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ANDANTE;; open - intro & picnic - Printable Version

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ANDANTE;; open - intro & picnic - trojan g. - 03-29-2020

She'd been in the Typhoon a while, for as long as she could remember actually, but hadn't made many - if any - appearances. If anything, Merida had been something more of a passing glance, the smell of food, or even soft whispers. Usually she kept to herself, cooking for herself, cleaning her own little home, but it had gotten tiresome and lonely.

Thus she decided she would cook once more, though this time more than she normally would, for after a while of boiling the water and cooking the pasta, the mutated caracal found herself padding out, cushioned rag on her head as she carefully balanced a fresh meal on her head, jaws wrapped around a basket carrying a blanket as she carried herself towards the beach.

It was a nice day for a picnic, she'd decided. A picnic where she'd meet others that she'd not met before, and converse with the other pirates while eating a meal. And thus she set it up, dropping the basket, placing the food down carefully so as not to ruin the big plate of food. Checkered blanket spread out on the sand, she'd place plates out, taking her own before grabbing some food with tongs, placing them carefully back into the middle before taking her own place to the side, sitting, waiting, and eating.

Rock shrimp pasta.

[align=center]text | "speech"

Re: ANDANTE;; open - intro & picnic - michael t. - 03-30-2020

If there was one way to quickly get on Michael's good side, it was through his stomach. It was no secret that the bobcat was an enormous fan of sweets, but his love of food went beyond just that. After spending so many months of his childhood starving and scavenging for scraps, he had chosen to always take advantage whenever food was offered – or not offered – and that hadn't changed with his arrival to The Typhoon. If anything, the only thing that had changed was how exactly the food was delivered to him. Back when he and Trevor had been traveling loners, he had become used to raw meals with the occasional sweet as a treat. Around the Typhoon, though? It seemed as though a disproportionate amount of the crew members around here could cook, and could cook well, too. The fugitive certainly wasn't about to start complaining, since he definitely enjoyed a nice cooked meal more than any piece of raw prey that he could get his dark paws on.

The bobcat ended up drawn out of his hut when the smell of cooked foot reached his nose, his jewelry faintly jingling as he descended down the little ramp and onto the sand. His aviators were blocking out the sun as usual, and he was able to identify Merida and her little picnic setup as a dot on the beach without too much fuss. The thief swiftly found his way over to where she was, glancing the mutated caracal over with curiosity. She smelled strongly of the Typhoon, but he wasn't sure he had ever seen her before, even after a while of being here. Had he just not been paying attention? Shrugging it off, the male spoke softly after clearing his throat, a toothy grin upon his muzzle, "Hey there. I'm Michael, Michael De Santa. I don't believe we've met before... you've got a real nice setup here. Were you intendin' on sharing with everyone?" He really hoped that she said yes – he also really hoped his excitement wasn't written in his body language, knowing full well his little nubbin of a tail had a habit of twitching and wagging wildly when he was excited.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: ANDANTE;; open - intro & picnic - Jameson - 03-30-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 15px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"] Jamie had never longed for food. He'd been well cared for since he was born and, though he wasn't much older than three months, felt like he'd done pretty good for trying new things. Sure, some things upset his tummy, and some things were too spicy, and some things were just too intense for him, but he still tried new things. His overactive senses didn't really help, the tastes and smells only sharper upon his tongue and even more cloying in his sinuses, so sometimes he just had to stick to simple things. Today was not one of those days though, he had woken up alright, had a small breakfast, and then headed out to walk along the shore. It was quiet, aside from the seagulls and the brushing of waves on the sand, smelled only of sea, and nobody was there to bother him. win all around.

Padding down the shoreline, watching the prints under his paws wash away, he'd be distracted by the smell and faint chatter of someone just down from him. Someone he hadn't met? probably. He hadn't really met a lot of his clanmates. His uncle was there though, the smell of the older male one of the few familiar ones to him. Making his way over with slight hesitation, the small cub would stare at whatever was set up on the weird blanket before looking up at the unknown cat thing. "Hi." uhh.. did he just ask about the food? that's what uncle mike did. "What's your name? would you be okay with me having some of that.. food?" Good job, Jamie.

Re: ANDANTE;; open - intro & picnic - trojan g. - 04-01-2020

The caracal knew that there would be others running over as soon as she had left her place and set up the food. The smell of food was almost irresistible to large groups of people, and she was glad that her hunch had been correct.

Watching as the two pad over, she would listen to their words, watching as they looked at her food before waving a paw, "Help yourselves," She would begin, smile making it's way onto her lips before finally answering questions. "I haven't met many here to be honest, though I've lived here a while, my whole life in fact." She would speak, legs shifting for a moment as she changed positions she was in before looking towards them once more, "The name's Merida, it's nice to meet both of you." Although she had yet to catch Jamie's name, she was sure she'd learn it soon enough.

[align=center]text | "speech"

Re: ANDANTE;; open - intro & picnic - michael t. - 04-03-2020

The bobcat felt a grin break out over his muzzle as he was allowed permission to indulge, immediately gravitating towards the food. However, he didn't want to be seen as a pig, especially by the nice new lady who was offering the food, so he took it slow, only grabbing a few things with the tongs – a little bit clumsily, honestly. Once he had gotten the food onto his plate, he turned his attention back to Merida, short tail twitching behind him as he spoke, "It's nice to meet you too, Merida. You say you've been here for a while, huh? I'm surprised I haven't seen you around yet... although I've only been here about a month. Maybe two, I'm not sure. I've never been good with time." Back when he and Trev had been on the road, days and weeks had blended together, instead just becoming vague periods in between heists. Nowadays he didn't have heists to worry about – not big ones, anyways – but things still had a tendency to blur together. The Typhoon was an exciting place, and he had a tendency to recall events more than he did individual days. Things like the dire wolf attack, first meeting Roxie, and his first kiss with Trevor... he remember all of those crystal clear, but if you asked him to put a timeline to them? He'd be hard pressed to comply.
[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]