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hookline punchline - o, plant upkeep - Printable Version

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hookline punchline - o, plant upkeep - fulzanin - 03-31-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - harbringer - hot shot
The plants. They were a big part of the.. dare say culture of the place. Was it even culture? Aslisk wasn't certain. She knew that the group was, supposedly, supposed to be very centered around religion. That had been Redvox's way of looking at it, or his past leader. She'd probably address it next time she hosted a meeting. It wouldn't be for a little while longer that she hosted another discussion like setting for the group to partake in. Leading was a weird construct that Aslisk was still growing familiar with. It was almost as awkward as the task that she had imposed on herself for the day. Aslisk remembered the hardships that winter had brought on the group. They'd resulted to ice fishing and certainly had struggled to keep enough food for themselves to remain sustainable despite their small numbers. If there was something Aslisk could despise that was inanimate, it certainly would be the fear of a hunger epidemic. The wyvern took it upon herself to figure out what she could do to keep the group from lapsing in such a state again.

Farming was new to Aslisk. Back where she hailed from she hadn't ever messed with the weird and complex farming systems that the featherbrains always had. Magic this, move that, stuff hung from the ceiling and light was bent around without a mirror being in sight. Aslisk couldn't hope to replicate such a thing here, where she had no magic. A few months ago she couldn't have even began to attempt such a thing due to her body constantly being lit with flames. Now that those flames had become more controllable she was capable to try. Would she succeed? Aslisk wasn't certain. The knowledge of plants that the Harbringer possessed was far from omnipotent. It was limited and strange due to coming from an entirely different world than the one that she currently led a group on. However, she was not above trying.

Grumbles sounded from the wyvern as he claws fumbled with the hydroponic plants. It was frustrating to move the leaves around and carefully cut away the wilted ones. Aslisk wanted to remove some of the decorative ones and replace them with actual fruit bearing ones. Sure, it wouldn't help the carnivorous members of the group such as herself, but it would be helpful in some fashion should fruit producing plants be in full swing and have a decent storage before winter rolled around again. When the wyvern heard a sharp thunk she pivoted. A sigh came from her, realizing that she'd knocked over the can of seeds that she'd managed to find. Aslisk's claws unhooked from the wall around the plants she'd been inspecting. Red eyes fell over the spilled seeds. "Hask," she grunted, slowly moving over to the poor spilled seeds to start cleaning them up. Farming and the upkeeping of plants were probably meant for those with functional hands rather than creatures like her. Useful, but certainly difficult. Certainly frustrating. Her snout was scrunched while her body awkwardly hunched over to shove the small seeds of some fruit bearing plant back into their jar.

TAGS 11/19/19: