Beasts of Beyond
how I despise your need for stupid conversation;; open - joining - Printable Version

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how I despise your need for stupid conversation;; open - joining - trojan g. - 04-04-2020

From the ocean came the giant goopy mass of dragon and snail, jaws opening wide as air got sucked into lungs and out came a cough, water spilling from jaws for but a moment before they promptly closed, the flow of water ending then and there.

He smelled of salt and of fish, and looked confused as legs made their way forward on the land, unaware of a barrier of scent that made it's way around the island in forms of who owned which land. Any who saw the mass would take note that he seemed to be focused on one thing, and that was where he was going, despite not really knowing himself, but he'd feign confidence until making it to where he was heading, or until he saw who he was heading to.

[align=center]text | "speech"

Re: how I despise your need for stupid conversation;; open - joining - T. ROUX - 04-05-2020

Well, that wasn't something he normally saw coming out from the ocean. His tufted ears pressed down onto his cranium as he stared up at the giant creature, an oyster being held between his jaws. He had been gnawing on it for some while trying to get it to open though his attempts were proving to be quite futile, he spat it out onto the sand only to take a few steps closer to the giant creature "Who the fuck are you?" There was a moment that the child was quiet before he added with a nonexistent eyebrow lifting "What the fuck are you?" Trygve Roux certainly had never seen anything like Lutum nor did he know why the creature had finally to show itself to those walking on the sandy beaches now, his nose wrinkled as the stench of fish actually wafted into his poor nostrils causing the child to recoil with a hiss "Jeez, you stink too!" His snout wrinkled with disgust as it made him think back to what Sweeney had said. Was that how he smelled? Was that how everyone within the Typhoon smelled? Surely not. Or else his own stench would have bothered him and well, his mother always bathed him and his siblings rather thoroughly. His nose twitched for a moment, oh yeah, all he could smell was this guy and that definitely said something since his sense of smell was rather shitty.

"Uh, anyways, why are you here?" Trygve would finish with a lash of his tail, he would assume that they were a joiner of some sort. That's what most people were when they arrived at the Typhoon, a place to call home. This was definitely his home and he found pride in other's calling it their own over time. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: how I despise your need for stupid conversation;; open - joining - trojan g. - 04-05-2020

Eyes shuffled over as the sound of a cub reached his ears, and they would widen in excitement as he realized that it was a young cub. "Are you a cousin?" He would speak, ignoring the words that Ry spoke at first, his excitement too much. "You are a child, and you are young, which means you must be a cousin. My name is Lutum, but you can call me Lute. If you are who I think you are, then you are my cousin, for Roxanne is my cousin and you are her child, no?" Distant cousin, but cousin nonetheless.

Head would move quickly down to the height of Ry, and he would offer a smile to the other, before realizing that questions were asked a few moments ago, and he'd think for a moment. He already gave his name, the child now knew of whom he was, but what he was, he wasn't sure completely himself. His mother was a snail, his father a dragon, it was a long story, though luckily for Ry he was related to Roxanne by his father's side. "I am a dragon and a snail, not sure what else to call it... and I am here for you, and your siblings if you have any, and my cousin. Not to mention I'm tired of the fish, they don't stop talking about seaweed and gossip, it's annoying."

[align=center]text | "speech"

Re: how I despise your need for stupid conversation;; open - joining - Cosmic - 04-05-2020

The Hellhound-dragon hybrid wasn’t sure what he was expecting on his first day in the Typhoon, but it wasn’t this. Snail and dragon? There was such a thing as that? Did the dragon and snail hold hands or something and birth a snagon thing? How did that work?

Uh... hi. I’m Raiden... nice to meet you?” He wasn’t sure how to react, and tilted his head as he flicked his tail. He enjoyed the smell of the sea, and used that to calm himself down for whatever was going to happen next.

This... was really, really weird.

Re: how I despise your need for stupid conversation;; open - joining - michael t. - 04-06-2020

Wow, all the really weird shit totally crawled out of the woodwork just for them, huh? Maybe the other groups like Tanglewood also got strange goopy hybrid beasts that caused people to stare, but Michael certainly felt like the Typhoon was a hot spot for them as of late. Still, there was no way he was gonna be as rude about this as Trygve had chosen to be, and plus, this weird dragon snail thing seemed to be... family? Somewhat? Either way, the fugitive found himself making his way over, coming to a pause beside Trygve and hesitating, the gears in his head turning wildly as he strained with how to introduce himself to Lutum. Just like with everybody else, right? Right. Taking a deep breath, he nudged Ry before speaking, "Uh... hey there big guy. My name's Michael. Michael De Santa. I live here too, and I guess I'm... sorta related to you? Roxie has basically adopted me as her brother, so that makes us... somethin'." Michael had never really known much about family trees or lines, nor did he know much about how people were connected within them – especially when adoption was involved – so he couldn't say for sure what he was to Lutum. If the strange hybrid would even accept him as anything, and not just some strange bobcat talking to him in a far too friendly way.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: how I despise your need for stupid conversation;; open - joining - OCTANE. - 04-06-2020

[post is meant to be read left to right]
They were on a walk, for the moment. Octane had been rambling off to his lab partner for who knows how long about sand and how it fucked up his legs all the time and he really needed to figure something out but oh amigo it's just too boring-
Octane's hind legs dug in the loose sand like shovels all the damn time. He needed a new attachments or just do.. something else. He preferred to walk on the wet sand for this reason. While it stuck to him like porcupine needles, it was compact so his feet didn't sink in.

Oh, hey, what the fuck was that?

Octane is rocketing away, shoulder and neck screaming at him, but holy fuck he did not care-
"Hey! You!" That uh... little shit of Goldie's and Michael came into view now. Fuck, what's that kid's name again? His ears picked up the last of what the bobcat said, something about family? Roxie adopting him? Damn, must be fucking nice.
That same jealousy he was prone to shivered again, bearing its teeth inside his chest. Families didn't mean anything. They were just names, but friends and bonds were more important than that. Octane halts in a flurry of sand and limbs, staring up at the dragon for a moment. His head turns around, watching the wolf saunter behind him, yards away.
"Jesus fuck you are slow!" His head turns back again.

"Sorry, can you catch me up? I'm Octane, shithead behind me is Caustic- you're related to these two? Fucking how? You don't like..." his nose jerks forward, gesturing to the dragon in its entirety.


This world was home to many a strange creature. Then again, the frontier was as well, but all species could be marvelous in their own ways. Nothing could ever quite match the unhampered beauty of a pair of leviathans, lovers for life, as they moved across the horizon of Solace. Prowlers and Volaticus locustodraco alike were nasty creatures, with snapping jaws and dangerous talons.

He never felt pity putting a bullet in them.

Caustic's ears are perked, listening to Octavio ramble about his life and problems, how the Typhoon was and some of his feelings. He is reserved, listening in silent patience as sand sinks in between his toes. Caustic is pulled along, watching the dragon and others come into view, and Octavio rocketing away like a man desperate to get his family out of their burning home.

He hears the names Octavio calls him, letting a growl illict as his attention rests to the dragon. Caustic tail wags in the slightest, observing the creature up and down and imagining its anatomy. He has questions for it, it's in his nature. Were there others like it? Did it have slime like a snail? Where was it produced from? If it was a snail hybrid, why did it lack a shell? Were there other variations of its species? Caustic only hums, devising when it was appropriate to ask such things.

Original code by lexasperated / artwork by quibbs, commissioned by dangerjunkie

Re: how I despise your need for stupid conversation;; open - joining - ROXANNE R. - 04-09-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne had only known her small relations from her mother's side, she never knew of her father's side moreso the fact that he never brought it up to begin with. She assumed that his family was, well, dead to say the least. So, she would walk over with a lash of her tail and frowned a bit overhearing that this hybrid was from her father's side. Last she recalled when she had last seen her father, he had been a large feline of sorts much larger than her mother anyways though she supposed that she couldn't question it much now seeing as she was now with a new family with different faces all around. Her frown only growing when Trygve decided to be rude, she would lightly swat the boy's ear to grab his attention only to mew in a stern voice "Trygve, don't be rude." Her pelt brushing against Michael's, it was odd being smaller than the bobcat though she could live with it. A soft sigh leaving her maw as her mismatched gaze would lock onto Lutum and decided that it was a nice name. She noted everyone else there only to finally clear her throat with a shy smile on her maw "He is my child and I apologize for his behavior. Ah, I'm Roxanne."

The small feline would shuffle her paws a bit only to say with a light nod as she added slowly "It is a pleasure to meet you, Lute." The mention of fish gossiping and talking about seaweed made a giggle slip from her lips only for her to mew with a curious tilt of her head "If you don't mind me asking... How exactly are we related? I never knew of my father's side or let alone knew if he had one," Her ears perked forward ready to listen and hopefully leave of this other family of hers. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]