Beasts of Beyond
wake me up, i'm drowning - aurélie - Printable Version

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wake me up, i'm drowning - aurélie - charactercemetary. - 04-05-2020

I. tags. / i can't talk.
II. bio. / no mouth to scream.
III. history & timeline. / i can't run.
IV. plots. / on my broken feet.
V. art. / i can't see anything.
VI. moodboard. / but i can feel it.
VII. playlist. / right behind me.
VIII. heart chart. / i can't breathe.
IX. misc. / my lungs are burning.
© guppy

Re: wake me up, i'm drowning - aurélie - charactercemetary. - 04-05-2020

❝but i can feel❞ — GENERAL
Aurélie "Writtenwish" Bellerose-De Clare | Writ, Writtenwish | she/her pronouns
6 months
Elysium & Elysite | titles
❝the air around me❞ — PHYSICAL
winged serval || birth form
health: 100% || injuries || purple cloak, feather earring, bracelet
— A golden serval, with the usual proportions of someone her age. She has lighter undertones on her stomach, chest, and other places usually found in servals. However, instead of her markings being darker, she has very, very light cream markings typically found on her species, even on her wings. Her pawpads and nose are purple, and glow. Her markings also glow, but she has more control over these. Her eyes are purple.
❝pressing in❞ — PERSONALITY
kind, empathetic, listener
quiet, studious, elegant
stubborn, hotblooded, reckless
— While not the most developed, Writtenwish does have quite a bit of traits. She tends to keep to herself, jotting down things in her diary, and being more of an observer than a go-getter. She seems calm most of the time, but it doesn't take much to get her riled up, and she can make some stupid decisions, despite how nice she is.
❝overwhelming❞ — RELATIONSHIPS
asexual | single | shipname / other
friends | cousin to Videogames and Felicity (unknown)
npc x npc | has 4 half siblings
❝everything❞ — INTERACTION
agressive | easy to medium in combat
passive powerplay allowed | attack in underline and mention this account
❝it's just a dream❞ — NOTES
— speaks French and English fluently
[align=center][Image: (i%20usually%20put%20a%20da%20banner%20here%20but%20you%20...%20whatever)]

Re: wake me up, i'm drowning - aurélie - charactercemetary. - 04-05-2020

bio will go here

Re: wake me up, i'm drowning - aurélie - charactercemetary. - 04-05-2020

Aurélie was born to a group some time after a war caused a larger group of animals who were serval-centric, a populous and successful kingdom. She was just a regular serval, and loved hanging out with her mother. They had fun together, laughed, played games. Yet, there was something always in the back of her mind: who was her father? She always heard it was her fault, since she looked so different, being a reverse serval. Despite the bullying, life was relatively okay.

That's until... something happened. A scandal roared throughout the kingdom for a couple of weeks, mainly a rumor started by children one day, about her gold pelt. Soon, it caught the attention of adults, causing them to wonder. As gossip spread, the king of the land himself revealed that he had a fling, a mere one-night stand with the mother, and that Aurélie was his illegitimate child. Doing what any father would do, the duo was allowed to stay in the palace. Of course, this was not without its fair share of abuse. Aurélie and her mother were very much treated like Cinderella, and it grew very tiring after some time. But this was her lot in life, she just grew to accept it. Nearing her sixth month, though, she heard of a paranormal entity, showing himself to her. He promised things such as eternal youth, for partial residence in her body. She took it, thinking this entity - revealed to go by the name Mephistopheles - could help her, perhaps in more ways than just youth.

And then her mother died. She was Aurélie's main confidant, her only friend, her everything. After doing what she needed to for the day, the serval sees her mother, having been killed by the King. It left a scar on her, as the King reveals that she can stay, only for being his daughter. She can't take it, and bolts, running away.

She spends some time in the wild, recording things in a diary. She wanted a new start, but even laying down near campfires as it snowed was better than her old life, even if her mother wasn't around. She missed her gravely, but she would not put up with the King any longer.

Staring at what she wrote, she comes up with an alias: Writtenwish. As news of a justice-seeking group reaches her, she decides to check this group out.

Joining Elysium, 4/5/2020

Re: wake me up, i'm drowning - aurélie - charactercemetary. - 04-05-2020

(this is where i write detailed history, writing, or a spoiler, for putting art)


Re: wake me up, i'm drowning - aurélie - charactercemetary. - 04-05-2020


Re: wake me up, i'm drowning - aurélie - charactercemetary. - 04-05-2020

(this is where i write detailed history, writing, or a spoiler, for putting art)


Re: wake me up, i'm drowning - aurélie - charactercemetary. - 04-05-2020

(this is where i write detailed history, writing, or a spoiler, for putting art)


Re: wake me up, i'm drowning - aurélie - charactercemetary. - 04-05-2020


Re: wake me up, i'm drowning - aurélie - charactercemetary. - 04-05-2020

(this is where i write detailed history, writing, or a spoiler, for putting art)
