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UWU | travelling mechants - Printable Version

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UWU | travelling mechants - Reed - 03-30-2020

Swampy mcswamp was third on the list of clans. It was sorta obvious that it would be third because like, they'd already been to Elysium and The Pitt, It's not like they were gonna just cross to a literal island before they went to Tanglewood. Despite the reluctance to enter the swamp, it was probably gonna be quicker than last time because they actually knew how to navigate and get in. They wouldn't needed to be weighed and bugged down by.. so. much. muck.

Reed forgot how much he hated this. Goatus, being the unyielding trooper that she was, didn't have any issues with it, continuing to pull the cart down the small trails, but Reed? ugh. He wasn't a very vain animal, he didn't have anything really positive or negative to say about himself. He thought he was a good merchant, he was good at dealing with cold weather. That was sorta it. But there were two things that he could not handle. Muck, and 40's headpieces. The muck was obvious, it was gross and clumpy, but he had a god awful vendetta against 40's headpieces. The 20's and 30's had been so good, but then the 40's hit and it was all like 'hey! we're gonna take this small bit of fabric and put a weird tulle over it. that's all' and it was irritating! why anybody like that, he had no clue.
Back to the actual point of him being a merchant, though he could go on for hours about how much he absolutely hated 40's headpieces. Who knows why. Well, he was actually pretty open about why.

The red panda didn't have the option to perch on Goatus's back like on the journey here, instead having to trot behind the cart to make sure it didn't get stuck in anything. Yeah, it was better now that they knew the pathways and stuff but still. His paws got muddy and it got weird bits in the rest of his fur. He'd have to wash up before he went to The Typhoon, just like last time.

Finally though, they were at the town. Having cleared the swamp and ducked and weaved through the forest, he could finally get back on the back of Goatus during that part, they had entered the main place of life for the clan. It was too early for much to be going on, the odd tangleite staring at them as they passed, so they took advantage to set up in the town square. It wasn't much of a setup when compared to the shop that they used in Elysium, it was only really a dropping of the wagon gate, rolling back the tarp, and grabbing some packages that had been requested last time. Tanglewood had asked for the most personal use stuff out of any of the clans, surprising considering that they were pretty resource-y, but some things definitely couldn't be made that easy.

"Hello, members of Tanglewood! Us, the merchants, are back for barter, banter, and exchange of services. All are welcome to inquire!"

Re: UWU | travelling mechants - CAUSTIC. - 03-30-2020

Caustic tilted his head backwards, looking out of his window with a side eye. The dots above his eyes raise, tail hitting the tile as he sees the familiar pair and the cart of goods. Excellent! Caustic heads to a room, going through his things and attempting to ration what he could trade. He settles on a pile of rabbit and raccoon skins building in his trash area, placing it in a bag and bringing it outside.
There is some... joy to his step. Reed and Goatus had human possessions, and Caustic wanted these things. They were familiar to him and reaffirmed his human consciousness.
He hangs the bag over his neck, stepping outside and locking his house behind him. Caustic pads toward them, gas puffing from his face like a small chimney, stopping when he got close enough and dropped the bag. "Reed, Goatus," He coughs, "Good to see you again. What do you bring this time?"

Re: UWU | travelling mechants - alaric g. - 03-30-2020

    Hello, members of Tanglewood!

    The voice of a stranger roused Alaric from a peaceful slumber. He was not keen on being awoken by anything other than his own circadian rhythm, and as a result he grumbled to himself out of a certain early-morning grumpiness that everyone had experienced in their lifetime. Groggily, he rose to his paws and padded towards the window of his own home, peering outwards with his blue hues.

    He perceived, in the morning sunshine, that a merchant of sorts had opened up shop in the town square for the day. He couldn't quite make out any of the wares that the red panda kept in the cart attached to a... goat? Alright. It wasn't the strangest thing he had seen in Tanglewood, he supposed.

    With his interests piqued, the tabby began to search his home high and low for anything that might have some value that he was also willing to part ways with. Eventually he found a small collection of glassware, beakers and Erlenmeyer flasks and such, that he had recovered from the junkyard. He'd found them in tact, miraculously. At the moment, he had no express use for them; he'd have no qualms parting ways with them if it meant he could get something a with a bit more immediate value.

    Alaric placed them in a small leather satchel and departed from his home. He made for the town square, noting that Caustic had already arrived, and upon arrival the tabby laid his satchel just before his paws. He cast his gaze towards the red panda before speaking. "What do you have in there? Any books, perhaps?"
don't do love, don't do friends