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you're so warm | travelling merchants - Printable Version

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you're so warm | travelling merchants - Reed - 03-30-2020

The final stop on their journey around the clans, The Typhoon. It was quite obviously a final stop, being on an island and all, bu it was pretty nice to be able to close up their clan travel-book for a bit. Now, the clans were great and The Typhoon was like a literal tropical resort with nice people that didn't try and rob him! but he was already itching to go and find more stuff to sell, barter, banter, exchange. It was something that kept him moving, making it so that despite wanting to settle down eventually, he didn't know if he'd actually be able to. It was a concern for another day though, today was Typhoon Time.

It was a nice trip over to the island, the sun was up and not trying to bash his head in with a stick, the air was breezin, the waves weren't too much, all pretty good. It was a bit later than he'd normally arrive at a clan but his departure from Tanglewood had been fairly late and tiring, leaving Reed and Goatus to take a longer than usual stop on their way to sleep. Well, Reed slept. Did Goatus sleep? he wasn't quite sure.

He was travelling on the aforementioned's back, yawning into the wool piled around her dense form. She was a good cushion. He was still a bit tired but not really sure why. They were nearly at the border when he finally pulled himself up and hopped onto the wagon trailing behind them, attached pretty well to Goatus the magnificant. He held onto the lashed rope as they came to a stop at the massive gate, making quick work of unwrapping the tarp and unhooking his partner. It was nice to take his time to set up, it wasn't really that difficult considering he pretty much just rolled up the tarp and put the gate down, but it was still a good routine. He'd choose a few interesting and eye-catching items to sit at the front and hopefully generate attention or whatever. It was going to be an alright time.

The messenger bird that he'd sent to see if the tropical clan had wanted anything only came back with two things written down, 'lots of fruit and bread' and 'unreadable scribble', but he figured that he probably had whatever it is that they'd wanted.. hopefully. He'd arrived with a lot of fruit though, continuing to pick whatever he could on his way towards the clan. He didn't have so much bread, it tended to go bad in travel and he really didn't think that these people were interesting in eating hardtack instead. He did have some though, buns and a few loaves that he'd traded for in Tanglewood.

"Hello, Typhooners! It's us, the merchants, back to trade, talk, and tantalize you with services. As before, we deliver messages, people, packages, and take on contracts to look for things. All are welcome to inquire!"

[no need to match length Smile]

Re: you're so warm | travelling merchants - hushsound. - 03-30-2020

The last time that the traveling merchants by the names of Reed and Goatus had visited the Typhoon, Hushsound had not been around. Or rather, he had been around, he just hadn't been awake. He had still been in his coma, trapped in his own mind and struggling against monsters of his own making in an effort to escape. It hadn't exactly been a fun time, and the wolf much rather would've been up and about around the Typhoon, present for when the rather odd couple had come around before. Unfortunately, he hadn't been able to back then, but now things were different. Hush had awoken from his slumber, and he had no intentions of ever doing anything similar again. Of course, he hadn't meant to do it in the first place, but it seemed as though the inner turmoil he had been feeling before the coma was gone, which hopefully meant that had been what the purpose of it was. Or at least, that was what the canine could hope. He had to rationalize it somehow, so that he wouldn't be living in constant fear every time he went to take a nap or decided to sleep for the night. An existence without sleep... well, it just wasn't possible, not unless you were some kind of supernatural being. And as heroic as Hushsound was, he was not, in fact, supernatural.

The first few days after waking up had been rough, and had involved a lot of him just working to regain his strength, eating and drinking slowly so that he didn't end up getting sick and undoing all the progress that he had made. It had been frustrating, especially for a male who was normally used to being up and about at most times, but he had gotten through it eventually, putting back on most of the weight that he had lost. He still felt a little sluggish at times, and knew that soon he would need to do some training to regain his old prowess in battle – even if they weren't under as much threat as when he had first gone to sleep – but for now he just needed to get out of Goldie's hut and see the rest of the Typhoon. He had been asleep for so long that it practically felt like an entirely new place, if he was being honest. There were so many new faces... new children, including his sister's little ones. He was certainly going to fall behind if he didn't get out a bit more, which was why he had found himself stepping out onto the sand, shaking out his dark fur and heading towards the tavern to see who he could interact with.

However, around halfway to his destination, the hero of the seas was distracted by a new, unfamiliar voice reaching him. Head tilting curiously, Hush decided to change course, pushing through a few trees until he made it to where Reed and Goatus were patiently waiting. Their little sales pitch was rather amusing, and Hush found a faint smile coming to his muzzle as he crossed the last bit of distance to in front of the pair. There wasn't really anything that the canine needed that was physical, and he hardly had much to trade... but he was curious about something. Clearing his throat, the mostly mute wolf stretched a long leg out to claw into the ground, desperately hoping that Reed would be able to read his words so that he wouldn't have to speak, "You said that you take on contracts to look for things... will you look for people, as well?" Ever since Hushsound had woken up, he had been desperately wondering where his boyfriend, Kilius, had disappeared off to. One of the male's first questions had been about the other's whereabouts, but none actually knew where the maned wolf had decided to go after his boyfriend had fallen into his deep sleep. Perhaps Reed and Goatus could help him, somehow.
[glow=black,2,300]FOR YOU HAVE A DEMON TO SLAY[/glow]

Re: you're so warm | travelling merchants - THEM - 04-04-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Not too long ago, Kazuhira lived in a world where every stranger was an enemy, and every unplanned appearance, unscheduled visit and discussion a potential threat. Anyone, anything, could wield tooth and claw if they felt particularly self-assured that day. Worse, they carried weapons and set traps in the thickets for unsuspecting rogues to fall victim to, taking limbs, eyes, lives, if nobody was around to save them. Lone wolves were perhaps the least of his worries at the time, as they appeared just as frequently as they were removed, but the scent of a stranger arriving at the train tracks still reminded him of past conflict. His hackles rose by reflex, bristling at the thought.

He knew they were innocent at best, well-versed in clan secrets (but hardly malignant) at worst. If this were any other time and place, Kazuhira would shoo them off with a warning, tell them to come back with a better reason for their trespassing. The Typhoon were a self-sufficient bunch. But those days were over, he knew; as a newcomer to the Typhoon himself, the most he could do was watch his own back. His peers seemed more willing to mingle with traders, as the bustling tavern seemed to prove.

"...Trade what?" The cheetah would raise a brow if he could, but instead he gives a flick of his tail, glances at the unfamiliar face of Hushsound. He doesn't have much to offer, nor does he really want to, but it wouldn't hurt to inquire.