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word of demons | visit - Printable Version

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word of demons | visit - Estrellur - 04-05-2020

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ESTRELLUR - male - sheep
OOC: This is my new cult leader character's first post! Hope you enjoy him. Sorry for the roughness of this post, I'm quite rusty with RPing haha

Clunking hoofsteps sounded as a black ram followed a worn path up and around the mountain. He had bright yellow eyes which stood out strong against his long wooly black coat, and his horns, though not impressive, curved behind his ears and towards his back. Against the ram’s wool laid two crude leather bags strapped against him, jostling with the rhythm of his footsteps.

The ram was Estrellur- and he had come to give the Word of Xol’erdoth.

Of course, it remained to be seen whether the Elysium folk would bear and hear him. But Estrellur had spent too long alone with his knowledge. The knowledge needed more company, more souls to understand it. Then the Legendary One would become stronger.

Soon enough, he was nearing Elysium. Estrellur stopped for a moment to gaze at it, looking into the tunnels’ entrances to see if he could discern any animals that would be there.

Re: word of demons | visit - Warringkingdoms - 04-06-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]As she exited the tunnels of the mountain camp, Rin spied what looked like Goatus standing outside the cavern's mouth. What she would be doing out there was a mystery to Rin, but then she'd accepted by now that Goatus did pretty much whatever she wanted when she wasn't protecting Reed. It was a fact of life, if a... somewhat paranoia-inducing one.

  As she drew closer to the exit, however, and the ram came into full view, Rin shook her head. Nope, that was not Goatus. Actually, she wasn't sure who it was. He didn't smell like a group, but most merchants preferred to approach the territory at lower elevations- and unless he was selling jewelry or herbs or something, he probably couldn't fit much in a pair of satchels. Perhaps he was looking to join Elysium, or even found a new group.

  Or perhaps it was a trap.

  Approaching the ram warily, Rin maintained a neutral expression. "Hello. What brings you here?" she asked, twitching her ears.

Re: word of demons | visit - Estrellur - 04-08-2020

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ESTRELLUR - male - sheep
"I am here for a visit," Estrellur declared with a warm smile, lifting his hoof in a good-natured gesture. "See, I've come to share good news, as well. Good news for your everlasting soul! Isn't that wonderful?"

He didn't know how well the other would take this. Usually, in his experiences, he would be kicked out or shunned or in other ways treated quite rudely by those he brought this up to, and he truthfully, didn't know why. This time, he was going for a more relaxed approach. Not revealing exactly what this was upfront. He didn't like to lie and this certainly felt like lying, but it wasn't truly lying, was it?

Either way, he hoped they'd listen, if not at first then eventually. He didn't want them to perish in the coming End. Spreading the word was necessary, even if they were reluctant at first.

Re: word of demons | visit - Warringkingdoms - 04-08-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]He was here for a visit, he said, with a smile that she might have found disarming were she about four years younger. Still, her lack of interest probably had more to do with how off she'd been feeling lately- logically, she figured it was best to hear him out. He might have something of use in his satchels, or he might have useful information.

  That pretense evaporated the moment the words "everlasting soul" left his mouth. This was an evangelist, then. Rin had encountered a couple of different evangelists over the years, and none of those experiences had been at all enlightening or pleasant- in fact, she was pretty sure all of them had been cultists in varying levels of disguise. Maybe the god(s) he had come to speak of were genuinely benevolent, unlike the ones that currently plagued Elysium, but she couldn't muster up the energy to pretend not to be irritated.

  Still, she kept a straight face, even as her ears swiveled back and her eyes narrowed slightly. "Well, go ahead and tell us," she said, resisting the urge to tack on a sarcastic "o messenger" at the end. If there was a religious group rising up in these lands, she wanted to know, especially if it posed a potential threat. If his words were harmless, then she'd let him go on until he eventually got tired and went away; if not, it would be a simple matter to get all the necessary information, then show him the door.

Re: word of demons | visit - arcy - 04-09-2020

[Image: ddgetj1-c6f37b5c-d839-4744-b520-59fdbfef...19vSR2xhdk]

[div style="float: right;"][Image: unknown.png]
[div style="opacity: 70%;"]6 subscribers

There's something niggling about the ram's presence. A little strange, a little ... not familiar, but he reminded him of something Videogames couldn't remember. This was someone that Videogames was not entirely sure was to be trusted -- strange word choices, strange scars. Rin seems ... agitated. Mildly irritated. The serval is out of his depth once more, left glancing between Rin and the stranger as subtly as he can, trying to pick up on clues he was missing.
Videogames had never even heard of an evangelist, much less a cultist. As such, he's left .. confused, distrustful without knowing why. Guilty until proven innocent -- not something Videogames particularly liked the concept of, and as such, does his best not to let on to his discomfort, a bright grin in place he steps into the situation.
"I, uh, I guess so!" The serval chimes agreeingly, feeling obligated to say something instead of remaining silent. Good news was ... good! Usually. Depended on your definition of good -- judging by Rin's narrowed eyes, he could gauge that she wasn't expecting much of it.



Re: word of demons | visit - arcy - 04-09-2020

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felicity!![div style="opacity: 70%;"]@felicifire

What Felix lacked in world knowledge, Felicity made up for -- she had a lot of that, having been on her own for .. what, a year? Granted, she lacked the smarts he had. Even if, in theory, Felicity understood these sorts of things ... she couldn't recognize them, not in the least. And, quite frankly, she completely misses both Felix and Rin's unease.
To be entirely fair, though, Felix is the only one she's paying attention to, and he's ... incredibly hard to read, even if you were familiar with him. And as such, she's left to genuine curiosity, a crooked grin falling over her face as she stops, tapping a paw against the ground. Good news?
"Better get on with it then!" She jeers, tail curling as she promptly gives up not being dramatic, tossing her weight against Videogames.

[Image: 158637119822677390.png]

Re: word of demons | visit - Tena M. - 04-10-2020

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Tena Moonspinner
The recently burned sand cat was calculating the odds of a particular Jedi hunting her down as she trotted up to the gathered group.  Her ears perked in curiosity, albeit the burnt one uselessly.  Sky blue hues quickly narrowed on Estrellur.  'Good news'.  Right.  She sniffed quietly, her tail lashing once behind her.

Familiar with evangelists, Tena considered simply walking away.  The petite Demdji was a daughter of Ar-Amu and nothing could ever change such a thing.  Other gods existed, sure, but they brought trouble and none belonged to her people.  Foreign deities were not worth her time; except to take them out when they attacked.

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, the feline took a seat, the tip of her tail continuing to flick to and fro.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: word of demons | visit - Hope Arcanium - 04-16-2020

She didn’t like this stranger’s appearance or feel. Something felt off about them, but that may just be her residual distrust of strangers after recent events regarding gods and the attacks Elysium had suffered in the last few weeks. She would keep this in mind and trust her gut, but still listen to the goat, at least for the time being.

She didn’t feel the need to hold back the godly energy she came to possess, and allowed the fiery aura and electrical sparks to surround her form as she approached, head held high, light green gray eyes glowing and focused. The air around her felt heavy and stormy, powerful- yet elegant and worthy of respect. She was not a creature to be trifled with.

Stretching her draconic wings, the feline-fox hybrid of a god sat down near her group mates, almost protectively so. But it wasn’t blatantly obvious, as she gave the goat a dip of her head as she sat down to offer a listening ear. As much as she wanted to drive him off due to the alarm bells ringing in her mind, it was best to at least give him room to talk and share his... ‘message.’