Beasts of Beyond
pounces on you | travelling merchants - Printable Version

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pounces on you | travelling merchants - Reed - 03-30-2020

The Pitt was the next stop on the merchants journey. Closest place on land to Elysium, total opposite climate. Great. Now, they didn't have a bad time here or anything, though the person that had wanted to like kill them or something had been weird, but it was a bit of a shock to go from nice cold weather to 'the sun is personally beating me with a stick, she hates me' y'know? Reed and Goatus were built for cold weather, not the desert.

The last time that they were here had been.. odd. Not terrible, just odd. They'd actually done quite well in trading and getting rid of extra inventory, which was sorta expected for a clan that lived in a resource-less hellscape, and there were certainly some interesting people living here, but the 'decor' had bothered him. The heads on the border, the spiked border. He'd seen dead bodies before, had watched people die, but the rotted heads? gross. It was surprising to see them gone this time. They and the masks had been taken off somewhere, hopefully not to do something weird, and the border was just clear. Of course there was still the fact that the spiked border remained but that was expected. They were still a clan with a violent past.

Reed had tried to prepare himself for the sudden shock of heat, but he wasn't successful. Goatus, the wonderful lady she was, didn't seem to be affected by it at all despite the wool thick upon her body. There were things that Reed couldn't really explain about his companion, not that he minded, but it really left him to ponder sometimes. He loved her anyways, revered her, and she treated him well in return.

The two stood at the border now, waiting for interested Pittians to come and inquire about their stock. They had been asked to search for jewellery last time that they were here, so they now had a small parcel sitting in the corner of the wagon. Nobody else had asked for anything so they'd just brought basic inventory. "Hello, Pittians! We, the merchants, have returned to trade, barter, and ask of services needed. All are free to inquire."

Re: pounces on you | travelling merchants - Mercede - 03-30-2020

diamonds are a girl’s bestfriend -

mercede f. callahan
the pitt
2 months

pronounced: (mur-say-dee)

female - marble cross fox (white, gray, black) - 2 months - Jervis x Fourthwall - no crush - no mentor

mental manipulation
call me your sweet baby —

With time she would learn to be excited whenever merchants showed their faces. Her greedy little self had yet to be opened to the miraculous world of riches and accessories.

The arrival of Reed and Goatus would excite her immensely. This wasn’t the first time they had come here but this was the first time she would pay them any attention.

The little fox would stride of, her fluffy tail lashing, “hello! What items do you have?”


Re: pounces on you | travelling merchants - silvertides ; - 03-30-2020

If Silvertides had been a part of the Pitt last time that Reed and Goatus had visited, then he hadn't seen them. This wasn't particularly surprising, considering the fact that the fox had a bad habit of hiding himself away in his burrow for days at a time, not talking to anybody else and just enjoying his books and experiments. He had been doing that practically since the day he had first decided to join The Pitt, and he had only recently been coaxed out of this habit by none other than a Typhooner, desperately searching for help. Ever since that day, Silver had been making more of an effort to get out more often, mainly for the sake of the boy he had helped, Roan. Seeing as the little apprentice still smelled strongly of the Typhoon, he practically had a target painted on his back for some of the... less tolerable members of the Pitt, so Silver knew that he needed to keep a watchful eye. Beyond this, Silvertides had honestly just... begun to get lonely. His introverted nature made it so that he didn't mind being cooped up by himself too much, but anyone would go crazy without a little bit of contact with the outside world, and that had been becoming more and more clear to him as of late.

The strange unfamiliar scent of Reed and Goatus outside of his burrow had been enough to pique Silver's interest, but it wasn't until Reed spoke that it was enough to actually draw the strangely colored fox out. He harrumphed a bit to himself before he shoved the book he had been reading to the side, his collar bouncing against his fluffy chest as he headed upwards, towards the border between desert and jungle. He blinked at Goatus in surprise for a moment, having not been expecting to see the large wooly creature, but before long his attention was on the one who had spoken – Reed. He had talked about bartering, trading, and... requests. Silver couldn't help but be curious about what the two could've had hidden away in their supplies. Perhaps human items? Silv loved human artifacts, especially those related to the superheroes that he had learned them to be so fond of. Excitement filling him, the fox moved over beside Mercede, pawing at the ground awkwardly before he spoke, "H... Hello there. You say you've got things to trade, right...? You got any... human stuff? Comic books, maybe?" It was doubtful that the merchants would have what he was looking for, and even more doubtful that they'd have anything that he hadn't already scavenged in his last trip to an abandoned old comic shop, but it was worth a shot.