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You taught me // open+sweaters // the courage of stars - Printable Version

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You taught me // open+sweaters // the courage of stars - jacob w.c. - 05-07-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — For a weekly task, Harrison had asked Cry to pass out sweaters but the avian hadn't been interested to say the least. So, wanting to save his son's feelings, Jacob had offered to host the task. It wasn't much of a sacrifice, Jacob spent a lot of time knitting anyway, but it'd taken him all week to get everything ready. Actually, he was even a bit late on it but he hoped Harry wouldn't mind. It'd been a good idea to pass out some items to keep their clanmates warm so Jacob had enjoyed doing it. He'd tried to consider the various ranges of sizes in their members and he tried to make as many as he could of varying colors and sizes. He could really only afford to make one sweater for the bigger animals of the clan but he supposed it'd be sufficient and, if they didn't want it, he could always give it out as a blanket or something like that. In any case, the husky gathered them all up and went out into the tunnels, spacing them out so everyone would be able to view them. "If anyone wants a sweater ta' stay warm, ya' can come get 'em. I tried ta' make a whole lotta' different sizes n' colors but if ya' can't find one tha' fits or want one in a different color, jus' lemme' know n' I'll do what I can ta' get one ta' ya' if ya' really want one," he called.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: You taught me // open+sweaters // the courage of stars - melantha - 05-07-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt;"]A sweater is the last thing Melantha needs. Her thick, double-layer pelt is insulated against the frigid weather of the north, and, now that summer is encroaching upon their wintery wonderland, she is becoming uncomfortably hot. Every morning—dawn, more like it—Melantha rises to groom herself before setting off on an early-morning hunt. In the winter, grooming required nothing more than a couple of licks to remove excess grime before she dirtied herself in the hunt. Now, she rolls around on the ground, scratching her back on trees and rocks, in addition to regular grooming in order to rid herself of all the extra fur which is beginning to shed. The cougar is miserably hot and stuffy, and she thinks that her clan mates are sissies for believing that this summer weather is cold in the slightest.

In spite of the fact that Melantha really does not need a sweater, the lithe predator prowls over curiously in response to Jacob’s soliciting. Her present appearance is post-grooming, her sandy colored pelt seeming to shine like tempered gold. Mel almost looks a little nicer than plain, which is her normal, everyday look. Several hours went into ridding herself of all the shed. She better looking amazing. Sagacious olive eyes sweep over the assorted sweaters, each one in different colors and patterns. ”Did you make all of these yourself?” questions the huntress, glancing up to meet Jacob’s eyes. There is an eager gleam within her pallid gaze. No, she does not need a sweater. No, she will never use a sweater. But she wants one. They look soft and comfy. And Melantha is a  hoarder. Jacob doesn’t need to know that though.

Re: You taught me // open+sweaters // the courage of stars - pallid-i - 05-07-2018

He was grateful that his father had decided to take two tasks. It made the kitten happy seeing people actually work on the tasks he had given them.
"I want a sweater, pa!" The kitten said as he made his way over, tail wagging. He might be the champion of stealing his father's sweaters, but the kitten wanted something that fitted him, so of course he would come over and take something. It was only logical. "Can it be pink and green? I like pink and green!" Harrison stared at the piles, looking for any that actually had those two colors.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: You taught me // open+sweaters // the courage of stars - arcy - 05-07-2018

Izuku was hardly in need of a sweater, honestly. His fur kept him plenty warm, with how much he had. If he needed anything, it was boots, because he may as well overheat with more warmth. They weren't even comfortable anymore? His wings had grown too big to fit into clothing comfortably. He'd actually torn his last sweater with his wings at some point, and that was ... uncomfortable. He could always tear some holes in the back to fit them through, but that wasn't ... great. However, all of this doesn't stop Izuku's ears from perking up when he hears Jacob's call, tail giving a few wags as he hears. He hoped he wouldn't accidentally tear them, once he managed to get it on.
"Oh, neat!" Comes Izuku's chirp as he stumbles over, impressed. He can't actually see how many sweaters have been made, but he's sure it's a lot. He's debating on whether to ask for one, though, for all the problems mentioned, and also -- he'd probably outgrow it in a few months? Izuku was growing at a pretty fast rate even now, "Could I get one, too? I, um, don't really mind what color, but could it be kind of big?" Izuku allows himself to chirp once more, and finds himself fidgeting nervously as he falls into a sitting position. He's not sure how the sweater will look, at least not for a while, but he trusts that it'll be nice.


Re: You taught me // open+sweaters // the courage of stars - guts - 05-07-2018

A sweater--or any article of clothing, really--was what Aizawa needed. Lions weren't accustomed to the cold, and so, he was always freezing his ass off every time he went outside the cave. While he knew he needed one, he wasn't too interested in getting one. Sweaters were itchy and uncomfortable, and he could always make one if he needed it--except he didn't know how to knit properly anymore without fingers. What a pain.

He pads up to stand beside Izuku, his eyes surveying the array of knitted shirts. Of course, he didn't expect there to be any in his size, given how big he was. But it was an odd thought overall. He thought he had left behind the idea of clothing when he became an animal. Guess not. Either way, he takes a seat, simply watching despite his obvious need for one.


Re: You taught me // open+sweaters // the courage of stars - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-07-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
Ooh, a sweater! Atbash definitely needed one of those. Being a Savannah meant she had short fur, and it was not fun dealing with the chilly wind of the tundra. Granted, Atbash was also a demon from another dimension and lived in the far reaches of that universe, so she was a tad used to the cold. Still, that doesn't mean she doesn't get cold. "Do you have a green one?" She asked as she came over, eyes shining.
bio | female | warrior of snowbound
© madi

Re: You taught me // open+sweaters // the courage of stars - jacob w.c. - 05-08-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — So many people were interested! A wide smile spread across the husky's maw as more and more people came to request one of the sweaters he'd made. Usually he didn't get so much interest but, then again, his previous market had been Jersey's friends and the other people he found in the city, who thought knitting and such things weren't for people like them. Jacob argued that being warm was everyone's business but what did he know. He first looked to Melantha, giving her a smile and a nod. "'Course I did. I don' mind, though. It gives me somethin' ta' do between herbs n' leadin' n' all tha'. 'S a good way ta' relax," he answered. His attention was then snagged by Harrison and he quickly spoke, "I don' have one tha' color but I do 'ave a blue one I made for ya' until then." He pulled one sweater from the pile to give to his son. "I'll make one as soon as I can, though," he promised.

Then there was Izuku. Jacob felt his his heart twisting already and he was thankful the apprentice couldn't see his face. He should've done more to stop all that from happening. He should've been there sooner. Jacob knew there was nothing he could've done to stop what happened but that didn't stop him from feeling guilty. "'Course," he replied before grabbing one of the many sweaters. It looked like it'd be a bit big on Izuku but it was hard to tell without him actually trying it on. "Do ya' think you'll be able ta' get it on yourself? It might be kinda' hard with your wings n' all that," he asked. He soon noticed that Aizawa had also come to see the sweaters, although said nothing about actually taking one. Despite what he may have thought, Jacob did consider the needs of their larger members and he had made one that he thought would be big enough for the lion. "Aizawa? I thought ya' might feel a li'l cold, with your fur n' everythin', so I made this. I tried my best ta' make one big enough but... well, jus' try it n' see if it fits. I ain't made one this big in awhile," he called. Finally, there was Atbash. Her request was a simple one and he quickly gave a nod, moving around some of the sweaters before pulling out a green one that looked as though it'd fit her. "'Ere. Try this one on n' see what ya' think. If ya' need a different size, jus' lemme' know."  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: You taught me // open+sweaters // the courage of stars - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-09-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
Atbash caught the sweater that Jacob handed to her, her eyes still beaming with excitement. She immediately put it on, purring. "No, this is fine! Thanks so much!"
bio | female | warrior of snowbound
© madi

Re: You taught me // open+sweaters // the courage of stars - guts - 05-09-2018

Oh. That was new. Aizawa nods, taking the sweater from Jacob and looking it over briefly. The colors weren't an eyesore, at least, but he had yet to see if it'd actually fit. Carefully discarding his scarf, he threw the shirt over his head, awkwardly fiddling with it before managing to tug it down. He got one leg out, then struggled with the other, but eventually got it out, as well. It was weird to put on clothes like this, but once it was on, he instantly felt a lot warmer. A small rumble began in his chest, which he tried to mask as he put his scarf back on. "Thank you," he says with a small nod to the husky.
