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TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART // apologizing + Goldie wanted - Printable Version

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TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART // apologizing + Goldie wanted - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-26-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
After the interaction she had with Seakit, Aphra felt a growing pit of guilt forming in her stomach. By now, she was sure, the kid had gone off in search of his mother, Goldie, and asked her what happened to his stillborn sister. The guilt she felt was more so in regards to how Seakit reacted, not realizing that such news would have that much of an impact on a small child. She expected him to be angry at Goldenluxury, blaming her for his sibling's death, but instead the cub had started to cry and clung onto her in an attempt to comfort himself.

Aphra had asked around camp to see if anyone knew what Goldie's favorite flowers were. Many were suspecious in Aphra's question, having heard what she had done when Goldie gave birth. Thankfully, a kind NPC eventually told her, though they were a tad hesitant. She had gone out in search of hibiscus flowers, though finding pink ones were rather, surprisingly, hard. Either that, or she wasn't looking in the right place. Regardless, Aphra was now coming back to camp with a bouquet of flowers - mostly white, orange, and yellows - in search of the Captain. "Golden?" She called out, sitting the bouquet carefully down at her paws. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" Some part of her was hoping that Seakit would be here too, hence why she was doing this publicly.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART // apologizing + Goldie wanted - deimos - 03-26-2020

To say Sam wasn't surprised would be correct. Though, the taste in the air was a little different. It wasn't one of reluctant hate, which is what Sam would have expected from their talks. No, this was something of bitter grief, something of reluctant depression, instead. But none the less, the doberman stalked onto the scene, her body a bit less pep in the step mode. Seemed she was tired from taking care of the cubs herself. Mismatched eyes raked over the flowers in the bouquet, and she slowly sat down. Her wings rearranged themselves to a comfortable body, and she simple sat and watch. No words were spoken.



Re: TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART // apologizing + Goldie wanted - Seakit Roux. - 03-26-2020


health 100% . weak, young . no powers . baby . minor peaceful powerplay allowed
Seakit was certainly feeling better, though he was a bit confused about it all still. It certainly wasn't weighing him down as much and the sniffles were long gone. He had been chasing a butterfly when Aphra's voice caught his attention, causing the cub to tumble to a stop. He resituated himself, jumping up and shaking the sand from his fur. "Hi Ms. Aphra!" he chirped, bounding up and greeting her with a headbutt to the shoulder before trotting over to Sam and plopping himself between her paws. "Hi mummy!!"

Re: TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART // apologizing + Goldie wanted - roan ; - 03-27-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Truth be told, Roan had little idea of what had gone on between Aphra and his cousin. He hadn't been around for the initial birth of Goldie's cubs, and had only interacted with Aphra in the aftermath when he had treated her wounds, so he only really felt positive feelings towards the white feline. Well, positive feelings and a general sense of unease that dug beneath his fur whenever he thought of her last name – something he resolved to look into, later. Curiosity definitely got the best of the boy when he heard Aphra's voice ring out, presumably searching for Goldie for some reason. Making his way over, the draconic boy sat down beside Sam, his head tilting to one side as he watched what was going on. He didn't say anything, not wanting to interrupt any potential moment, but he did find himself questioning the entire scenario. Why did Aphra have that guilty look in her eyes? Why did she have a bunch of flowers? Was she trying to use the flowers to ask Goldie out on a date? He doubted that would go over very well, especially with Sam nearby sitting and watching, so he hoped that wasn't the case.
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART // apologizing + Goldie wanted - bubblegum - 03-27-2020

Re: TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART // apologizing + Goldie wanted - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-27-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
Samantha was the first to approach and quite frankly, Aphra was forcing herself not to just get up and flee the scene and look for Goldie privately. But no, this had to be done publicly; if not, then everyone could lie and still say that she never apologized. Aphra blinked at Sam, but said nothing to her. The next one to come over was Seakit, and although her original intentions for this was to see how the cub was doing, Aphra didn't want him knowing that she was one of the reasons why Goldie was so distraught over everything. "Hey Seakit." Aphra spoke softly to him, fighting back the anxiety that was forming in her chest. She wanted to be more cheerful when she spoke to kid, but for some reason she wasn't able to force herself anything more than just that soft mew.

Roan followed after Seakit and Aphra gave him a little nod to acknowledge him. Since he didn't say anything, there wasn't any reason to say anything to him, but he was the one who took care of her wounds when she first got them, which she appreciated.

And then there was Goldenluxury herself. At the dismissive tone of the Captain, Aphra had half the mind to just tell her to forget about it. She wasn't sure why she expected the tiger to seem chipper, but it did irritate Aphra to hear the Captain speak to her in such a way. "I wanted to, uh. Apologize." She spoke, now trying to force a smile on her face. She gently pushed the flowers towards the leader, hoping this would convince her. "I... didn't realize how bad saying that -" She cast a glance at Seakit, praying to the non-existent gods that Goldie wouldn't make her admit what she had said. "- would affect you. I-I truly don't know what I was thinking, but I should have never said it. I'm sorry."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART // apologizing + Goldie wanted - bubblegum - 04-02-2020

Re: TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART // apologizing + Goldie wanted - MARINA - 04-06-2020

Well this was going to be interesting. Approaching from afar, Marina couldn't help but let a grim expression overcome her normal smiley expression. With Aphra pleading for Goldenluxury, not even Samantha or her, it obviously seemed like a power grab to her. After all, why wouldn't the conniving bitch crave power? For the uptight cunt Aphra was, she wouldn't be surprised if she'd bend the knee to kiss Goldenluxury's paws either, even if it meant a minimal position. Nevertheless, she settled off to the side and listened.

A snort left the mother. 'What a genuine apology,' Marina's thoughts cooed. She couldn't help but still remain hostile towards Aphra. Even if Goldenluxury pitied her, the domestic feline would always have a target on her back from Marina. Her claws had been stained with her blood once. She wouldn't hesitate to throw down a second time if she got the chance, but after the incident, the jaguar didn't see that happening (unfortunately).

Instead of acknowledging Aphra with an unnecessary comment, she moved over towards Seakit and attempted to wrap her tail around her cub, pulling them closer. He didn't need to be so forgiving to her either.

Re: TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART // apologizing + Goldie wanted - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-08-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra could not read Marina's thoughts, and even if she could, perhaps she would have argued against the jaguar's beliefs. But alas, what Marina thought was true; Aphra would certainly grovel at Goldenluxury's paws if it meant to get power - but that would apply to anyone who happened to be the rank of Captain, not just Goldie. At the same time, though, Seakit truly did make her realize (somewhat) of a mistake she made. Aphra would never know the pain Goldie, Samantha, and Marina felt, as she wasn't a proper mother. Sure, she's had kids, but they meant nothing to her. Absolutely nothing. Aphra would never know the pain the other females had gone through until she experienced it herself, and she wasn't even sure if that was possible. Kids disgusted her, even if they were her own.

Although Goldenluxury seemed to have somewhat accepted her apology, Aphra found herself unsatisfied witht he Captain's words. No, Goldie didn't outright forgive her, and that bothered the oriental longhair. Goldie only stated something about respect and it gave Aphra a fuzzy, angry feeling in her stomach. The Captain's gaze certainly mellowed, but there was no mention of the forgiveness that Aphra was after. She was offended, practically believing that Goldie should be forgiving her. She was making a god damn effort!

Aphra bit her tongue however, forcing herself not to cause another scene. But Marina coming over only further enhanced that feeling of not wanting to argue with Goldie; the jaguar scared her, quite frankly. "Yeah," Was the only response that came from the white she-cat, though her words were a mumble. She went quiet for a few heartbeats before forcing herself to speak again in a louder tone, "Uh. Yeah. I'll be leaving now." There wasn't much else to say here, really - and perhaps Aphra would have if this was a private conversation between the two of them, but unfortunately the she-cat had to make sure this was public.

Aphra awkwardly dipped her head to signal a good-bye, before turning around and heading off towards the tavern. She needed a god damn drink after all this.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]