Beasts of Beyond
well hi there! - Printable Version

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well hi there! - DoggieSundae - 04-04-2020

I'm Quinn/Sundae it's nice to meet you all!!!

uhhh i don't know what to say about myself haha. i like drawing comics and digital art is my passion. i'm here to RP and make friends maybe! I looove fun edgy characters and sparkledogs. and i haven't properly RPed in a while so bear with me ^^;

that's all I guess!!!

Re: well hi there! - tikki - 04-04-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]!!

Hello! Welcome to the site. My name's tikki and I'm a co-admin here on the site! I would love to see your comics some time!

If you haven't yet, it'd be best to read the Newbies Guide in order to kinda get a feel of what we're about here, and, if you have discord, we also have some discord servers ( the main one being here ) that you could join and hang out with us in!

If you need any help with anything at all, my DM's on discord and on site are open, and would be more than willing to help you out ~

Re: well hi there! - toboggan - 04-04-2020

hi!!! my name's toboggan, but you are most certainly allowed to refer to me as tobo (if you so desire). i'm a moderator here on this site, so if you ever have a question and don't feel like asking tikki or anyone else on the awesome staff team, you can ask me Wink.

once you're done with the newbies guide, be sure to check out the rest of our guides, which will fill you in on the site's rules, lore, groups, and powers!

can't wait to see you around!!

Re: well hi there! - stygian - 04-04-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
hi, welcome!!!

Re: well hi there! - stilly. - 04-04-2020

Heyo, welcome to BoB! We've got a really nice community with many great groups around here, so I'm sure you'll find your niche to roleplay in somewhere here! My name's Stilly and I'm a Junior Moderator around here, and it's really nice to meet you! Hope you have fun <333

Re: well hi there! - spacexual - 04-05-2020

welcome to bob!! i'm reagan aka egg and i'm a senior mod here.

i'm also super into art and comics! i'm preparing my own webcomic right now actually ;> i do animation for warriors on the side as well, as a fun hobby.

take your time with getting back into it! there's never any pressure to be perfect and it's all just for fun. if you need any help, feel free to hit me up and i'd be happy to answer any questions, plot, and/or just chat.

Re: well hi there! - Orion - 04-05-2020

heyo!! welcome to bob <333 my name is orion, owner and admin of the website. that said, if you need any help, let me know and i'll be able to assist you. just send me a PM (private message)!

duuuude i love comics. ik you like drawing them, but what about reading them? are you more of a marvel/dc person or webcomics?