain quiet and watch.

He didn’t get his answer until the boy murmured to himself. His ears pinned against his head. Kydobi could relate to Roan, he was forced to leave his home at a young age. Although he lost track of time, he did remember the one day he celebrated his birthday with his family. It had only been once, Kydobi had fled his home before he had turned two. Unlike Roan, Kydobi had been alone. Each day was rather miserable until he got used to his isolation. Truth be told he couldn’t even remember his own birthday anymore it didn’t hold a lot of significance.

But perhaps today he could change that shitty feeling for someone else. The brute would turn and sprint back to the camp. His large limbs gaining distance quickly to the marketplace. He was in a rush to grab something that would make their day. Or at least a little less solemn.

It took longer than he had liked but eventually he came to an agreement with the NPC. They would place a sweet pastry in a small wooden box and tie that in a sack for Kydobi to carry.


He would walk towards the little dragon and smile with the sack in his jaw.

“A little bird told me it was your birthday Roan. I may not know you and you may not know me, but everyone deserves to feel special on their day.”

He would gently place it down next to them. Despite its warmth and rather appealing presentation, food beyond meat held little appeal to the carnivore. Once the canvas was set on the ground he would take a step back and sit.
