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make you feel like new again | margery - Printable Version

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make you feel like new again | margery - Margery - 04-05-2020

[Image: Screen_Shot_2020-04-04_at_5.16.27_PM.png]

margery agape finch

i. information
ii. characterization
iii. history
iv. aesthetics

Re: make you feel like new again | margery - Margery - 04-05-2020

name || margery agape finch
* both of her given names derive from greek, margery from margaret meaning "pearl" and agape for the "highest form of love/charity"

gender || female
sexuality || gray asexual

place of birth || holy roman empire (modern day germany)
allegiance || nowhere, but currently resides in tanglewood
mother || thomasin
father || christopher
sisters || florence, bridget
brothers || ambrose, matthew, tobias, beck
son ||

birth date || 10 February 1483
death date || 13 June 1502
age || 537
* currently exists as a ghost taking the form/possession of a dog

species || domestic canine
breed || collie mutt
pelt color || sable with white markings
eye color || honey-hazel
posture || humbled, small, passive
resting expression || content and peaceful

margery is a slender dog, standing shorter than average for shepherd dogs. she has thick wavy fur that may occasionally get tangled and muddy. her tail curls up at the end and her ears are of a half-flopped nature, usually pulled back against her head. she has soft fur feathering around her cheeks, elbows, hindquarters, and tail. her muzzle is slender and thin, tapering from a small head. eyes are wide and bright, a stunning hazel color.

Re: make you feel like new again | margery - Margery - 04-06-2020

personality type || infp - "the mediator"
key traits || kind, humbled, charitable, undiscriminating, slow to anger, peaceful, emphatic

aspirations || to make it known to others that they are loved
obstacles || requires an almost supernatural strength that is difficult or even impossible to attain

character quest || to help others find peace

arc || margery is an almost sorrowful persona to look upon. she resembles a christ-like figure. her life was laden with many landmines of suffering. yet, she bore all of this with a simple humbleness and quiet love. such devotion was almost overwhelming. she was peculiar in that she hardly ever spoke unless spoken to. margery thinks very little of herself and although her mind may be capable of many great intelligent things, she has never exercised this to its full capacity. she is led by her heart and humanitarian leanings, and this leads her to forming close attachments with those who are suffering most. the culmination of this manifested in her untimely death. she had an option to live at the expense of letting her newborn baby die, and she chose to sacrifice her life for the life of her son, perhaps much to the dismay of others.
throughout the rest of her history, margery continued to be drawn to those in suffering and in need. while she loves everyone without conditions, there is only so little she can actually do. they must be willing to lower themselves to her level to understand what she is trying to tell them.
margery is a very lowly creature and gets off by the bare minimum. she does not claim allegiance to any place.
her struggle and weaknesss lies in doubting her ability to actually be a force for good. her faith can be wavered or she can stretch herself too thin and fall into despair that she just is not capable of saving the entirely of the population.

Re: make you feel like new again | margery - Margery - 04-07-2020


— SPRING, 1479: christopher and thomasin married, farm purchased
— 8 MAR 1481: birth of florence
— 4 JAN 1482: birth of ambrose

— 10 FEB 1483: birth of margery, she is born during a thunderstorm
— 18 JUL 1484: birth of bridget
— 17 JUN 1485: birth of matthew
— 9 OCT 1486: birth of tobias
— 26 DEC 1487: birth of beck
— 22 JAN 1490: beck is abandoned
— 23 JAN 1498: florence drowns herself
— 02 FEB 1498: margery begins to pray about possibly joining a convent
— 4 JUN 1500: bridget is married
— 18 AUG 1500: margery decides not to join a convent
— 31 OCT 1500: beck executed
— 10 FEB 1501: margery is married to a bavarian named albert schmied, she moves with him to the bavarian area
— 18 JUN 1501: tobias dies of blood loss from a canine attack
— 20 JUN 1501: matthew runs away from the farm
— 15 MAY 1502: thomasin dies of tuberculosis
— 13 JUN 1502: margery dies from complications during childbirth, her son survives

— 3 JAN 1508: christopher dies via hanging
— 9 JUL 1510: matthew dies of sepsis from wolf bite
— ?? NOV 1511: bridget dies of suspected murder
— 14 FEB 1512: ambrose dies of mauling from a bear

(TBD - margery is aware of the course of history, though she does not understand most of the politics behind it)