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Plot with this brutal Snowbounder? - Printable Version

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Plot with this brutal Snowbounder? - Sympathy - 05-06-2018

So here he is. Kratos is a very large grolar bear— about 15 years of age (adult)— currently living in Snowbound. He is also a fallen God originally hailing from Greece.

• Friends/Enemies; he is a cold and exclusive person and will require a long time of picking at to earn his approval. give him a reason however, and he will be your enemy.
• Long/Short-term romance; picky. Kratos is not easy to trust others. romance of any sort will be difficult with him.
• Training an apprentice; Kratos is a battle hardened male. while i wont be picky about who he trains, note that his methods of training can be harsh and strict. he will call you out on your flaws.
• Fighting; give him a reason to fight you and he will with all of his might.
• Encountering Gods; He is very untrustworthy of Gods, given his rocky past involving them. He will be defensive and attempt to avoid them at all costs.

Of course if anything you want to do isn’t listed, feel free to suggest stuff! I’m not super picky with plots, so long as there’s a good idea behind them. c;

Re: Plot with this brutal Snowbounder? - Character Graveyard. - 05-06-2018

These two could have an interaction thread? :o

Re: Plot with this brutal Snowbounder? - Sympathy - 05-06-2018

Sounds good. Who makes?

Re: Plot with this brutal Snowbounder? - Character Graveyard. - 05-06-2018

Can you possibly make the thread? I have to go to bed soon bc I have school tomorrow.

Re: Plot with this brutal Snowbounder? - Sympathy - 05-06-2018

Yep. I’ll tag you when it’s done.

Re: Plot with this brutal Snowbounder? - ARGUS - 05-06-2018

I was thinking something like fight buddies for these two? My question is if he could detect if someone was a god, because Argus is a death god- though goes through great lengths to hide it from most of her own clan mates.

If he figures out about it, they could start a brawl in the middle of snowbounds (because argus constantly visits the place) She just keeps comming back and challanages him to fights? Or Argus could find him training and just ask him for a spar that way? (If he can't detect she is a god. And it could be revealed later if we get far enough in plotting c; )

Re: Plot with this brutal Snowbounder? - Sympathy - 05-07-2018

I would absolutely love these two to be fighting buds. I do love the initial meet and fighting. Like Kratos isn't too pleased with Argus coming and going as she pleased and they tousle. And the more Argus comes back and the more they fight, Kratos would probably develop a sort of respect towards her and boom- fight buddies. if this goes well Argus would probably be the very first person Kratos will actually come to like ngl Plus they could definitely learn from each other so I wouldn't mind lumping a sort of training buds plot in there as well.

He can get a feel for immense power most Gods seem to give off, but since non-godly people in this world give off that vibe, he wouldn't really know she's a God until they actually fight, assuming she would use her full power to face him. Or unless she displays some sort of Godly power or something.

Re: Plot with this brutal Snowbounder? - ARGUS - 05-07-2018

Aaa that sounds perfect! Argus needs someone to help her sharpen her skills. And she's the type to pester someone who interests her. (In this case, just showing up sometimes to fight. Or straight up brawling if they see each other)

That makes sense! Argus doesn't take her godhood as much of a blessing as others. -- now that I think about it, they could probably both complain about being gods together. Argus doesn't have any real 'godly powers' beside the ability to force her body to phase through an attack and her impeccable ability to never really die for more than a few days at most.

Ahh. Want a starting thread? Who makes?

Re: Plot with this brutal Snowbounder? - Sympathy - 05-07-2018

I love them both already and they haven’t even interacted yet. Give me good friends complaining about being gods and beating each other up on the weekends. <3

Could you? My muse for starters is nonexistent rip.

Re: Plot with this brutal Snowbounder? - ARGUS - 05-07-2018

sounds good! I'll @ you when I'm done! ^^