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DÉJÀ VU — moving in - Printable Version

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DÉJÀ VU — moving in - THEM - 03-30-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Tanglewood was long in the past.

If there had been a tether, it had been Snarl. But even now, with the vague threat of Leroy's indifference and the more acute presence of Ocelot demanding his full attention, Snarl's insistence could not lure him back to the marshland. It was over. Kazuhira considered himself fine, this way; there was little else to hold him down in Tanglewood but his ineffective title. He'd shed it like any other name - the groups in his past, rogues and mercenaries, had existed in a similar flux. He never stayed in one place for long, and it was fine time for those who remained in Tanglewood to learn of his lingering infidelity.

This island, in all its strangeness - the continent was far more temperate on the mainland - felt similar to an old home. Beaches on the southern hemisphere were just as warm, and the jungles as dense and green. The small township that the Typhoon called home reminded him of stilted beach houses, wooden barracks fashioned from abandoned complexes he'd repurposed for those he served in the past. It was easier to acclimate when he had a vision in his past to compare it to, though this time, there was no looming threat of violence that kept him awake and constantly at work. It was the island resort that his earliest base never was. A vacation - yes, that was it. A break from the drone. And, hell, Kazuhira didn't feel like he was exaggerating when he said he needed one.

The sandy paths that gave way to lush, leaf-covered dirt seemed to hold a number of empty homes. The bay was a wide stretch of land, and from what he could see, a majority of Typhoon tenants kept their business close to the seaside hub, the jungle at their backs and the sun-dappled ocean shining in their windows. Miller wasn't interested in much, nor did he have any specific needs in mind while choosing a residence, but ordering a few tavernfolk to carry his luggage was starting to grate on his nerves. He didn't think he needed to remind them that his goods weren't to be dropped, thrown about or shaken too vigorously, but the merchants holding his belongings were hardly larger - or stronger - than himself, and he reasoned there would be some damage when he finally got everything indoors.

"I'm not paying you to break my stuff," the cheetah quips over his shoulder as a merchant struggled to drag one of his boxes along the worn path to an empty house, "Can't you be a little more careful?"

Re: DÉJÀ VU — moving in - deimos - 04-01-2020

She knew that voice. She hated it too, like acid in her throat. Well- not the voice specifically, but what it reminded her of. The betrayal, within Leroy. Sure, maybe it would be a 'good idea' in the 'long run', but the amount of distrust it had brewed probably wasn't worth it. Sam's eyes opened, having been taking a nap on the porch without the children, when the sound of Kazuhira reached her ears. She frowned, the doberman slowly picking her head up. Her mismatched gaze followed him, and the merchant behind him, as he headed for the homes.

She pushed to her paws, Sam's eyes narrowed a bit as she started to head towards him. What was she even going to say? Welcome to the Jungle? No, that was too mainstream. "How much shit did you bring?" She called. The antlered doberman's paws shifted, a bit, the hard look in her eyes a familiar taste. It had at least stayed the same, but a number of things were different about Sam during her stay at the Typhoon- between the bags beneath her eyes and the general worn and scruffy look.

Crossing her arms would have been the next move, had she arms instead of legs, but that didn't come. Instead, she continued to wear the judgmental look, eyeing Kaz over.



Re: DÉJÀ VU — moving in - bubblegum - 04-02-2020

Re: DÉJÀ VU — moving in - michael t. - 04-03-2020

Tanglewood. The scent of the swamp dwelling group was enough to make Michael want to turn tail and run, the small fugitive not eager to be on the end of whatever punishment they would give him for his past crimes. As far as he knew, nobody was actually aware of the fact that it had been him who kidnapped Moth, but that didn't make him feel any more at ease when he scented the allied group. Unfortunately for him, the musky scent of Tanglewood was practically the first thing to slap him in the face when he emerged from his home that morning, his ears pinning back as he paused in his step. Part of him wanted to turn right around and hide away inside for the next week – or month – but that would probably be suspicious, and would ultimately just end with Roxie beating down his door to find him. So, he just took a deep breath inward, calming his rattled nerves before he stepped out of his hut and headed down the beach towards the source of the scent. It would do him no good to just try and ignore it, so he might as well see who it was that had come to their island now. Last time it had been Sam, and that had worked out fairly well, so perhaps this wouldn't be so bad, really.

When he eventually arrived where Goldie, Sam, and Kaz were, he found himself pausing, his eyes widening a little at the wide variety of items Kaz had brought with him. It caused a bit of excitement in the thief, who wondered if the former Tangler had anything of value, before he quickly shook his head. Worry about stealing later. With this in mind, Michael moved over beside Sam, leaving a bit of space between them as he sat. Kaz was... interesting, to say the least. The other reminded him a bit of some of the thugs he had worked with earlier in life. Ex-"military" brutes that had good brains but instead decided to focus on using them for heinous things. It had been advantageous for Michael back then, but now it just sort of put him on edge. Especially with the evil eye that Sam was currently giving this guy. He must've done something really fucked up... or she just hated anybody who reminded her of her old home. Either way, Michael found himself muttering after a moment, "Uh... welcome to The Typhoon, I guess? Who're you? I don't have the background info Goldie and Sam do." He wasn't sure the guy would actually take a break from ordering around the crewmates he had claimed as moving peons, but he might as well try to make friends.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: DÉJÀ VU — moving in - THEM - 04-03-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]He pauses, and his hired hand nearly bumps into his back end trying to steady the luggage. There had been a slight stir in Tanglewood before Miller decided that he'd had enough - from attacks, internal conflict, to the inexplicable disappearance of Samantha. She had always been elusive, he knew. Her haughty atmosphere seemed to keep most at bay, and for the sake of avoiding any unnecessary displeasure to come to either of them, he tended to avoid working with her whenever possible. The cheetah's ears flick back, the briefest confusion flickering behind the reflection of his glasses as he cast toward the beach, silent. It was a small world, he supposed.

She asked a question, didn't she? It was the kind of standoff he expected to get from her sooner or later, her expression stony and words sharper in meaning than her calm tone conveyed. Kaz pauses, turns. "Didn't realize you ended up all the way out here, too." Slipping into the posture he carried in Tanglewood, shoulders squared and his face emotionally unyielding, came easy. It reminds him, with the same bitter aftertaste, of his first visit to the Typhoon; though the circumstances were far different, he could see how Ocelot had succeeded in blending in with the regulars, with that upturned nose and unwavering stare. She, too, wouldn't get the satisfaction of seeing him falter in his poise. "Not much. A couple of boxes - didn't feel like dragging it through the sand myself. How've you been, hm?"

Maybe he was wrong in assuming the others were just as... Unnervingly distant as his Tanglewood neighbor. Where Sam had her reservations, Goldenluxury - whom he identified from a past visit as the leader - came trotting up beside her, carrying both the morale of the clan and a box of his trinkets on her back. "Oh, come on, you don't have to do that. But, ah, thanks. I'll take it back, really." He offers a paw, first shooing off the tavern worker before he attempted to shift the box. With Sam watching, and another figure approaching, it would be terribly awkward to have the leader carry what little he had, something he could just as easily drag along himself. "I'm from Tanglewood - I knew Sam, while I lived there. You can call me Miller. I suppose we're neighbors, now?"

Re: DÉJÀ VU — moving in - T. ROUX - 04-04-2020

Trygve had been out and about, he was able to move a lot better than the last few weeks after his injury. His nose twitching as he caught sight of someone new, it wasn't long before the cub was trotting over with his tail up in the air and his gaze narrowed. A new crewmate? He supposed that was nice though when did it have to be another old person? Why couldn't it have been someone around his age, he was sure that he would've preferred that anyday. A soft huff escaped him realizing that his cousin was holding a box of the stranger's things, his tufted ears twitching at the sound of their name. Miller. His name even sounded old. His muzzle wrinkled slightly as he found a place next to Michael deciding to stay near his mentor until his mother arrived, his tail lowering itself briefly as it lashed to the sides. He supposed that he should probably introduce himself to the cheetah who was moving in now, a scowl on his face as he would finally muster up a few words out of his maw "Welcome to the Typhoon, Miller. I'm Trygve," There was a pause almost as if he was sizing up the cheetah in that moment only to finish with a roll of his shoulders "Call me Ry." It wasn't a suggestion, it was more of a demand if anything. The only people allow to call him by his full name or any form of nickname was usually reserved for his family alone. His forked tongue would slip out from his jaws only to swipe across his lips, he decided to lean against Michael not minding the fact that his burns were visible to be seen. He wanted people to know, he kicked ass. And got his ass kicked in return though he'd never admit that. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: DÉJÀ VU — moving in - OCTANE. - 04-04-2020

Oh shit! Another cheetah! What the fuck is up! People were just really coming in now, weren't they? Octane left his own hut in quick steps, his metal legs digging into the sand and threatening to trip him with every step. Caustic was still asleep, so the Typhoon would fall victim to his own abrasive personality now. He scrambles towards them- the presence of another cheetah feels familiar to him in a way he can't quite explain.
His head's already tolling through the differences as he approaches. He's picking up the tail ends of conversation, brain ticking through his own bits to add, arriving in haste. "Oh! You're from Tanglewood? Caustic is from there, that place stinks, have you met him?" he notes that Miller is taller than him, and a fake scenario plays out in his head of using his metal legs to bring the other to his size. He sees a few others there he recognizes; Michael, Sam, Goldie, and one of Roxie's little shits. His attention zooms back to the other cheetah, though.
"How fast can you go? Can we race sometime? I'll beat you," its a challenge and Octane is ready to fight for it. As soon as his wounds are healed, of course. Running was about the only damn thing fun around here, at least, that he could do by himself.
"Also, where did you get your scars? They're pretty wicked!"

Re: DÉJÀ VU — moving in - bubblegum - 04-10-2020

Re: DÉJÀ VU — moving in - deimos - 04-16-2020

Her ears twitched, and she huffed, one paw reaching up and brushing at her head. The paw ran over her antlers, and she softly cursed them for revealing herself. Shaking her head, she lowered her paw. A low grumble came from her as Goldie slipped past her, moving to help him. It was a bit of distaste on her face, before her ears lowered a bit, wings relaxing at her sides. What was she so afraid for? This fear in her stomach, her chest. The Pitt wasn't even the same way, anymore. Not like this.

"After the shit that Leroy pulled, I wasn't staying there." Tones that she hadn't used in a few weeks revealed themselves, especially judging by the fact that Miller brought the scent of the Swamp with him wherever he stepped. And that, she remarked, was rather strange- judging by the fact that he had been living in a swamp as a cheetah. She snorted, in an amused fashion. "Been fine. Caring for some kids." Would she admit to the fact that she cared for them as her own? Not in front of Miller. One glanced shifted towards Goldie, and she winked a tiny bit, before looking back towards the center of conversation.

She fell silent as others approached. With a flattened ear, she looked on.

