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Y[O]U CAN KEEP THEM •• pitt parasites daycare - Printable Version

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Y[O]U CAN KEEP THEM •• pitt parasites daycare - Kydobi - 03-31-2020


[OOC: [member=4836]gael[/member] [member=8864]Aslisk[/member] [member=4817]aine.[/member] [member=10503]MERCEDE[/member] [member=10555]sweeney c.f.[/member] [member=10505]NOOR[/member] [member=9250]piers[/member] ]

Perhaps some labor would do them good. Not that Kydobi had a clue what would be going on, he doubted Aslisk would abuse them. Besides he had asked Gael to stay with the children to assist and watch over them. Although he suspected the one only ever really safe was Aine in his presence.

It wasn’t like Kydobi had nothing to lose, his son was there as well. Piers was growing to be big and strong and would help as well, he assumed.

The jaguar could not say that for all the children joining them on this trip. The Callahan sisters had proven to be rather against the whole idea. Mercede whined about it as if she was too good to break a sweat and Noor started cursing in her usual fashion. Sweeney? Sweeney had to be restrained and that’s why she was in his maw now. Kicking and cursing as if her minor movements would make a difference to the large brute.

“Stay still or I could accidentally snap your neck.”, he would warn. She was truly testing his patience. He found himself wanting to sink his teeth in her scruff harder and harder till she yelled so she could just shut up. but he wouldn’t because morals kept him from doing so.

It was Sweeney and Noor’s fault all the children were going to work for the Halls. Their recent escapade has left Kydobi fuming. It was a little petty but Kydobi decided they would hate this the most and that was the sole reason he did it.

Finally they would reach the Halls. A trail of brats accompanied by Aine and Piers followed closely. Surely Aslisk would be around soon.


Re: Y[O]U CAN KEEP THEM •• pitt parasites daycare - deimos - 03-31-2020

Piers was unsure as to why he was forced to go along this little trip as well. It wasn't as if he was going to refuse, but he had a gut feeling he would be of better use in the Pitt. The trip had proven far easier then the trip he had taken between Tanglewood and the Pitt- despite the constant whining of children. His ocean blues had kept wary eyes on them, not allowing for escape, continuing to nudge and push them away. What conversation he could share with Aine, he tried, but he wasn't sure he was getting through.

As they arrived, his eyes looked forward but his body language was turned to the side, as if he was ready to depart with his father instead. He looked about as they arrived, a soft growl uttered. He wasn't afraid or anger, no, it was just a gutteral instinct to react as such.

template by orion

Re: Y[O]U CAN KEEP THEM •• pitt parasites daycare - fulzanin - 03-31-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - harbringer - hot shot
Aslisk didn't like to keep people waiting. She upheld her word - usually. She couldn't remember the last time that she'd actually let her word fall flat. Failure wasn't something that she liked. Her arrival was quite abrupt, her wyvern form descending on down. The landing was heavy, talons sinking into the earth. Aslisk raised up her head, red gaze slowly shifting across the children that were had been brought here by the Pittian's leader. Foxes, most of them, she noted. The wyvern's spiky tail slowly behind her, a soft grunt then escaping her. "This all of them?" She questions while her gaze finally returns to Kydobi. Her tone was far from annoyed, rather more curious. If children made up most their numbers, perhaps the attack on them had been far more severe than she'd anticipated. Any amount would be good for the tasks she had in mind - tasks that she was certain that couldn't be undermined by the pesky nature of rebellious or violent youths. Idiot featherbrains usually gave the same disastrous results, and so Aslisk had the knowledge already on hand and thankfully would not have to undergo trial and error in this situation.

A breath is taken, and exhaled. They did not know who she was, did they? She supposed that an introduction would be best. One of her webbed ears twitch, red gaze again briefly surveying the crowd of children. Another adult in the midst, she noted, but such a thing was to be expected. Not much she had done to prove herself to be trust worthy of children. This would definitely prove such a thing, or so Aslisk hoped. "I'm Aslisk, the leader of this group," she says with a broad gesture of her wing. "You will address me by my name. You're going to be helping out my people in exchange for your own getting the rights to hunt on our land." Her teeth flash in a jagged grin - oh, it felt mighty good to get to abide by her nature rather than the pathetic, rolling over personality she usually had to possess. Set up a good first impression that she was not to be trifled with, that was the way beaten into her. Aslisk's body pivoted a little, allowing for her head to lean down. Despite how aggressive and threatening she wanted to be perceived, she knew that the icing still had to be thin enough for the rare one or two good eggs in the group. "Whats all your names? It would be awfully rude of me to tell you mine, and only have to address you as 'little hask' on my own part."

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: Y[O]U CAN KEEP THEM •• pitt parasites daycare - trojan g. - 03-31-2020

[div style="max-width: 425px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 30px; opacity: 0.70; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; padding-top: 10px;"]When she'd been told that she had to go somewhere outside of the Pitt, Sweeney had decided that, no, she would not go. There was no point in it, and she tried to make sure Kydobi knew that by fighting the whole time she'd been told to go, up until she'd been promptly picked up and dragged there. "Let me go!" She would bark out, writhing form trying to break free of the giant feline's grasp, paws flailing as she tried to make it harder for her to be carried to no avail.

Finally they stopped, and Sweeney swung there for a moment, listening to words spoken before huffing. "I don't gotta tell you nothin'," Words would come from her maw as ears pinned to the back of her head, "I don't care about it here, I wanna go home, I'm tired." Her trip to Tanglewood, after all, had been a long one for the young child.

[align=center]text | "speech"

Re: Y[O]U CAN KEEP THEM •• pitt parasites daycare - toboggan - 03-31-2020

Noor did not consent to the departure from the desert. The desert was home, not wherever this stupid place was. Why she even stood in this wretched place, the cross fox could not fathom. Along with her were the remaining Callahan sisters, Kydobi and his runt, and the two idiots Gael and Aine. It was because one of those listed that she had to be here; and if Noor had any money, she'd put it on Gael, because that nincompoop wanted nothing but unbridled chaos.

A strange purple dragon-like beast encroached from afar. Noor didn't like such beasts, and as soon as he drew near enough, the second-oldest of the Callahans made a mad dash in the opposite direction. She knew that Gael or Kydobi would likely catch her, because those two asswipes loved pandemonium and severely scaring children.

Re: Y[O]U CAN KEEP THEM •• pitt parasites daycare - fulzanin - 04-13-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - harbringer - hot shot
Aslisk's interaction with children usually tended to be with her own kids. Well behaved zombies that really liked bowls and feathers. She liked to think that raising them up and interacting with the other members of her own kind would have prepared her for anything. Even the children of a different dimension. Her webbed ears twitched as Sweeny spoke, watching the youth wriggle about in Kydobi's grasp. The sharp and jagged words presented to her ticked off a checkmark in her mind. No name, no reason for her to care. Aslisk's ability to care stretched about as far as the wyvern was able to curse in the common tongue. "You're gonna have to earn hospitality then, little hask," the wyvern grunted with a shake of her head. Aslisk's red eyes flickered to the other child that began to sporadically act. Running away, warranting a rather disgusted look on her face. She watched, waiting to see if the other two adults present would make their move to stop the youth from likely getting herself killed by the dangers that wandering around in the wilderness that would gladly snatch up a youth.

When no such moves to retrieve the child were made, Aslisk sighed and shook her head. She'd go and fetch shortly despite how a part of her truly would like to see some beast snatch the sprinting youth away. Those thoughts were to remain neatly tucked in her mind, never even allowed to flicker in her gaze. "Quartok," Aslisk would huff. With a brief teleport Aslisk sought to intercept the child, landing one of her feet on the child's back to cease the mad dash away from the Hall's territory. Sure, she tried to be gentle, but Aslisk was no gentle person. If the other adults weren't going to react to such a thing and just let the child run off into the wilderness to escape from simple tasks? It only left more notes for Aslisk to remember in the future. Her head swiveled away, teeth clenching together. "This one's lively for sure," she mused. "I'd appreciate it if the attempts to kill yourselves by sprinting off into the woods where vicious predators most certainly take advantage of you would stop, though. There's a lot to be done and frankly corpses don't make it any easier."

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: Y[O]U CAN KEEP THEM •• pitt parasites daycare - deimos - 04-16-2020

Piers' eyes skipped about the different children that had come with them. Of course those fox rascals would be angry about everything. It wasn't home, it wasn't where they were born, it wasn't where they had to suffer through every minute of their lives. It was a faintly amused look on his face as Aslisk arrived, but it fell quickly at her speech. She.. almost sounded like the fox children as an adult. It made him shiver, a tiny bit, to imagine that he might have to deal with multiple of them. The thought made him pause, tilting his head away. While he thought, one of the children had escaped, his ears twitching as he considered the multiple reality.

However, as Aslisk spoke again, he jumped a tiny bit and looked around. He grunted softly at the interaction, before slowly piping up, his breathing even. "Piers is my name." He replied, his ears twitching. The aggressiveness of this wyvern... made him want to leave. His gaze shifted back towards Kydobi, as if begging him with his eyes to go back to the Pitt with the rest of the adults.

template by orion

Re: Y[O]U CAN KEEP THEM •• pitt parasites daycare - Julian - 05-05-2020

[div style="margin: auto; text-align: right; padding-right: 14%; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; max-width: 600px; margin-top: 40px; font-family: georgia; color: #abbde2;"]I can't imagine how my life would be.
If all your gravity did not hit me

[div style="margin: auto; background-color: #040c23; max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; padding-right: 6%; padding-left: 6%;color: #abbde2;"] Julian had his doubts about the alliance with The Pitt, but if Aslisk trusted that there would be no murders or enslavement that followed then he couldn't huff and puff about it. His hands fled across a bookshelf, carefully pulling out a book and letting it fall into his hand. The Pitt had dropped off their stupid little offsprings, maybe he'd help Aslisk out a bit?

The mad tucked the book neatly within a pocket inside his cloak, closing it up so it wouldn't fall out. The soft tap tap tapping of his feet against tile echoed throughout the Hydroponics Lab as he walked down the hallway that led to the outside world. Julian pushed the door open with his shoulder, nudging it close with his foot after he had passed through.

Finding the place where Aslisk stuck the little brats down wasnt hard. He just had to listen for distant childish arguing and crying. And soon enough he heard it. The lanky man made his way toward the crying brats, Aslisk stopping a kid from fleeing. "Good afternoon Aslisk-" he mumbled. Despite the two guards, there the jaguar sat. Julian raised a brow in a grimace. "Kydobi." he greeted with a sneer. "I see you've brought your tyrants in training to the Halls." Julian glanced down at the brats. "You'd do well to listen to your Ardent and Harbinger," he said as he stared down Kydobi. "We wouldn't want any accidents to occur under new supervision."

Julian looked down at the two brats again. "Who wants to ditch these old grumps and find someone else to bother?" he asked as he leaned down to their level. "Hey, lets go see if CottonTail is awake so we can through mud at her!" he chuckled, his mask lifting as his cheeks squished in a soft laugh.