Beasts of Beyond
rawr ex dee | dog visits - Printable Version

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rawr ex dee | dog visits - Dog - 04-01-2020

With his little towsie-wosies and pinky paw pads, the doggo ran over the sandy desert. He had a visible 'uwu' face and he was practically blushing! For a dog with no speaking abilities, he could do nothing but: "Woof."

Re: rawr ex dee | dog visits - Charlot - 04-02-2020

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Dog. Dog. Dog. Dog... yes!

Charlot has been wandering for a bit, he might have.. vaguely had heatstroke but it was chill. He'd been remembering shit from back home, but primarily the pets he'd had. This place had reminded him, with all the weird-ass animals that he hadn't seen before, about his own little weird-ass animal. He and his brother had wandering in the forest when they'd run into some little puppy. They were concerned that he was someone's kid that had run off, or an orphan escaped from somewhere.. but nope. He'd been some little brainless dude, not sentient as all hell.

So they'd taken care of him, snuck him into their house in a disguise, and the others had loved him. They had to give him up when he had gotten too big, the adults were suspecting that he wasn't quite like the others, so they'd found some people willing to keep him safe until Charlot got the chance to reclaim him.
It didn't work out, and he was here now. Woopee..

But there was a dog! running around the sand! holy shit!

Charlot, without thinking that this could possibly be an enemy, would sprint over towards the canine.
"Woof, bro!"