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100th, discovery [★] blackbird fly - Printable Version

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100th, discovery [★] blackbird fly - aine. - 04-04-2020

I'll come back when you call me
"Alaire! Tu triches!"

Despite complaint, Aine continued to giggle, scrambling away from her brother's range.  He only grinned at her, as his body morphed and changed once more.  Of course, both of them faltered in their steps when he fell onto the dewy grass as a tiny gecko, bursting into hysteric laughter.  Oh!  He couldn't catch her if he was
that tiny!

"Reviens ici!"

There's a sudden clash and clatter.  A support falling.  Aine trips over her paws, barely skidding out of the way, watching wide-eyed as parts of the roof caved in.  A smoky haze was filling her vision.  Catching in her lungs.  Burning.  Burning.

No direction.  Confusion.  She pushes against the rubble, ears perked desperately.  "Mama! 'Toine!"  Was there a way out on the other side?  Could they even hear her?

she can hear is the roar, the fierce crackling of fire.  A sharp voice.  Muffled.  Far away.  "Voler!" Mama? More crumbling.  An avalanche.

Teeth catch her scruff, abruptly, pulling her away from the mountain.  Away from the smoke.  Away from the house.  Her throat burns as her eyes water, desperately staring into the dancing flames. When her paws touch charred grass, she tries to run back.

The shadow of a bird zips across a burnt meadow, flying over the smoke and flames...

"Reviens ici!"

Aine's eyes snap open, breath caught somewhere in her throat.  Scrambling upwards, the child found her balance off-kilter, promptly running into the little bookshelf she kept by her bed, books clattering to the wooden floor with a harsh series of thuds.  With a quiet whimper, she tried to readjust her legs, certain they had just not woken up with the rest of her.  They were tangled up beneath her.  Something not quite... Right.  No.  No... They felt too long?

She couldn't stand up, legs folding beneath her with every attempt.  Bitter confusion pricked her eyes.  What was wrong with her legs?  Aine glares down, only to blink.  Those... Aren't paws.

Unfortunately, surprises failed to end.  Her eyes flickered, beginning to trail upwards, attempting to understand the sight of dark feathers.  Her chest squeezed.  Wings?  Were those wings?  What had she done?  What had she become?  Hooves and wings?  That didn't match anything she knew.

"Da?" Nothing.  Aine slowly rose her head up to the window, studying the streams of light.  Morning.  Still early.  Not early enough.  Her teeth caught the inside of her cheek.  What's the first thing he does?  Patrol?  Check the herb stores?

The child held her breath as she tried to stand upright, her legs wobbling every second of the way.  Was she an inch taller?  As she tried to take a step, panic gripped her.  Reflexively, the strange wings spread out a fraction, catching her like a cat's tail.  Okay...

She barely made it outside, practically slamming into the door before trying to open it.

Only to face down the stairs.  Oh.  Oh no.  She could barely walk forward, how was she supposed to go down?


She couldn't see him directly below her.  Trembling, she glanced back at the first step, weighing her options.  Her father always checked on her at some point in the day.  He was probably on his way back already.  Maybe she ought to wait then.  … Okay.  Yeah.

Aine tried to sit, only to flop onto her chin as her legs folded in again.  "Ow."
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: 100th, discovery [★] blackbird fly - roan ; - 04-05-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Roan had been keeping rather solitary as of late, not wanting his presence to be an annoyance for any of the members of the Pitt. Kydobi's decision to let him stay was surprise enough, and while he was eternally grateful, he knew that there were plenty that weren't so pleased with the decision. Thankfully it wasn't too hard to just blend into the background, since the territory of the Pitt was massive, and although they were a little lacking on members, there will still plenty of NPCs to provide the cover of a crowd. Mostly Roan just kept to himself, sticking around Silvertides while only occasionally venturing out in order to eat and explore. He wasn't interested in the things that most Typhooners would be. He had no interest in betraying the trust of the people that had taken him in, so he wasn't cataloguing information on the territory or the important goings on. He was mostly just wandering, seeing what was around and what made the Pitt... well, the Pitt. They didn't seem quite as ruthless anymore, as demonstrated by the lack of heads on that intimidating border he had passed, and he liked to think that was because of Kydobi. The man seemed kind, if his words and actions towards Roan were anything to go by – the boy really just hoped it wasn't all a mask.

Either way, Roan had been taking one of his rare walks around the territory, the draconic apprentice remaining low and silent as he moved alongside strangers. His blue eyes scanned harmlessly over the structures all around, wondering how the marketplace and everything worked. Did they have some kind of currency, or was it all just bartering for different items? He wasn't sure, but he thought he'd like to find out. Perhaps when he was finally home, he could bring something back to mama, both to apologize and to show her that some Pittians were good, deep down. He doubted a simple gift would be able to communicate the full extent of either of those things, but it was a start. It was still early, but Roan could hear voices in the distance, which hopefully meant that the marketplace would already be hustling and bustling by the time he got there. He didn't have any possessions to his name, but perhaps he could offer some sort of work in exchange for something – like cleaning. He always liked helping his mama clean, and now that he had started to learn how to fly, he could reach up to much dirtier places that got caked in dust nobody even knew about. The thought made him smile, and he turned to head in the direction of the vendors – only to pause when a soft voice distracted him, his ears perking up.

The soft "ow" was what mainly concerned him, the male having been trying out for the medic position back in the Typhoon when he had been home. He was sure that the Pitt had medics as well, but that didn't mean he couldn't be of some assistance here, right? Breaking away from the constantly shifting crowd, Roan made his way to the front of Aine and Gael's home, looking up and blinking in confusion. The voice that he had heard sort of sounded like Aine, but she... didn't look the same. Was that an intentional change, or something new? Given how she was flopped on her chin, he could only assume that it was the latter. Concern in his gaze, the feline moved a little bit closer before he spoke, "Aine...? That's you, right? This is... different. At least from what I first saw you as... I heard you say ow. Are you alright?" He shifted his paws a bit awkwardly, chewing on the inside of his cheek before he tacked on, "It's alright if you're not okay. I've got some medical training, so I could help..." Aine seemed like the type to have some medical training of her own on her side, but sometimes treating your own injuries was more difficult than those of others.
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Re: 100th, discovery [★] blackbird fly - gael - 04-07-2020

Gael kept his days organized with routine.  Deviations came as necessary, oft at the paws of someone else in some shape or another.  Typically, he simply returned to the task at hand whenever he could.

To be the sun's heat, the faerie conducted a solo patrol before sunrise nearly every day.  By the time he returned home, Aine was often rising herself, prepared to check on her garden.  He expected as much, when he began trotting back to the treehouse, only to pause besides a concerned Roan in confusion.

Raising his head, Gael found his eyebrows quirking in mild surprise.  While his son exhibited the ability to change shape incredibly early on, Aine had not -- a relief in truth since he failed to see the appeal in herding two shape shifting children.  ... Its only her legs and... Wings?

His daughter still appeared very vulpine-like but he theorized it was still a full shift, given her brother's abilities, rather than a random mutation.  Regardless, he had never observed a deer-fox before, let alone one with wings.

"Lottie?" Had she fallen? "An bhfuil tú ceart go leor?"
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby