Beasts of Beyond
AND THEY SAID COME AND SEE - - Open, Joining - Printable Version

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AND THEY SAID COME AND SEE - - Open, Joining - Luciferr - 05-07-2018

Hymn of Ruin
For all that he enjoyed his time there, he was never fully comfortable among the Typhoon - oh he did enjoy having family among him again, especially after reconciling with his daughter in law but the sandy beaches and the general pirate-esque lifestyle was not made for him even if it was enjoyable while he'd been among them, certainly he had left with no ill will, simply a private word with those behind and a notification to Pincher.

and then the great beast was gone, into the darkness that spawned him, wing's of cut starlit void gracing through the air with the ease of a veteran flyer - powerful beats of the wide and dwarfing wingspan carrying his armoured form through the darkness of twilight with the grace one might not have thought the form could carry but for all he looked like a formidable tank, he did have a surprising grace about his movements that came with someone long comfortable in their own skin as it were.

mercurial and visceral red gaze roved across the land below as the air became almost as frigid as Lucifer's own natural temperature, but only close - Lucifer never felt warm anymore, he was always cold, even when he could heat himself, it only was felt by others, that chilling deep cold set daggers inside him that would never be thawed, but this was okay, he was long used to that feeling - as he climbed higher into the air and snow began to blanket below him.

yes, this was where their allies were - well, Typhoon's ally, he was not one of them now but he did not seek to join their enemy for all that his son remained among the tangle dwellers.

his wings flung wide as he neared the very edge of the border, catching and slowing him as he descended gradually to the blanketing snow of the territory - briefly he thought of the contrast of himself against this pure landscape with something like wry amusement, for here came the dark inkblot to stain these proverbial blank pages - claws as long as an average feline and sharp as the most lethal swords bit into the yielding flesh of the snow as with a muffled whump the dragon landed quietly, long tail cutting rivulets in the snow behind him as it moved lightly.

Lucifer's gaze lifted upwards to the line of trees as said tail swung to curl around his legs as he shuffled into a seated position - warm breath fogging from parted jaws whilst he breathed into the silent night air and the slow scarce snowfall dotted against void dark scales.

for now his obsidian and cursed red marred form were the only thing to taint the white landscape of the borderline of the valley - casting that same mismatched half eerie gaze about, the dark god hummed quietly, wings cut of the night and stars themselves moving to drape his form like a cape made of starlight that moved like liquid at the edges.

a moment passes and then for the sake of bypassing what he knows is inevitably a humdrum conversation for both sides (or at least those who have sat on both sides of this particular fence before) he speaks clearly in a dark drawling accent "if any of you are there, I am Lucifer Grimm, come to join you if you'll have me" and then the dark titan falls quiet.


Re: AND THEY SAID COME AND SEE - - Open, Joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-07-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
Atbash wanted to be with her family again. Oh, how she wanted to. But Vigenere had cut off all ties with her and Caesar, and although Atbash completely understood not wanting to be around Caesar, she didn't know why Vigenere stopped talking to her. But oh well, it has been a month since that happened, and living in Snowbound was supposed to be a new chapter in her life.

The sound of wings flapping is what caught Atbash's attention and she swerved around to face the direction the noise came. She trotted a couple paces before reaching the border, where she was immediately greeted with a gigantic dragon. Atbash stared in awe at Lucifer for a few moments before she shook her head, forcing herself to actually listen to the stranger's words rather than block them out. "I don't see why not," She responded after a few minutes. "My name's Atbash Cipher."
bio | female | warrior of snowbound
© madi

Re: AND THEY SAID COME AND SEE - - Open, Joining - london r. - 05-08-2018

There were many things London did not know of the world, creatures she had yet to lay eyes upon, and sensations she could not even imagine. The simple alabaster feline had always wanted to touch the sky. It wasn't something too impossible, if she had wings, but it was clear she did not. Still, this did not stop the dream, in fact it only encouraged others to grow. She had wanted to lay her eyes upon as many creatures as she could, and befriend as many as she could, so that maybe one day she would be able to be friends with someone whom she would be able to share the sensation of touching the sky with. Someone who could fly and was strong enough to carry her without falter. And it appears she has met her first candidate.

Dragons were quite lovely creatures from the drawings she had seen of them, there was nothing quite like meeting one in person. This was her first time facing such a beast, and she too, like Atbash, felt in awe of Luciferr. "Yeah, welcome to Snowbound. I'm London, and if you ever need anything you can just ask me, I'd be happy to help." the clouded leopard would greet, wearing a smile upon her features even as her British accented words fell fluidly from her lips. She had lived here for quite some time now, and knew a lot of this clan, so it only made sense to offer herself up as a resource to those who were new to the tundra. It seemed like a nice thing to do, even if she had yet to try it out before.

Re: AND THEY SAID COME AND SEE - - Open, Joining - jacob w.c. - 05-08-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had complicated feelings about Typhoon but it was clear which side of it won out. While it was a place where he'd been tortured, where he'd been captured, it was also the place where he'd met Pincher. It was where someone he had never expected to take care of him, did just that in his worst moments. Beyond that, he clearly considered Pincher a good friend given how often Jacob visited and how often he sought the doberman's company in particular. In the end, his positive feelings for the group had outweighed the negative and he'd accepted them as allies. He didn't regret his decision at all and felt it'd been made for the good of the tribe. While it was true their first few interactions had been rocky to say the least, all recent interactions had been positive and they finally had access to enough herbs. That'd been a struggle since his very first day in Snowbound. With the snowy weather of their home, they didn't have a wide selection and there were some things Jacob was entirely unfamiliar with. At least now he could hold off until he was better acquainted with the native herbs to slowly integrate them.

Jacob noticed Lucifer immediately. Not only was the large dragon easy to spot in the white tundra they lived in but Jacob was also familiar with him already. The boy made his way over as quickly as he could, soon arriving among London and Atbash to greet the creature. "We'd be happy ta' have ya', Lucifer. 'S good ta' see ya' again. I'd be happy ta' show ya' back ta' our camp. Ya' should be able ta' fit in the main cavern n' whatnot but... I mean, we're gonna' have ta' find different accommodations for someone ah' your, well, stature." They had some large creatures among Snowbound's current members but none quite as large as a dragon. The center cavern where most meetings and events were held was big enough to hold the dragon but the tunnels going off the sides was a totally different situation. Jacob wasn't sure he'd ever found a part of those tunnels Lucifer would properly fit in. He was planning on having the clan look around their territory a little more anyway but maybe this would be a good reason to start. He didn't just want to leave him out in the cold, after all. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: AND THEY SAID COME AND SEE - - Open, Joining - Luciferr - 05-08-2018

Hymn of Ruin
The first to approach - feline, yellow and black - had stared up in awe and in truth Lucifer was used to said reaction - for most, seeing a dragon was something extraordinary and he couldn't begrudge them that - he'd have done the same in their shoes.

he dipped his head and smiled - though when the name registered he did momentarily stop to think of the odds he'd ever come across another Cipher, he somewhat remembered one from before but that had been a very long time ago now - the great dragon hummed "A pleasure to meet you Lady Atbash"

mismatched eyes of mercurial silver and livid red danced over to the next who arrived - clouded leopard, female and momentarily an age of a lifetime ago another stood where this one was, but no again, he pushed away phantom memories, this one was not the once she who had left him to die - and a dip of his regal cranium to her - a generous one to offer help, he didn't think it a mere formality, something said "A pleasure Lady London and I'll be sure to remember that" he hummed - already memorising names and faces, he was aware there were quite a few among snowbound than perhaps typhoon at times.

of course then a familiar voice drew him away and his head swung to greet the familair form approaching "Jacob, good to see you well" he nodded, his new leader now before ne snorted lightly shaking his head "My thanks, I'm sure somewhere will be found but in the meantime I can always shift forms until a larger cavern can be found" this form he wore now was his more familiar, more comfortable form, having lived in it so long it felt strange to suddenly become somewhat smaller and lack the wings to fly - or to ferry others around as they had been wont to ask and he to oblige.

he did nod to jacob though "I wouldn't mind being led back however, it would save time and I can always acquaint myself with the area later"

/aha I remember the Ciphers, also lmao everyone givin luci some kinda flashbacks.

Re: AND THEY SAID COME AND SEE - - Open, Joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-09-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
aaa yeah i'm planning on rewriting their entire backstory so djssdjfjds it's not gonna get out of hand

Lady Atbash? That was new. Atbash seemed taken aback by the title. "It's, uh, a pleasure to meet you, too." She responded. Or, no, rather, it could be considered an honor, considering Lucifer was a mythical creature; something thought to be extinct.
bio | female | warrior of snowbound
© madi