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dear lazarus || return - Printable Version

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dear lazarus || return - teef - 03-31-2020

the blackened husk of the jungle, the sands scorched and churned up served as very cruel reminder of the raid not so long ago, the taste of iron thick on her tongue and the reek of death hanging in her lungs. paws digging into the churned up sand, she narrowed her eyes against the glare of the rising sun, amber eyes glowing amidst the darkness of her fur. dark circles ran amok around her eyes, her frame thin from hunger and long exercise, muscles rippling under her coat, her muzzle clamped shut. "oh sweet misguided lazarus ... risen days long. how bittersweet the return to stomping grounds. better not to fool myself, see what's changed since I last laid eyes upon this land.", she would speak to herself in a low voice.

jaws aching from the kill she carried by sheer jaw strength, the borzoi and wolf cross uttered a content sound, entering the territory as if nothing had changed. for her, nothing was the same even if it all seemed to be the same on the surface. strides taking her into camp, she balefully met eyes with the on looking npcs, her stance relaxed and fluid as she dragged the carcass into camp. dropping the hunk of fresh meat onto the plaza, she stepped back and locked eyes with those who looked onward with starving glances, mouths watering. "looks like you're all pretty damn hungry." she rumbled, gaze cutting the crowd in curiosity. she was finally home.

albeit covered in new scars and wearing a skull, the girl had more or less grown into a fully fledged woman, her world and understanding greatly broadened and acknowledged. yet she bore a deep dark secret that her family thought they had long since buried and grieved over. a not so fun thing for her, being hunted by the mountain lion and his goonies. the mountain lion had almost been dead, but it had allowed her the closure she needed in the wake of her mother's murder.

coming back from that fight had been an exhilarating experience, and her life had gone from the old pace, to a less organized daily struggle for her life. now that she was home, she didn't dare believe that things would take that normal pace again, and she was okay with that. clearing her throat, she stepped away from the carcass, gaze fixed on the npc children not so much with a withering look as a confused look. somehow, the birds and bees had won this time, and now there were more beings to add to her list of 'protect until they can protect themselves'. "Hey. I'm home.", she barked, wondering whose faces she would know and not know.

Just to clarify, the carcass is a deer, and her scent likely has some of the typhoons scent as she stayed around their territory for a bit (I didn't get the chance to write that out sksksk) //

Re: dear lazarus || return - silvertides ; - 04-03-2020

Unlike probably most who resided within the Pitt, Silvertides would have little to no idea of who Ramona was. The green and white fox had only been within the brutal group for a month now, and had only started to really interact with others around a week ago, so he didn't know much of the history. He hadn't even heard secondhand stories yet, too preoccupied with his own journey of fighting against anxiety each day to step out from his sandy hollow. Along with this, he was still watching over Roan, keeping the kid safe from Pittians who didn't agree with Kydobi's decision to offer the child shelter. However, given that Silver had been making an effort lately to interact with people, it wasn't as if he was just going to ignore the skull-wearing lady who had strode confidently into camp and said she was home. It was obvious that she was some kind of returning member... either that, or someone senile who thought she was. He hoped that it was the former, since he had no doubt that Caesar would throw some kind of fit over the latter. He hadn't even interacted with the demon extensively yet, and he already knew that he sought to cause nothing but trouble.

The young fox hesitated a bit from his position on the fringes of the crowd, his gaze darting back and forth to see if anybody else would go and greet her first. When nobody ended up taking the plunge, he was forced to sigh, taking a long breath inwards. He closed his eyes very briefly, hoping that would calm and motivate him somewhat before he made his way forward. His slim and fluffy form slipped through the gaps in the crowd, and before long he had made his way out, stepping carefully past the carcass that had been dropped – he didn't want her thinking he was going to take it, after all. Once he had gotten to where Ramona was, he sat himself down, plush tail coming to rest across his paws. The smile upon his muzzle was crooked, and he hoped that it didn't look too forced. Ignoring the voices yelling at him to return to the safety of the anonymous, Silver introduced himself with a bark, "H–Hey there! My name's Silvertides... I don't believe we've ever met before. You said you're home, right? So, you're returning to the Pitt from somewhere else, then? Welcome back." His speech was awkward and a little too fast for comfort, but it got his point across as plainly as possible, and he could only hope Ramona didn't bite his head off. Hopefully she just looked scary, and wasn't actually too bad.

Re: dear lazarus || return - nikolai - 04-04-2020

    The nose of a famished scavenger could pinpoint the fainted whiff of meat from great distances. Even when said nose hid behind the silver-plated nozzle of a featureless gas mask. Hunger had driven him for as long as he could remember, empty stomach gnawing at his ribs and begging for any morsel he could find. With compliance as the only reasonable option, the young wolverine trudged across scorched terrain, sand collected between his claws and irritating the gaps with stinging grit. Yet his stride did not falter until the scent trail brought him to the sight of a mouth-watering carcass.

    Nikolai could recognize the antlers and hooves of a deer from anywhere, even when miles from his homeland. What he didn't recognize, however, was the hound dragging his next meal along. Not that it mattered too much. She seemed to speak the same foreign tongue as every other creature within this equally foreign desert. But nothing he couldn't adapt to.

    Single pale eye narrowing, he held his distance, hovering on the sideline like a vulture circling a dying beast. In his starved wait, a paw reached behind his head to unlatch the lower straps of his mask, allowing it to slacken on his disfigured face. Tilting the muzzle up just enough to expose horrifically scarred jowls, Nikolai stiffened as another's voice approached, his halved vision impaired by the mask at its angle. A distraction for the huntress; his opportunity to feed. Lunging forward, jaws clamped onto the dead leg of the deer, wrenching the hip free of its socket in a quick move and taking a good chunk of meat with it. The wolverine retreated as quickly as he had struck, eager to find someplace private to enjoy his dinner.

Re: dear lazarus || return - Kydobi - 04-16-2020


[OOC: it’s a little dry but I promise muse will return to me as I post ]

She didn’t smell the same, but there was a deeper quality that to her scent that he would never forget. It was her and he couldn’t believe it.

He would feel guilty again, realizing he hadn’t thought about her sis she has randomly disappeared. So much had happened, he hadn’t had time to notice and when he had he could focus on it too long. Even then, if he wanted to be totally realistic and honest with himself. He had had children of his own and while he had convinced himself he loved Ram like his own daughter she wasn’t actually his blood. It made a difference, but one he would never ever admit to anyone including himself.

He would softly walk over, he saw silvertides and Nikolai but he didn’t really see them. Kydobi’s eyes were big and glowing with emotion.

“Ram?”, he would say softly as he lowered his head to see her. She was Ram... but she wasn’t the girl who had left. The scars strewn across her body and face told of a hard years. Or months full of danger, danger he had promised to protect her from.

Another promise he gave her but failed to deliver. The brute would sigh, “You’ve come back...”

He hesitated to call her daughter. He felt as if he had lost that right. Most of all he feared that she hated him,


Re: dear lazarus || return - teef - 04-24-2020

sensing Silvertides, she looked to the fox, tipping her head the slightest and gave a smile, one as warm as she could manage, "Hello Silvertides. My name is Ramona, I was brought up in the Pitt and left for another group after I was attacked and hurt as we didnt have the skill yet to handle that type of injury. And I had some final goodbyes to make to my kin." she murmured, eyes flicking to Nikolai as he wrenched the hip free of the deer's carcass.

Ears twitching at the heavy footfalls and familiar scent of the Ardent, her gaze switched around to fix itself on the great jaguar, his eyes locked with hers. A shiver ran down her spine, seeing how exhausted he looked. "Kydobi." she murmured, voice thick with emotions she couldnt put words to. Her fur rankled along her hackles, her legs stiffening and tail sitting still in the dirt beside her legs. Was she upset? Was she hurt? Blinking in confusion, she sniffed him curiously when he came near, her gaze on the ground, "Yeah. I came back. My aunt's gone. My mom's dead, so is my uncle. I've got my cousin but they've got their grandmother. I dont have my brother anymore either. So I came back. I ain't got nowhere else to go." she mumbled, trying to hide the pain in her voice. She had loved him like he was her father, but she had noticed they'd drifted apart.

Taking a deep breath, she held it in and released it with a loud sound, looking up at him again. "My brother did tell me that you sired their cubs. Have any visited? I'd like to meet them one day." she rumbled, unsure of how to approach the 'family' topic. Shaking herself briefly she nodded to the deer carcass, "I caught something ... I can get more if wanted.", there was hope in her heart. Maybe she could please her adopted father with her hunt? She didnt know, but that small part of herself aching for family and affection insisted it was so.

//sorry its dry and sorta short//

Re: dear lazarus || return - teef - 06-07-2020
