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METRONOME || short oneshot, open - Printable Version

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METRONOME || short oneshot, open - Simon F.M. - 03-31-2020

To give me some diagnosis of why I'm so hollow
Please give me instructions, I promise I'll follow

I've been so good, I've been helpful and friendly
I've been so good, why am I feeling empty?

Diya returned to her new room quietly, slipping away from the ongoings without a single member of the Elysium realizing; this didn't surprise her, they didn't know her.
How could they? She was alone, most of her family long gone. She could count the remainders on fingers. Playerone, Cooper, Rin. That was it. She'd heard rumors of Har but she didn't know what to believe. How fucked up was that? More toes on one paw than family members remaining.

Pitiful. God damn pitiful. Her eyes trained on the mirror that had been propped up in one corner of her room, taking in her worn appearance. A snarl ripped from the she-cats muzzle as she hurled the item nearest to her, a brush that she had bought during her travels, and felt emotions rip through her as the glass shattered. 7 years bad luck? What did it matter, it had filled her life.

Why, are you asking me why?
My days and nights are filled with disappointment

Heaving sobs began to leave Diya as she stood there, one side of her room now covered in shattered glass reflecting the girl's shattered mind. As she stood there shaking, she felt her temper rise, pushing her into movement. Her paws led her to a box that had been gifted to her upon return, momentos of her family long past and things that had belonged to her younger self.

She knocked the box over with a snarl, its contents spilling across the floor, some items rolling over to mingle with the shards of glass. She found herself faced with pictures of a long-gone family, jewelry of her long passed mothers, small trinkets of a time gone by. A flash of silver caught her eye and, with a trembling paw, she lifted a thin silver chain. At the base of the chain was a silver locket matching her own. It had belonged to her mother, Suiteheart, once upon a time. She'd been so overjoyed to receive her own but, now, it filled her with rage to stare at her mother's necklace.

I've been so good, I've been so good this year
I've been so good, but it's still getting harder

She hurled the necklace away, her breath quick and short as she panted, eyes squeezing shut. She felt a sharp pressure against her bottom gum, sharp and pricking against the insides of her lip. Confused, the feline stumbled over to the remains of her mirror, staring down at a pile of shards and opening her mouth wide. A gasp escaped between her quick breaths upon finding that her canines had lengthened, memories of her mother flashing through her head.

Vampire. Monster. Were-Vampire. All words she had heard her mother describe herself as. Which mother? Who was it she was finally taking after, was she finally making them proud? A scoff escaped the panicking feline, shaking her head wildly. "Never! They'd never be proud of me!" cried the cat, tears once again streaming down her face as the rage once again filled her chest.

What, am I normal or not?
Am I crazier than other patients?

"They probably never looked for me" she screamed to the empty room, claws leaving their spots within her paws, digging into the ground beneath her the best they could. She stormed to the tipped box, scooping up an image that had been made of her and her mothers and, with all her strength, slammed it against a wall. She managed to dodge any flying debris that may have come back towards her, pain rippling through her body as she stumbled backward.

Another round of snarls as she continues to tear through the box, momentos and pictures flying around her room as she scrambled for something that would quell the raging beast within her. As her world came tumbling down around her, she found herself beginning to taper out, her fuse shortening. But, what comes before the fuses can fully extinguish? The explosion.

And I've been so good, but it's still getting harder
I've been so good, where the hell is the karma?

With one last scream, she picked the box itself up with her teeth, jerking her head to throw it with the rest of the carnage around her room. Her anger didn't stop there, no. She followed the box, claws digging in as she snatched out of the air, tearing into it with the full force of her claws and jaws. She slung the shreds to the side, panting as she wreaked carnage upon her belongings.

In one last burst of rage, she threw the remains of the box away, twisting around to stare down at her reflection in the shard of mirror that had now been scattered across her room. Tears had stained and caked her white fur, eyes as bloodshot as all hell, muzzle crumpled in a snarl, ears pinned back. She raked her paws through the shards, sending them flying as she winced at the sudden pain in her paw.

Time, I know we're out of time
But what if sad thoughts come and I can't stop it

The pain sent a shock through the vampire, causing her to stumble back and spin wildly in a circle, looking at the destruction she had caused. "no. no-no-no. fuck. fuck-fuck-fuck." this hadn't been what she wanted, she never wanted this. Diya found her breaths not evening, instead quickening as emotion once again filled her. Instead of anger, it was now a pit of dread in her stomach; she felt as if she had swallowed a rock.

Diya squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head as she slumped to the floor, curling into herself as sobs left her, shivering and with a tremble shaking her body. Her sobs were loud, cracking and breaking like the things that had once belonged to her family. They were gone. All gone. She was here, alone, and she couldn't stand it anymore. She needed an out, an escape, she couldn't handle this anymore. She couldn't do it.

Bye, I don't wanna say bye

She felt like she needed to leave, she needed to run; but she couldn't. she was pinned here, paralyzed by her own exhaustion, disappointment, and fear. Fear of someone seeing what she had done; of the monster that she had become. Perhaps she had always been this monster, the rage sitting just beneath the skin, awaiting its chance to explode and reak havoc upon the world she knew, the few who remained from a life that felt eons ago.

TDLR; diya has a bit of a breakdown and destroys her room in the process. She is currently curled in the center of her room, sobbing. This is pre-taking Ry back to the typoon.

Words, excluding lyrics and afterword; 1000
Characters, excluding lyrics and afterword; 5529
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Re: METRONOME || short oneshot, open - Warringkingdoms - 03-31-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Lethargy into restlessness and back again she slipped, day in and day out, energy rising and falling in inconvenient patterns. Mornings were spent lying in bed struggling to muster up the will to move; afternoons spent pacing, thoughts racing but never stopping in one place for long enough to reach a conclusion; nights spent awake, the patterns of the ceiling burning themselves into her retinas until she finally blacked out. Part of her wished something would change for the better, something to remind her that this wasn't just a perpetual cycle of futility.

  The sound of glass shattering was the polar opposite of what she'd wanted.

  Rin surged out of her room and bolted for the source of the noise, led on by the intermittent sobs and harsh impacts of something going horribly, horribly wrong. Destruction, precious objects breaking. Flames flickering in and out of the corners of her vision. Snarls of rage, wails of despair. Screams. She had to hold it together, but she could feel her grip on reality loosening with every loud disturbance of the peace.


  They'd never be proud of me.

  She pushed herself to her limits, her muscles screeching in protest.

  She is young, but capable. I love you all with all my heart. A screech, and a crash, and a descent into madness. I was never good enough. I'm sorry. I'm s- Trailing off into the distance, without closure. Despair, giving in. Nothing you do will ever bring them back. Dragged into oblivion, where she could never reach. I think you should just go. The scent of blood, smothering all, choking the life out of her.

  Let go.

  She finally saw Diya there in front of her, within the swirl of sensory overload, and the scene cleared to reveal reality. Diya, broken, sobbing, bleeding. Pushing through the wreckage, Rin struggled to pull herself back together. Blood poured from Diya's paws, leaving messages on the floor- messages of sorrow, of self-hatred. A last song of ruin.

  The damage to her paws would heal, with treatment. "Someone bring me bandages," Rin called out, her voice hoarse and thick with grief. Again and again, her wounds reopened at the slightest touch. Worthless. I thought you could actually do it. Stumbling forward, she gently attempted to put a paw on Diya's shoulder. A clear reminder of what was real, in the midst of the darkness that plagued their minds- not entrapping, the way a hug might be interpreted, but a gesture of solidarity that Diya was free to refuse.

  "I'm here," she whispered, lowering her head. "I'm here."

Re: METRONOME || short oneshot, open - Hope Arcanium - 03-31-2020

The hybrid herself would also respond to Diya’s yells and the crashing sounds coming from her room. The loud noise startled the god awake, and her elemental abilities surged forth from adrenaline as she raced forward, fire and the crackles of electricity surrounding her body. But it was willed into being harmless.

She stopped alongside Rin, pulling bandages from her own medical bag she carried with her the majority of the time, and handing them to her. In efforts to keep the situation calm, she dimmed the fire to a light glow and the little sparks stopped altogether. She didn’t want to put the Elysite and former Ascendant into a panicked state, but instead tried to soothe.

We’re here, Diya. We aren’t leaving you. You’ll be okay.” Player’s words were soft, carefully spoken but thoughtful. She didn’t make a move to put a paw on Diya’s shoulder, but instead opted to ask, “May I?” While holding out her paw slowly and carefully. The hybrid would place the bag on the ground beside Rin, making a mental note of its location and moving away to give ample space.

What happened, Diya? Can you talk to me?” Her voice embodied her concern as she looked at the younger feline, trying to let her know that they were both there for her, and that she was safe with them.

Re: METRONOME || short oneshot, open - Simon F.M. - 04-01-2020

To give me some diagnosis of why I'm so hollow
Please give me instructions, I promise I'll follow

Diya was numb to the world, deaf and blind to those entering her trashed room. At the sudden touch to her furred shoulder, she startled; a hiss escaped her as she jerked away, wincing as she put pressure on her injured paw.

Upon seeing Warringkingdoms, she collapsed back down with a huff, careful not to lay on any of the damaged belongings littering her floor. She dropped her head onto her front legs, which she had stretched out before her. Her head was directed away from rin, eyes settling shut. Sniffles left her still, though the tears had ceased when she had been startled. "I'm a monster, just look around", she growled out quietly, lashing her snowy tail.

Upon Playerone's question, she said nothing, simply lifting her head to look at the white god. She'd plop her head back to its resting point but would extend the injured paw, allowing the two medics- no, the magna and the... well, were medics even a rank anymore? She had no clue but, either way, they were allowed access to her paw. "Why didn't they look for me...?"
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