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PARTNERS IN CRIME |♦| dual-joining - Printable Version

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PARTNERS IN CRIME |♦| dual-joining - fae. - 03-30-2020

[glow=white,1,400]KARMA WILL BITE YOU IN THE ASS — 。+゚.[/glow]
”You ready for this trip, Ranger? It’s going to be a long one, but it will be worth it.”

"You're always so upbeat about this stuff. I'm just looking forward to getting out of this shithole."

”Damn straight. You know, I wish my grandpa could have taken me on more road trips in my life. You and I both missed out on a lot in childhood, am I right?”

There was a lighthearted chuckle as Raiden rolls onto his side to look at his closest friend, holding his head up with his hand, elbow resting on the pillow beneath it. Though, there was a tiny hint of something in Raiden’s light green eyes that gave away some note of depression thinking about it. He was usually great at hiding how he felt, but this time something slipped for once.

Freedom. They finally had it. Freedom. It almost made him cry, if it weren’t for the fact that he steeled himself against doing something so weak in front of Ranger.

"I mean, I didn't even get the idea of a roadtrip unless my ma wanted to take off so at least you know how this shit goes."

It was an entertaining idea, getting away from it all even if it was only a few days, but Ranger knew that he could never fully escape. He could try as hard as he could but there would still be someone who knew him as a kid. If it wasn't his old boys, it was people that he'd scammed, or pigs that he'd outrun. well, the pigs could never really tell him apart from his boys so he was probably fine there.
"It'll be alright. We're gonna have a good time and forget all this shit before you know it."

”Yeah...” Raiden’s voice trailed off a bit, thoughtful, and remembering all the things that happened to him and Ranger both.

He gave a smile, though did have that little bit of worry about the cops trying to come after him and Ranger. They both were trying to change for the better, and it looked like they wouldn’t truly be able to escape it entirely. But they sure as hell could try. And this road trip was an opportunity for some fun with little risk.

“You’re right. We’ll have a ton of fun, just letting loose. We deserve it after all the shit that’s happened.”


It was safe to say that their roadtrip had gone a little off track, considering that the two men had been roaming unknown lands for nearly two weeks. Well, it might not have been appropriate to call them men, as they certainly weren't anymore. Ranger didn't really know what the hell they were, he had a vague idea about what he was, but what his bro was? no fucking clue. He'd gone from a short pale dude, not even making it up to Ranger's shoulders, to this weirdass, absolutely huge, scaly dog thing. God, if he existed, come save them.

Waking up here hadn't been the absolute worst, better than being dead, but it was creepy as hell. Weird looking animals roamed, including his now huge buddy, and half of the things here seemed to be able to do unnatural floating or glowing shit. The only time that he'd come close to glowing was when he'd use that glow in the dark paint stuff that his girlfriend had given him for a rave. Under a blacklight, it was pretty cool, but this was.. not that. Not even close to that.
He wasn't sure if he was some sort of wolf or dog, maybe a wolfy dog?, but he definitely didn't have anything like the glow-y shit. He'd seen his reflection in a pond and he sorta looked like a husky but not quite.

Whatever, the only solid thing is that he really wasn't a human anymore. He felt like he should be a bit more freaked out about this? Raiden had been upset, but he felt sorta, detached. like something the fancy therapists would say. It wasn't a worry right now, he was more concerned with finding a place to stay where he wouldn't be eaten. Normally, he'd be concerned about Raiden but he could handle himself a bit better than Ranger could now.

The two had found a weird-ass railroad thing that stretched out to some distant island. They'd sorta agreed that the island was either uninhabited or had some of those weird animals living on it, but it was better than nothing. They were hungry, Ranger could catch food with ease but it took a lot to keep Raiden full now. They had to, clumsily, sprint across the stretch as they realised halfway down that the tide was coming in.

So, now they sat on what Ranger assumed was the border from the awful smell, weird gate, and his minimal knowledge of animals marking shit. [glow=white,1,400]" Eyo, y'all people here? or like, nobody here or what. If y'all are a group, can we join."[/glow]
[wait for [member=13003]RAIDEN.[/member] to reply]

Re: PARTNERS IN CRIME |♦| dual-joining - Cosmic - 03-30-2020

The weeks that had gone by of them just trying to survive were long and harsh. It took a long time to adapt to their incredibly odd bodies- one being a wolf dog of some sort, and... well, Raiden didn’t know exactly what he was. He stood well over Ranger’s height, unlike in his previous body, and was... sort of built like a dog? But he had a long, serpentine tail and scales running across his snout, belly, and horns. Oh... yeah. He had horns. He didn’t know what he was. He also had these weird, fiery orbs that hung around his neck like a necklace that didn’t seem to cause any harm to him or his bro, so it was safe to say it came with the form. Whatever he was.

Those scales as well had that glow to them. It was so weird seeing himself lit up like this outside of one of their parties together. Did his eyes do that too? He couldn’t tell, because none of these weird ass effects did anything specific for him or to him other than make him look like a gigantic walking glowstick of a man. Well, they weren’t men anymore.

That was for sure. They were animals. That was all he and Ranger had concluded from their resurrection.

He stretched out his enormous draconic wings, the veins appearing like magma in color, and his forked tongue slipped out into view as he yawned. Well, they were here, and there was evidence that beings of some sentience lived in this area. It was best that they find somewhere they could stay and get shelter at. And perhaps some food! Raiden was starving!

He turned to look down at the canine next to him, who sat down and announced their presence to those who resided in the area. He just shook his head a bit, scales both glowing and glistening under the light provided. “Bruh, compared to me, you be lookin’ like a snack.” Raiden grinned, giving one of his signature contagious laughs.

Not gonna lie, I really am hungry. I could go for a six inch sub.” He grumbled then, pawing at the grass in boredom as they waited for folks to come by. If there was anyone here. He expected someone to show up, or something at the very least.

Re: PARTNERS IN CRIME |♦| dual-joining - michael t. - 03-31-2020

The thought of one arriving to the Typhoon from another world – or as an animal from a different form – was sort of utterly bewildering to Michael. The male had been born as a bobcat, and he had spent his entire life living as one, albeit while also adding on other modifiers through his life's journey. Thief, asshole, snake. They'd all been used for him at some point in the past, but never had he been called human. It had taken a long time for the fugitive to just get used to the reality of the fact that he and others had strange powers, and now there were people going around saying they used to be gods and humans and angels at one point in their lives. It sounded utterly crazy to him, but as long as they stayed away from him and didn't try to shove their own weird realities into his, they could usually just co-exist. Perhaps that was why he disliked Blits so much, since the other clearly didn't have the right knowledge to deal with the world that he was now in, yet he pretended that he knew everything. Either way, Michael wasn't allowed to vent his frustrations too much on that front. Roxie and Goldie had both already gotten on his case the last time he had lashed out, so he had been making... somewhat of an effort to be more friendly, and less judgemental. Just, a smidgen of effort, really.

Michael hadn't been drawn over to the border this time because of the usual rhythmic clashing of the bell, but instead because of soft voices he had heard while he had been out fishing. He had been out near where shore let the tracks, his body already halfway submerged in the water as he stood still and waited for his chance to strike out and grip something scaly and delicious in his jaws. He had figured that the time spent in the water would be pretty uneventful, since he hadn't seen anyone else when he had first climbed on in, but now it seemed as though his peaceful day was being interrupted. Lifting his head when Ranger's voice echoed out, the bobcat hesitated for a moment, glancing between the tracks and his floating prey. He'd already been out here for a while, did he really want to head over just to see what was going on? He considered just letting someone else deal with the pair, but he also knew that he was fairly visible from the tracks, so they'd either just notice him eventually, or one of the other crew members would notice and he'd be reprimanded for not going to welcome them in. Sighing heavily, the dark furred male moved out of the water and onto the sand, shaking out his thick pelt before he slipped his usual glasses and jewelry back on, having abandoned them before he went fishing so that they wouldn't get dirtied.

Once he had his usual accessories back, the fugitive made his way over to where Ranger and Raiden were, his brow ridges raising when he heard Raiden's words. A six inch sub? Wasn't that a sandwich? It sounded good, and Michael was glad his stomach wasn't growling at the mere thought of food right now, but it also seemed like such an odd request. Especially for someone so... well, not mundane, that was for sure. Despite Raiden's unusual appearance, Michael made an effort not to stare, which wasn't too hard considering who he had as crewmates. After all, when you had unique lookers like Goldie and Marina within your home, you got used to unusual appearances fairly quickly. Shaking these thoughts off with a quick little twist of his head, the thief sat down before speaking, "We're here. This island is the territory of the Typhoon... if you're lookin' to join, it would be appreciated for you to give your name. Both of you." He made it sound rather serious, but he also knew full well that it wasn't that arduous of a process to join the Typhoon. Well... except for the whole jungle juice thing, which he still hadn't done yet. Aside from that, however, it was mostly just a matter of being friendly, and not a complete murdering psycho asshole.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: PARTNERS IN CRIME |♦| dual-joining - fulzanin - 04-02-2020

Blits had toned down his sporadic searching nature as of late. Toned down for several reasons. The first was that he had worn himself out, so tired that he hadn't even noticed someone trying to pull something off him until he actually was in pain. The second was because he'd tried kicking a rock, and wandering around with one of his two feet out of condition was far from an easy feat. His foot had gotten better thanks to him not putting enough force into the kick to fracture or break anything, but putting weight on it was as far from pleasure as being electrocuted. Maybe not that extreme, but pain was never something Blits was good at gauging. Many things he was not good at grasping due to the fried state of his mind, but attempts were made and many of them fell flat.

Humans were a norm where Blits came from. He was married to one, after all. He wasn't in the same world where his beloved and other half was, and where all his knowledge came from. Blits' knowledge was very narrow. Dealing with monsters, teaching monsters how to fly, and operating a wind generator were all very niche. However, things such as sweeping, mopping, and cooking barely helped him stay alive when there was no husband there to keep Blits' overall stupidity from getting him killed. Knowing about sub sandwiches, oddly enough, fell into his narrow knowledge. "What kind of sub?" The vibrant Sinornithosaurus questioned as he approached. He figured that, from what he heard, Michael had already addressed the important part that he was allowed to inquire about what Blits deemed the more important part. He could make sub sandwiches! As long as the bread for such a thing was around. Orange eyes briefly dazed off while he tried to recall if he had even seen sub sandwich bread around, snapping back to attention a few seconds later.

TAGS 2/27/20:

Re: PARTNERS IN CRIME |♦| dual-joining - Cosmic - 04-04-2020

Raiden was a bit caught off guard when Michael appeared, giving the anticipated questions. He stared off, almost letting his mouth hang open as he listened to yet another animal talk to him. You would think that with the two weeks or so of getting around this place he and Ranger took he would have been used to the phenomenon by now, but no. No, no, no. His tail curled slightly around his leg, an anxious habit he developed, as he fumbled his words a bit.

I... ah, yeah. I’m Raiden. This is my best friend, Ranger.” He waved a paw in the other canine’s direction, trying to convey who he was speaking with, even if he didn’t need to make gestures. It was yet another habit he carried on with him to this life. He quit staring off into space as he began speaking, instead listening in closely for a response of some kind. “We’re lookin’ for a place to stay, so it would be nice to join I suppose. What am I getting myself into? What are you guys about?

He noticed another creature join the Typhooner, and immediately liked the new guy. What kind of sub? Hell, any sub worked! He was starved! He did enjoy seafood subs, that was for sure. “Well, I mean, I’m really hungry, so I can go for anything really.” That got Raiden to open up- food. It made him feel a bit better about this situation, even if he was still uncertain and quietly praying that Ranger would step in at some point.

What’re your guys’ names, since we’ve given ours?” The hellhound-dragon hybrid asked, tilting his head a bit as he waited for replies.

Re: PARTNERS IN CRIME |♦| dual-joining - OCTANE. - 04-05-2020

Being a former human was something Octane could relate to- because he was one. He had yet to spill his whole life story to Typhoon, doing so in the past had never bothered him before.
Octane approaches now, feet digging in the sand and looking over the both of them. Chirps and chitters fall from his throat, tail raising up.
"Hey there, amigos! My name's Octavio, but you can call me Octane! I prefer it." It's like... his brand name, yeah. It's who he is.

Re: PARTNERS IN CRIME |♦| dual-joining - michael t. - 04-06-2020

Being stared at while someone's mouth hung open at the mere sight of seeing you... well, it wasn't an expression Michael was unfamiliar with. However, he was usually seeing it because someone had caught him stealing their stuff, and it meant that he needed to bolt damn near fucking immediately if he wanted to live. This time though, the fugitive knew that he hadn't stolen anything from these guys, so seeing that expression gaping back at him was a little confusing. It almost made the bobcat want to say something, but just as he was opening his maw, Raiden began to speak, hastily introducing himself and his companion. They seemed like an odd pair to be joining up, but he didn't have too much room to speak on that. They might not have come originally as a pair, but one could definitely say he and Trevor were an odd couple that had graced the Typhoon. Although it seemed as though these two best friends were actually just best friends, and not lovers in denial – well, it had been one side in denial, but still.

Shaking his head to clear his irrelevant thoughts away, Michael sighed before speaking up in a meow, "Nice to meet the two of you, I guess. My name's Michael De Santa, but you can just call me Michael. Or any Mike related nickname you want, I don't really care." Most people didn't even bother asking before they gave him a nickname, so he had become so desensitized to it all that it hardly mattered to him anymore. Giving a quick roll of his shoulders, the bejeweled feline smirked slightly before continuing, "And in joinin' the Typhoon, you're in for a world of adventure. We're pirates, after all. You know, all that shit. Pirate's code, thieves, drunks... generally a lot of us are just pretty boring, though." At least, he was. And Roxie had gotten a little bit more boring, ever since she had a bunch of kids, which was understandable.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]