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VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - Printable Version

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VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - silvertides ; - 03-29-2020

He had been living in the Pitt for a little over a month now. Or at least, as far as he could remember he had been. Sometimes it became difficult for him to keep track of time, what with his constant traveling to find himself. Either way, Silvertides had entered the group with relatively little fanfare, welcomed in at the border by NPCs, getting a tour, and then just... not interacting with anyone. It was really the opposite of what he had intended to do when he had first joined the desert dwelling group, but he couldn't help it. His social anxiety made it difficult for him to muster up the courage to leave his little cave near the edge of the territory, a burrow hidden effectively beneath the sand. He doubted most Pittians even knew he was there, considering he only really came out for food and the occasional exchange of goods. The white and green fox felt bad about not making more friends, but every time he found his way to the edge of the marketplace and thought about stepping out and introducing himself to others... he would shudder, practically toppled over by doubt. It might've made him a coward, but it was simply the way things were, and he was content to let it remain that way... until now.

It had been like any other day, at least to Silvertides. The fox had been inside of his den, curled up in his bed of moss and reading a book quietly, when suddenly he heard a noise outside. It sounded like... panting. And sobbing. Raising his head up from his bed, the fox felt his large ears pin back in worry, scrambling to his paws and heading for the mouth of the little sandy hollow. Once he reached the entrance, a foreign smell invaded his nose, causing the vulpine to recoil. The scent was salty, and wet, and reminded him of fish and the shores he had been born at, moons ago when he had been just a loner's pup. Despite the unfamiliarity of it, especially when compared to the arid scent of the Pitt, Silver found himself drawn to it, his long, skinny legs guiding him go the source of the scent – a child. An apprentice, no older than maybe seven months, with green draconic wings and small, growing green horns. The boy was curled in on himself, sniffling and hiccuping, and seemingly berating himself for whatever had happened prior to his arrival.

The next twenty or so minutes were a bit of a blur, with Silver playing twenty questions with the boy until he finally got the information he sought. The boy's name was Roan Ó Foaláin-Roux, he was a Typhooner, and he needed a place to stay. Silver recalled that the Typhoon was not looked upon incredibly favorably as of late, but... Roan was just a boy, and the feline pleaded that he wouldn't cause any trouble, he just couldn't go back home. Silver wasn't sure what exactly Roan had done to shake himself up so bad, but from what clues he could pick up on, the apprentice had evidently hurt someone he loved, and didn't have the heart to face what he had done. After hearing Roan's – rather abridged – story, Silvertides was fine with taking him in. However, there was one problem with that plan... he would need to tell the rest of the group. The vulpine doubted that it would look too good if he was found out to be harboring a Typhooner, so it seemed as though the universe had decided to forcibly shove Silver out of his comfort zone in order to make him interact with others.

Silvertides practically felt like crawling out of his skin as he led Roan to the area near the marketplace where most Pittians could be found, feeling many eyes following the two of them with curiosity and disdain when they caught scent of Roan's pelt. Despite this, the vulpine was determined, and before long they were sat near some large crates, Silver leaping upon one of them to grab attention quickly. The male hesitated for a moment, his pale grey gaze cast downwards, but then he glanced at Roan, seeing how the boy was looking at him pleadingly. Sighing, Silver worked up the courage to clear his throat, barking out, "Hello? Hello... you may not know me, but my name is Silvertides Hammer. I've been living here in the Pitt for about a month, but I haven't really been the most... out and about sort. The reason I called you over is because... because today, while I was in my hollow, I encountered this boy." He gestured a paw over towards Roan, who shifted a little awkwardly before Silver continued, "He's a Typhoon apprentice, however... he's seeking shelter here. Temporarily, I think. He promises not to cause us any trouble. Right?" He glanced towards Roan, just to see the siamese swallow thickly before nodding awkwardly. Silver then turned his gaze back towards whatever crowd had gathered, looking over them in an effort to see what reaction they would have.

( obviously set after Roan's breakdown in the Typhoon
Please don't reply until I do with [member=10663]roan ;[/member] ! )

Re: VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - roan ; - 03-29-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Roan couldn't believe what he had done. He hadn't thought he would ever hurt a fellow Typhoon member. He hadn't thought that the nightmares would ever become so bad that he would lash out at others. However, he had, and people had suffered for it. Octane, Kaz, his mama... they all had electrical burns because of him, because of the outburst that he had let out. He felt awful about it, and knew that he should have stayed, to face repentance for what he had done, but... he had felt so scared, and so guilty. He hadn't realized what he was doing until he was already halfway gone, his legs carrying him across the loner lands as quickly as they could manage, away from the Typhoon and away from those that he had hurt. He hadn't even realized where he was going until he had ended up at the Pitt, collapsing on the border in a sobbing, exhausted mess. He had honestly been lucky that Silver had found him, or he probably would've died out there, under the searing hot sun.

The siamese had been reluctant when Silver had begun questioning him, so used to stories about how awful the Pitt was and what horrible manipulators they were. However, he could see the genuine concern that the male had, so he had answered... to an extent. Had hadn't expected to hear himself begging for shelter from the crimes that he had committed, but the request had left his muzzle anyways, hanging static in silent air until Silver finally reluctantly agreed. It had honestly been a relief, with pounds upon pounds of weight leaving Roan's shoulders. He would... he would return to the Typhoon, eventually. He just... needed some time away. He needed time to think, about what he had seen in his dreams... and about what he had done. Perhaps the Pitt wasn't the ideal place for that, but it was where he had ended up, and the thought of dragging himself to Tanglewood or Elysium sounded exhausting, and he was sure he wouldn't make it even halfway to either before he succumbed to his needs for food, water, and rest.

He had been extremely nervous when Silver had led him to the marketplace, unnerved by the vicious and suspicious looks that were shot his way by many Pittians thanks to the scent that clung to his fur. Thankfully, it seemed as though they weren't willing to attack, at least not while another Pittian was with him. When Silver jumped atop the crates, Roan had remained silent, just watching the vulpine with the rest of the crowd with his tail curled neatly around his paws. When Silver gestured to him, he awkwardly shifting, feeling pinned beneath the gaze of the crowd. However, when Silver finally finished his little speech, Roan was motivated into action, speaking softly, "I... I am Roan Ó Foaláin-Roux. I may have been born in the Typhoon, but I can't stay there right now. I promise that I won't cause you any trouble, nor will any of my family... I just need somewhere to stay, even for just a week." He looked desperately at the crowd, hoping that he wouldn't be denied and evicted from the territory immediately. He hadn't caused any trouble thus far, and meant what he said about not letting his family cause issues, but... there was bad blood between The Pitt and The Typhoon, and he knew it.
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - trojan g. - 03-29-2020

[div style="max-width: 425px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 30px; opacity: 0.70; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; padding-top: 10px;"]When she'd woken up that morning, the child hadn't expected there to be new faces in the Pitt, let alone a temporary one. Her nose wrinkled at the thought and her ears pinned to her head as she trudged her way out from her own little space, making her way into the camp as she looked over the Pittian and the child before him, unrecognizing both but noticing the name Roan seemed to speak. Roux. She'd heard it before.

It was the kid in Tanglewood that had spoken that name to her, and her eyes would blink in surprise. How could they be related to each other? They looked nothing alike! "You! Roan!" The kid would bark out, eyes focused directly on the other, "Why's your last name Roux, and where's Ó Foaláin come from? You don't look nothin' like Atticus, so you can't be related." She shouldn't care, but she couldn't help but be curious.

She didn't even mind that he was here temporarily any more.

[align=center]text | "speech"

Re: VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - deimos - 03-29-2020

New faces. He knew the smell well enough, having coming from Tanglewood himself. The half jaguar stepped closer to the situation, one smell offering the now comforting Pittian taste to the air, the other the jarring and fishier Typhooner's. However, by the time he truly arrived, Sweeney was already standing there. A brief rumble came from him, dipping his head towards Silvertides- before looking back towards Roan with a shifting gaze.

He exhaled gently, shifting his large paws. He spoke briefly, his tone seeming far more mature after his tussle with sickness and death. The metal mutation, however, was still a brief wonder to him. "I cannot grant you immunity to.. well, some people here." He said softly, his eyes shifting towards the desert sands. He winced, looking back towards Roan with a hopeful look. "But what I can do is offer you a shoulder if you need it. I.. don't know what my father will say- or Gael- about this situation."

Slowly, Piers sat. His tail curled around his paws, neatly, before declaring. "It'll be a moment before.. either arrives. I suppose." He said, before clearing his throat. [b]"My name is Piers. I'm Kydobi's son.. so." He shifted his paws awkwardly.

template by orion

Re: VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - gael - 03-30-2020

Another member of the Typhoon.  The vulpine had been curious when he saw Silvertides take stage, finding himself unusually surprised by the boy's name; Ó Foaláin.  A cousin, but not one he recognized at first sight.

It was an issue the faerie could not dismiss or avoid -- not if the child was family, especially.  Gael knew his cousins to be protective of their own.  Who's son...? Neither Raziel or Kian seemed plausible, which left only one of the Ó Foaláin brothers.

Hazel eyes narrowed, brows creasing.  Séamus.  "... I speak from experience when I say your father is highly prone to trouble.

However, if the boy had taken off without a word of destination, perhaps Séamus knew nothing of his location; leaving room for unfortunate assumptions should anyone find him among the Pitt.

His ear flicked.  "Roan, my name is Gael Ó Broin.  Is mise col ceathrar d’athar.

He bit back a heavy sigh.  I'm going to regret agreeing to this.  "Ní chasfaidh mé ar shiúl thú.  But the final decision is Kydobi's, of course." He tilted his head, a frown pulling his lips down.

Gael had his suspicions -- Roan's promise meant little, especially if no one knew where he had gone.  Should any of his crewmates track him down, the faerie found the likelihood of fast conclusions and unnecessary retaliation extremely high.  Perhaps I should find a way to send a message to Séamus... Alleviate the danger to Aine.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - roan ; - 03-30-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — The first to arrive to Roan's little intro was none other than Sweeney, one of the children of the rather infamous Jervis that the boy had been taught so much about. Her words were barked out less as simple questions and more as vicious commands, and the feline felt his ears pinning back, if only for the briefest of moments. Pulling his wings in close as a comforting hug around himself, Roan explained softly, "My last name is Roux because that's my mama's last name... and Ó Foaláin is my da's last name. I don't even know who Atticus is, so I can't really say whether or not I'm related to him." Roan had never actually been to Tanglewood before, so he knew nothing of his distant relatives that lived within the swamp dwelling group. They might've shared a last name, but as far as he was concerned, they were total strangers.

The next two to show up were rather... unexpected. The first being the son of Kydobi, the male who Roan knew to be leader around here, and the second being a cousin to his father. The draconic feline addressed Piers first, dipping his head to the other boy before he spoke, "Gracias... it's very nice to meet you, Piers." He was somewhat surprised by the other's politeness, having expected to be welcomed with nothing but hostility the moment he finished introducing himself. Gael, however, was the far more unexpected factor. Roan had been told a bit about his expansive family from his father and mother, but he certainly hadn't been expecting to find anyone within the Pitt that he was related to. It filled him with a sense of elation, as well as with confusion. Why would he have family here, when the Pitt was known for being so vicious and unwelcoming? Shifting from paw to paw, Roan looked Gael over for a moment before he spoke, "Dia dhuit, Gael. I didn't realize that I had family living here... it's nice to finally meet you, I guess." He smiled a bit shakily at the fox, trying to figure out what the appropriate response to this was. What did you do, when you met family you never even knew about?
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - Kydobi - 03-31-2020


[OOC: ]

Kydobi was far from the terrible man that others would have him be. He was, however, a sucker for a sob story or anyone in need. Especially if the one in need was a child.

Of course he would be a little concerned and confused by Silver announcing their residency... for quite sometime. But whatever he’d brush it off.

He had been listening and heard enough to understand what was going on. Another typhooner on their lands, and naturally the carried the last name Roux. Kydobi would sigh as he walked over, staying quiet till Gael was done speaking. He gathered from their conversation they were family or something of that sort. Regardless the fact a typhoon child was on their lands seeking asylum was highly unnerving.

The Pitt was easily blamed for situations that they did not cause or start in the first place. The past has shown Kydobi over and over again that words meant nothing to his enemies. They much preferred to plow their way and leave destruction despite his efforts to remain peaceful. No matter what he did they left him in stuck, if he bowed down and complied they would only walk on him more because he was weak. If he refused to bow and stood up for what he believed was true then he was an insufferable fool and tyrant who had to be brought down. So Kydobi was doing his best to avoid another situation that made him make extremely hard choices.

Kydobi would keep quiet for a couple moments while he thought. He was proud to see his son there though, it was a little weird and seeing them gave his heart an odd mix of feelings. Joy and fear. Part of his didnt truly believe his child was back but he has to be thankful.

The jaguar was also suspicious as of why this child had specifically chose this group and place to seek help. We’re on they on the run? If so, why? If Kydobi has known why he would’ve offered help, for he had experience with elementals controlled by emotion.

But all these things were unknown to the brute and it irked him. If he accepted this child would there be greater consequences?

Was one life worth his own people’s?

“Nice to meet you Silver. As for you... Roan is it? I have a couple questions regarding your stay here.”, he looked at them both, “We will help you. But we do not want to be blamed and punished for it by your family and allies.”


Re: VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - CAESAR CIPHER. - 03-31-2020

"You're a fucking idiot."

Caesar's words were, of course, directed towards Kyodi. His black eyes were lit with anger, a serious frown on his maw as he came to join the group that was gathering. He came striding up to the group as if he owned the place - not Kydobi - with his head held high and chest puffed out. He was upset with everyone here, though he was mostly pissed at the leader and Silvertides. "First of all, Silvertides: you're a god damn disgrace of a Pittian." Caesar's words came out in a hiss, his gaze flickering to the fox that brought this Typhoon kid here. "You led this fucker here, and now he knows where we're at. Do you realize what a fucking mistake that was?" What if this was all a trick? What if Roan was here to lead them to believe he was here because he needed help, when in fact he was here to spy.

"You should've sent someone to meet you at the border or some shit." Caesar quickly went on, his tail lashing in thought. "It would've been better than you leading this fucker here." To the place where Pittians frequent. He bit his tongue (metaphorically) in keeping that information out, realizing just a tad how hypocritical that would be of him. Sure, he was a hypocritical fucker but sometimes shit mattered. This was infuriating to the savannah. The timing of that one Typhoon kid popping up and this one seeking shelter happened too close to one another, and frankly, Caesar was suspicious.

"As for you, our oh-so-great leader." Caesar looked back at the panther now. "You're allowing this shit? What if he just let some spy in? You're leading us to our demise." He hissed. "I think we should keep the kid as a prisoner. And if he proves his worth than well; fine. He can be a Pittian. But he must earn that right."

Re: VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - roan ; - 03-31-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — In all honesty, Roan hadn't made a conscious decision in choosing to come to the Pitt of all places. When he had first run after lashing out at his mama and the other's, he had just been letting his legs carry him as far away from the Typhoon as they could, so that he wouldn't have to face his mistakes. Evidently, his legs had decided that the Pitt was the polar opposite of the Typhoon, and thus the safest place to be. Even with all the stories that Roan had been told of the Pitt, the boy hadn't been around long enough to see any of the horrors committed by the desert dwelling group, so he didn't want them to suffer. He also certainly didn't want to be the one that brought about that suffering, intentional or not. Despite all this, the draconic apprentice felt relief flood through him when Kydobi spoke, staring at the ardent in shock for a long moment before he responded, "I... I'll be happy to answer any questions that you have... Kydobi, right? I don't want to cause any of you any trouble, and I certainly don't want my family hurting anybody here. I just... I can't be at home right now." He thought about expanding on his reasoning as to why, but he figured he'd cross that bridge when he got to it, as he was sure that was one of the questions Ky had in mind.

Unfortunately, Roan's uplifted mood was dashed near immediately when Caesar approached the scene. Roan felt his own ears pin down in reaction when he heard the yellow feline's harsh words, and he watched as Silvertides recoiled, the fox shrinking in on himself at Caesar's verbal abuse. The apprentice knew he had little room to speak, being in an enemy group that had graciously taken him in, but it hardly seemed as though Caesar was doing himself any favors with his clanmates. Because of this, Roan stepped in front of Silver, shielding the fox from Caesar's onslaught as he hissed, his fur puffed up and his wings raised to make his form seem larger, "I may not be a Pittian, but it doesn't seem like you should be talking to your clanmates or leader like that. I can't prove that I'm not a spy, but I can answer all the questions that he wants to ask, and if he decides to let me stay... well, that's his decision. Not yours. Are you even important around here? I've heard of mister Kydobi. Who I haven't heard of is you." Roan knew full well that he was being snarky, and could be overstepping his bounds considering the situation he was in, but his patience had been growing thin as of late, with all of the troubles he had suffered.
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - aine. - 04-01-2020

I'll come back when you call me
More salt in the air.  The taste of the sea.  The petite vixen slowly approached.  As close as the scent came from... It didn't make sense to be someone she knew.  They wouldn't just walk in.  Well.  Maybe. 

She made a beeline for her father regardless, frowning as she heard Caesar's arrogant and ever-rude voice.  It was Pittians like him that kept them down; kept the targets on their backs.  He just didn't see it.  She didn't know why.  If he was so worried about the Pitt, he should show that loyalty by being concerned about what would happen if they pushed everyone's boundaries again.  It made her head spin.

Consequently, she couldn't help but snort quietly, hearing Roan talk back to the lemon connard.  Even visitors from outside the Pitt knew he was a jerk with a superiority complex.  Oh, so what if he thought this or that?  He was just a loudmouth.  "… No one cares," she muttered through grit teeth.

Her hazel hues flashed towards Roan then, curious.  He couldn't be with his family?  That sounded sad… But, it sounded like Gael, which meant her by extension, were family too... Cousins.  She shuffled her paws, teeth nipping at the inside of her cheek.

"'m...'m Aine." She offered a shy smile, still standing - almost hiding behind - by her father.  Roan seemed nice enough.  And he wasn't taking any of Caesar's nonsense without a fight.  "Its nice-nice to meet you.  Which... Um which... Cousin is your da?"

Raziel and Kian had both been nice to her.  Mostly.  The situation at the time she'd met them... Hadn't been good.  Her father had mentioned Séamus, but she had yet to meet him in person.  Or rather, she had, without knowing it at the time, even counting him among friends, as the fox known as Embry.

Of the two she knew... He looked most like Kian, being a cat and not a big wolf.  Maybe it was him then.  But Uncle Raziel's daughter was a fox... Suddenly, her tiny family seemed so much larger and complicated.  How much didn't she know?
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —